2:42 AM: Police are investigating gunfire in the 3700 block of SW Admiral Way. First 911 calls came in about possible gunfire a short time ago; then the dispatcher reported getting a call from someone in that block who heard at least one shot and then found broken glass. No injuries reported; no other details so far.

ADDED 4:16 PM: SPD’s summary of the incident:

At 0238 hours, the complainant called to report hearing five gunshots South of the 3700 BLK of SW Admiral WY. While officers were on scene looking for a crime scene, another complainant called to report that he had possible bullet damage in his house window. The second complainant was at home with his wife and two kids when the incident occurred. Officers checked inside the home for evidence and saw a bullet hole in the window. The round struck thick metal and possibly broke up in small fragments. Evidence was recovered, and GVRU was notified.

(That’s the Gun Violence Reduction Unit.)

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Admiral gunfire"

  • Admiral Redbeard January 19, 2025 (3:05 am)

    We live nearby and heard 4-5 gunshots in rapid succession, but no other noises, nothing. We couldn’t tell what direction it came from, but would have guessed exactly what you said, around the 3700 block of Admiral Way. I’m glad the police are investigating.

  • BW January 19, 2025 (12:52 pm)

    We heard this too right after 2 am, we are a couple blocks away. Sounded like 5-7 shots in a row, I waited to hear cars driving away or sirens but nothing.

    • WSB January 19, 2025 (4:15 pm)

      Can’t speak to the cars driving away – but sirens are actually far more often from SFD than SPD, and since no one was hurt, there was no SFD response.. Datapoint. Meantime, SPD has released its summary of the incident, which I’m adding above. – TR

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