West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Another stolen car to watch for – this report was sent by Jerry: “Our 1992 red Honda Civic, license plate number ABC8590, was taken tonite between 5:00-6:30 pm from California & Eddy streets.” That’s right by Morgan Junction Park and its expansion site. Police report # 25-17697.
A mini-concert by 8-year-old Ashton Hart Wecker celebrated a big gift today from West Seattle Nursery and its customers to Mode Music and Performing Arts, the nonprofit sibling to North Delridge’s Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor). Ashton is a performing prodigy who has studied at both Mode and MMPA, both helmed by Erin Rubin, who was at the nursery to accept the gift from WSN proprietor Marcia Bruno with a heartfelt hug:
The gift was in the form of a check for $4,000. Almost half was from WSN customers adding a donation to their holiday-season purchases, exceeding the drive’s goal; the nursery rounded the customer-donation total up to $2,000 and matched that. The donation drive’s progress was tracked throughout the season by a “thermometer” – here’s WSN employee Bella posing with it:
(Photo provided by West Seattle Nursery)
WSN’s Marie McKinsey explains, “Bella did the graphics and came up with the idea to stack presents to indicate where we were with donations. William, our carpenter and maintenance person, built it out of scrap lumber.” Marcia said WSN employees stepped up financially during the campaign too, some by donating their tips! The end result – youth immersed in music education – was exemplified amply by Ashton, who’s been playing piano since age 4. The Westside School (WSB sponsor) student performed other classics including Billy Joel‘s “Piano Man,” and even had a sticker on his keyboard in honor of that artist:
You can see and hear Ashton busking at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market most Sundays. As for Mode, Erin says it has new middle-school programming, and registration is open for this year’s camps – watch for more on that soon. Beyond that, Mode’s move to make way for light rail is still looming in the future, but while Sound Transit continues to wait for the federal Record of Decision, businesses like Erin’s don’t have access to relocation money yet.
If the King County Council goes with recommendations made today by the 34th District Democrats‘ Precinct Committee Officers, State House Rep. Emily Alvarado will succeed Joe Nguyen as this district’s State Senator, and Seattle School Board president Gina Topp will succeed Alvarado. The PCOs – who themselves are elected to those roles – voted in a special meeting held today in Bellevue and online, facilitated by the King County Democrats. (Since state legislators serve in partisan positions, when their jobs become open between elections, state law and party rules govern the process for choosing replacements.) The process required that three names be sent to the County Council, even if three people hadn’t declared interest in the positions, so although Alvarado was the only declared candidate for State Senator, her name will go to the council along with 34th chair Jordan Crawley and member Drew Estep (both of whom made it clear in brief speeches that they wholeheartedly support Alvarado for the job); for the job she would be vacating, five candidates were nominated – the PCOs chose to use ranked-choice voting, and Topp was the leader, followed by Seattle mayoral adviser Brianna Thomas and Burien deputy mayor Sarah Moore (final round of ranking ended at Topp 35, Thomas 14, Moore 4), so their names will go to the county council. (Side note: Topp said that if she gets the legislative appointment, she’ll stay on the School Board.)
WHAT’S NEXT: After ratification by the KC Democrats, the names go to the County Council, who will make their decision Tuesday. Public comment will be accepted at the council’s 11 am meeting, either in person or online – the agenda explains how; county councilmembers then will interview the candidates for both positions, make their decisions, and the appointees will be sworn in immediately. They’ll serve until these positions can go before voters this fall. The 34th District includes West Seattle, White Center, Burien, and Vashon/Maury Islands; Alvarado and Topp are both West Seattle residents.
This week isn’t as busy as last week for community-coalition meetings, but so far there’s one on the calendar: HPAC – the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – meets in person on Wednesday, 6:30 pm at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW). Here’s the announcement:
While Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge sit along a ridge, we have huge environmental impacts on the watersheds to our east and west. This month our meeting will hear reports from both sides, Longfellow Creek along Delridge and the Duwamish Waterway.
We are super excited to have guest Pamela Adams from BeaverInsights coming to discuss her research and observations of the beaver families living in Longfellow Creek.
It’s easy to pass over or near this urban creek daily without noticing it’s presence, but up and down the creekbed, from Nucor Steel to the Roxhill Bog, several families of beavers, plus other wild critters, have taken up residence and are busily going about their lives. Find out more about them and learn about the benefits they bring to water quality and salmon habitat.
