WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Corvette

The report and photo are from Cam:

My 2014 black Chevrolet Corvette, Washington license plate BZD3572, was stolen on 1/19/2025 at 2:05 AM on the 27xx block of 60th Ave SW in West Seattle. The car has a white “Live Long and Prosper” Spock (Star Trek) hand decal on the Passenger side rear panel. I can be emailed at x.cw.x@outlook.com or called at 425-686-8232 for any information regarding the vehicle.

We’ll add the police report # when we get it. (11:55 am update: 25-017145)

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Corvette"

  • Shadowtripper January 20, 2025 (9:09 am)

    Perhaps it’s time we start being proactive on crime.  Allow police to stop and ticket vehicles that do not have current license tabs.  If car is missing a license plate to identify the vehicle it should be impounded, as it is possibly a stolen vehicle.  Unless the driver can provide a valid registration.Allowing police to make legal stops for vehicles running red lights, failing to stop at stop signs, U-turns in the middle of the block, speeding, reckless driving and all other violations that were enforced several years ago.It’s time has come to put a stop to illegal crime and terror on neighborhoods. 

    • WSB January 20, 2025 (11:15 am)

      They ARE allowed to stop and ticket for no plates etc. And they do. Listen to the scanner some night and listen for the “traffic” calls. As for whether a plateless car is stolen, that’s easily deducible via the VIN.

    • ltm mgm January 20, 2025 (11:26 am)

      We still see so many vehicles with expired tabs driving around and I’m not talking a month or two, I’m talking years! My husband purchased a new truck last year and when the tabs came due I about fell off of my chair and he said I’m not renewing them no one else is, and I said the heck you aren’t, we are responsible people and we do what is right, whether we like it or not. I don’t understand how or why there are so many still past due and it makes me wonder where is the State going to get the funds for the RTA revenue that is tacked onto “your” license renewal when so many people are not renewing???

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