(Cascades from Hamilton Viewpoint, photographed by David Hutchinson)
Dozens of happenings around West Seattle (plus reasons to visit Georgetown and White Center today too), mostly from our West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE JAMBOREE: 9 am-6 pm today and tomorrow at Bar-S Fields (6425 SW Admiral Way), cheer for WSLL players as they start their season! Details in our calendar listing.
SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Start your weekend on the run! Meet up at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) at 8 am for the regular Saturday morning run.
HEAVILY MEDITATED: Free community meditation, 9 am at Inner Alchemy‘s sanctuary/studio (3618 SW Alaska).
MINDFUL MOVEMENT HEALING CIRCLE: 9:30-11:30 am at FoRest Wellness Collective (3225 California SW).
INTRODUCTORY WALK: First of two sequential weekly walking events – meeting at the same spot, 47th/Fauntleroy, first at 9:30 am for a flat-terrain 1-mile walk.
WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Then at 10 am, join others for the full weekly walk in Lincoln Park (also meet at 47th/Fauntleroy).
SCOUTING FOR FOOD: Two-part food drive! If you got a door hanger from Pack 793, put out your bag of food! If not, you can bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank to the east side of Hiawatha (Walnut south of Lander), 10 am to noon, and drop it off.
FIFTH GRADERS’ BAKE SALE: 10 am-1 pm outside Arbor Heights Elementary (3701 SW 104th), fifth-graders are selling baked goods to raise money for outdoor-education experiences. Gluten-free and vegan options!
HIGH-SCHOOL SOFTBALL: 10 am at Nino Cantu SW Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), Chief Sealth IHS vs. Highline HS.
TILDEN SCHOOL BOOK FAIR: Make a purchase at Paper Boat Booksellers (4522 California SW) through Sunday, mention Tilden School (WSB sponsor) at checkout, and part of the proceeds will benefit the school.
MOUNTAIN TO SOUND OUTFITTERS CLEARANCE SALE: Continuing this weekend! “We’re offering our best discounts of the season on all of our winter gear!” says Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska; WSB sponsor). Plus, sale has expanded to add demo skis and boards! Open 10 am-6 pm today.
MORNING MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Susan Pascal, Jamie Findlay, Chris Symer with “mid-century vibes,” 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
STILL-LIFE SESSION: At Low Tide Arts, 10:30 am – registration info is in our calendar listing. (9140 California SW)
GRIEFSHARE: If you have lost someone close to you, this is for you. 13-week series continues today, 10:30 am, Grace Church (10323 28th SW).
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am – “This is a free, weekly, in-person active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space. Writers of all levels welcome, 16 and up.” Our calendar listing has location and RSVP info.
FAMILY STORY TIME: 10:30-11 am at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), meant for kids 0-5.
HUGE RESOURCE FAIR: Need services or info? The 40+ organizations, agencies, departments, companies participating in today’s 11 am-3 pm resource fair at the ex-Bed Bath Beyond space in central Westwood Village (2600 SW Barton) probably have it. All welcome.
POPWEED POP-UP PARTY: 11 am-3 pm, you can help out at Beyers’ Bulldog Garden, a community site that has quite a backstory. (54th SW & SW Edmunds)
FREE TAX HELP: 11 am-3 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW).
FAMILY READING TIME: 11 am family reading time is back at new home of Paper Boat Booksellers (4522 California SW).
GEORGETOWN BITES AND SITES: Special day for eating, drinking, shopping in Georgetown, 11 am to 5 pm, explained in our calendar listing. (Tickets sold at 5813 Airport Way S.)
SPRING EQUINOX RITUAL WORKSHOP: 11 am-1 pm with Linh Le, explained here, which is also where you can register.
FITNESS TOGETHER OPEN HOUSE & NUTRITION SEMINAR: Two events in one visit to Fitness Together in The Junction!
We are excited to invite you to our Open House & Nutrition Seminar! Come check out FT and learn from West Seattle’s own Michelle Babb MS, RD, CD, a registered dietitian who has written multiple books and helped many in West Seattle with their nutrition needs.
Location: Fitness Together, 4546 California Ave SW (Above The Matador)
Time: 11:15 AM – 1:45 PM
(The seminar starts at 11:30.) FT-West Seattle is a longtime WSB sponsor; find out more about them here.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm – see the newest exhibit, about the West Duwamish Greenbelt! (61st/Stevens)
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER OPEN: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2236 SW Orchard)
SOUL SISTERS SONG CIRCLE: 1-3 pm, sing with “kind, fun women” – our calendar listing has details, including how to get the location.
COMMUNITY DRUMMING CIRCLE: 1-3 pm at Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio (3618 SW Alaska), all welcome, by donation.
MAKE CERAMIC EGGS WITH FRANCES: 1 pm at The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), $50 – details in our calendar listing.
VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
BUNNIES AT OUNCES: 2-5 pm, all ages welcome to visit with bunny rabbits at Ounces! (5214 Delridge Way SW)
FREE MASSAGE: Walk-in clinic at Nepenthe (9447 35th SW), 3-5 pm.
EVENING MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Friends and Folk, folk trio performing 6-8 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all ages, no cover.
CONCERT AT ALKI ARTS: 6 pm, $20 at the door at Alki Arts:
Christopher Reyne is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and audio engineer from Portland, Oregon who crafts his brand of indie folk rock almost entirely on his own. With a sound that is both fresh and familiar, his music has drawn comparisons to such artists as Death Cab for Cutie, The Shins, and Elliott Smith. This is a seated ‘living room style’ concert with refreshments served.
(6030 California SW)
MEANINGFUL MOVIE: “Razing Liberty Square,” about climate gentrification, is the West Seattle Meaningful Movie this time, doors open at West Seattle Unitarian Universalist Congregation (7141 California SW) at 6:30, movie at 7, discussion at 8:30.
LIVE AT EASY STREET RECORDS: 7 pm, Shaker Bloomheart album-release show. No cover, all ages. (4559 California SW)
LIVE AT THE SKYLARK: Tonight – Bandmixers Community Roulette, four mini-sets, four genres! Doors 7, music 8, 21+, $10 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
LIVE IN WHITE CENTER: 8 pm, Tim’s Tavern (16th/98th, White Center) hosts three performers – Wes Watkins, Carrie Jennings, Kate Dinsmore. Tickets here.
REVELRY ROOM DJ: Spinning starts at 9 pm with DJ WD40 at Revelry Room. (4547 California SW)
KARAOKE AT TALARICO’S: Want to sing on your Saturday night? 10 pm at Talarico’s Pizzeria. (4718 California SW)
West Seattle event coming up? If community members are welcome, your event is welcome to be listed on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!