On the Duwamish Waterway side, we will be hearing about progress in the plans for the new West Duwamish Wet Water Treatment Facility, soon to be built near the base of the Highland Park Way hill. King County Wastewater staff will update us on the design and upcoming construction milestones.
As usual, we will have a chance to speak with representatives from the Seattle Police Department about any public safety concerns. The Southwest Precinct building sits directly atop Longfellow Creek, as it runs through an underground culvert below the Home Depot parking lot.
Our meetings are free and open to the public, please join us!
A local Scout troop is celebrating more than a century of history – 110 years, to be exact – and you’re invited to the party. Troop 284 is celebrating its 110th anniversary on February 8, with an event at Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Walmesley Center (35th/Myrtle):
Doors will open at 5:00 pm, dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. We will have a program featuring Troop 284 alumni over the years. We hope you can join us to celebrate this historic troop.
You can buy your ticket(s) now by going here – $65/person, $500 for a table of eight. Questions? bsatroop284westseattle@gmail.com
The report and photo are from Cam:
My 2014 black Chevrolet Corvette, Washington license plate BZD3572, was stolen on 1/19/2025 at 2:05 AM on the 27xx block of 60th Ave SW in West Seattle. The car has a white “Live Long and Prosper” Spock (Star Trek) hand decal on the Passenger side rear panel. I can be emailed at x.cw.x@outlook.com or called at 425-686-8232 for any information regarding the vehicle.
We’ll add the police report # when we get it. (11:55 am update: 25-017145)
9:39 AM: This didn’t generate a big emergency response, so we might have missed it if not for the texter who sent that photo. This happened in the past half-hour at 31st SW and SW Thistle. The response level indicates no serious injuries, but we’re verifying with SFD.
9:58 AM: According to incident audio, the driver walked/ran away from the scene before police got there; he was described as white, 25-30 years old, medium to heavy build, blue sweatshirt, gray sweatpants, black shoes. The crash also was reported to have knocked down some of the pedestrian signage at the intersection.
(River otter, photographed Saturday in Alki area by Rainer Klett)
Mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, another short Sunday list:
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet for today’s run at 9 am at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW).
MEETING TO CHOOSE LEGISLATIVE FINALISTS: 10 am meeting – in person for Precinct Committee Officers and candidates, online for everyone else – as second-to-last step in appointing a successor for former State Sen. Joe Nguyen and potentially the successor for State House Rep. Emily Alvarado, the only candidate for the seat he vacated to lead the state Commerce Department. Details in last night’s preview.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Open 10 am-2 pm, with winter produce (root vegetables! greens! cabbage!), plus beverages, flowers, cheese, fish, meat, prepared hot food, baked goods, nuts, candy, condiments, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)
DUWAMISH TRIBE LONGHOUSE & CULTURAL CENTER: Open for visitors, 10 am-5 pm. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
DONATION DRIVE: Warm clothes, blankets, socks, nonperishable food are among what Alki UCC is accepting in the front courtyard today, 11 am-3 pm, as previewed here. (6115 SW Hinds)
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Need a tool to get your project going, or to finish assembling a holiday gift? Borrow it from the Tool Library, open 11 am-4 pm on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LIVE AT KENYON HALL: 2:30 pm matinĂ©e performance for Bernard Struber and The Mighty Wurlitzer at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) – info, program notes, tickets here.
WEST SEATTLE CLASSIC NOVELS (& MOVIES) BOOK CLUB: 3 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). This month: “Cannery Row.”
ASTRA LUMINA: Celestially inspired light show on the grounds of the Seattle Chinese Garden at the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, 5:30 pm and later admission times. Tickets and info here.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Sunday night music with the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW) – 8-10 pm.
Are you planning, organizing, and/or publicizing something that should be on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Please email us the basic details – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
2:42 AM: Police are investigating gunfire in the 3700 block of SW Admiral Way. First 911 calls came in about possible gunfire a short time ago; then the dispatcher reported getting a call from someone in that block who heard at least one shot and then found broken glass. No injuries reported; no other details so far.
ADDED 4:16 PM: SPD’s summary of the incident:
At 0238 hours, the complainant called to report hearing five gunshots South of the 3700 BLK of SW Admiral WY. While officers were on scene looking for a crime scene, another complainant called to report that he had possible bullet damage in his house window. The second complainant was at home with his wife and two kids when the incident occurred. Officers checked inside the home for evidence and saw a bullet hole in the window. The round struck thick metal and possibly broke up in small fragments. Evidence was recovered, and GVRU was notified.
(That’s the Gun Violence Reduction Unit.)
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