FOLLOWUP: 2 more steps to appointing our area’s next State Senator (and possibly State Representative)

(Photo courtesy Postcards 4 Democracy – L-R, P4D’s Kathy Rawle, House candidates Brianna Thomas, Sarah Moore, Stephanie Tidholm)

Two of our area’s three state legislators might be new to their jobs within days. We’ve been reporting on the process involved in choosing a successor to former State Sen. Joe Nguyen, now state Commerce Director, and possibly the successor to the State House Representative who is the only person in the running for Nguyen’s seat. State House Rep. Emily Alvarado is the only candidate for the Senate seat, while those interested in succeeding her in the House are assistant Attorney General Ben Carr, Seattle city hall staffer Brianna Thomas, state government analyst Colton Myers, engineering manager Geoffrey Wukelic, Seattle School Board president Gina Topp, Burien City Councilmember Sarah Moore, Highline School Board vice president Stephanie Tidholm. (The photo above is from an unofficial forum at which three House Rep. hopefuls were in attendance, during last Tuesday’s Postcards 4 Democracy gathering.) The 34th DDs published this document with the candidates’ statements.

Next step is a meeting convened tomorrow (Sunday, January 19) by the King County Democrats, during which Precinct Committee Officers from throughout the 34th Legislative District – which includes West Seattle, White Center, Vashon and Maury Islands, and Burien – will vote on who to recommend to the County Council, which officially makes the appointment(s). Tomorrow’s meeting is at 10 am at Bellevue College, for the PCOs and candidates to attend in person, and online (here’s the link) for everyone else. Once those recommendations are made, they go to the County Council for a special meeting Tuesday morning (January 21) – here’s that agenda.

2 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: 2 more steps to appointing our area's next State Senator (and possibly State Representative)"

  • People Power January 19, 2025 (10:55 am)

    Fun Fact, Sarah Moore is now the Deputy Mayor in Burien, which is a council/manager city so the Council selects the Mayor (every 2 years) and the Deputy Mayor (every year).

    • Question Authority January 20, 2025 (2:15 pm)

      It will be short lived as she’ll be voted out next election cycle.

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