UPDATE: Woman shot and killed south of The Junction

1:15 PM: Police and fire have arrived at the scene of a shooting in the 4400 block of SW Hudson [vicinity map]. A woman is reported to have multiple gunshot wounds. Updates to come.

1:27 PM: SPD confirms one victim. No other details yet.

1:45 PM: Police do say there’s “no current risk to the community. … There are no outstanding suspects.” And they say the victim has died.

2:37 PM: Just received an initial briefing from police. They say the woman who was killed was 57. (added) They also say three people were involved, and (corrected) would not confirm that an eviction played a role, but they aren’t saying who did the shooting or whether anyone is under arrest, only that, for now, they’re investigating, and not looking for anyone. Video to come when uploaded.

3:26 PM: Here’s the video, from WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli. The SPD spokesperson is Det. Brian Pritchard:

Det. Pritchard also has posted a short summary – with no additional details – on SPD Blotter.

NOTE: This is the fifth non-vehicular homicide of 2024 in West Seattle, after 15-year-old Mobarak Adam‘s shooting death at Southwest Pool/Teen Center in January, 22-year-old Luis Solis Lara‘s shooting death on Duwamish Head in June, 53-year-old William Tappe‘s beating death in the east Junction area in June, and 32-year-old Laupule Talaga‘s shooting death in The Triangle last week. So far Mr. Tappe’s death is the only one in which an arrest has been reported.

3:19 PM: As we just noted in comments – pending a separate followup story we’re writing right now – the woman who died has been identified as 57-year-old Tamara Towers Parry. SPD says in an update this afternoon that she “presented a shotgun” when two people “arrived at the home to serve paperwork” and that one of them, a 40-year-old man, ” fired his handgun, shooting the woman in the torso.” Police say no one is under arrest and that “all firearms were recovered.”

168 Replies to "UPDATE: Woman shot and killed south of The Junction"

  • BDR October 1, 2024 (1:20 pm)

    Wow, in the junction saw the Fire Trucks go by. Knew something big happened. Hope they catch the shooter and the woman will be ok. #StopTheViolence

    • chris October 2, 2024 (6:29 am)

      She was the shooter…

      • BRD October 2, 2024 (12:56 pm)

        Uhmmm. Maybe there were 2 females involved? From what I have read and researched, the property, owned by a woman and a man per King County records, has been in process of foreclosure since 2022. As part of the requirements in WA to foreclose on a property, notices of the impending foreclosure are mailed by USPS, normal mail, certified mail and notices are actually affixed to the front door of the property too.  So whoever was living in the property was made aware it was in foreclosure in recent months. No idea if that is who was at the property yesterday. The owners were about $45k behind on the mortgage. The property sold with a Sherrif’s Deed used to transfer the title of the property to a new owner on 9/30/2024. The Sherrif Deed is what is used to transfer the title of a property sold as a foreclosure. The notices given and posted to the owners, prior to a foreclosure also explain to the owner how they can stop the foreclosure and the dates any action to stop the foreclosure must be taken or the property can be sold. In this case, they could have brought the mortgage current by paying the amount they were behind in the mortgage plus the late fees, court costs and Atty fees on or before 9/11/2024. Alternatively they could have paid off the house in full which would have also stopped the foreclosure. This could have been achieved by selling the house to pay off the amount of the fees due and the owner could have retained any amount received above that. Or, they could have tried to refinance the property. Maybe they were not willing to ask for help or guidance to remedy the situation.  It appears nothing was done, since the county records show the foreclosure sale was completed on 9/30/2024. Could be the new, legal owner of the property went to see if it was vacant, vacated or, if they thought the property was occupied; to begin the eviction process. Based on posts on Reddit, there are claims one of the people that was on the title of the property who was involved in the foreclosure was shot and died yesterday at the house.  Although that has not been confirmed by a police or a news story that I have seen yet. So I’m not going to disclose the name I saw listed. No matter what happened, we know someone was shot and died and 2 other people were ‘involved’. That is traumatic for all involved. Whether it was self defense or something else. Those lives and other’s will never be the same. That is a very sad reality. 

  • MacJ October 1, 2024 (1:33 pm)

    the 911 log has the address of the Qanon house on that block 👀

    • WSB October 1, 2024 (1:42 pm)

      Yes, that is the address. I don’t know, however, if the owner is the current resident. We have someone at the scene and SPD is sending a PIO so hopefully we’ll have more info soon.

      • -S October 1, 2024 (2:44 pm)

        According to the King County Recorder’s site this house was just sold to new owners yesterday.  

        • -m- October 1, 2024 (4:38 pm)

          Its new owners are an LLC (i.e. not a local family), right? That’s what I’m seeing.

          • bill October 1, 2024 (8:48 pm)

            An LLC could well be locals who want a layer of anonymity, for example if they intend to rent it via a management company.

          • Greg N October 2, 2024 (5:21 pm)

            unless “LLC” stands for “Lovely Local Couple”.

    • PB October 1, 2024 (1:52 pm)


    • CarDriver October 1, 2024 (2:04 pm)

      What is the qanon house?

    • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (2:41 pm)

      No empathy for the woman who was shot; but, instead, you need to politicize this tragedy.  Sick.

      • Another Seattleite October 1, 2024 (3:00 pm)

        It can be both. I have so much empathy, it’s another life wasted to gun violence. However the sooner people can admit Q Anon and MAGA bring hate, violence, and intolerance into our communities, the sooner we can do something about it 

        • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (3:44 pm)

          Another Seattleite…Wow…Politicizing this woman’s death is so awful.  Dehumanizing someone that you do not know is beyond disrespectful.  Have some GRACE during this tragic time for the deceased and her family.

        • WS Guy October 1, 2024 (4:05 pm)

          Maybe this kind of stereotyping and demonization brings out the worst in people and puts them on the edge of violence.  I’ve been told that this is the root cause of violence in many communities.

        • WS Guy October 1, 2024 (4:10 pm)

          Also worth reminding you that SHE WAS THE ONE KILLED.  So let’s not blame the victim for violence.

          • Neighbor October 1, 2024 (4:21 pm)

            @WSGuy, yes, she was the person killed… after opening fire at a process server. To me that makes the process server (who was just doing their job) the real victim. 

        • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (5:43 pm)

          Neighbor…I 100% disagree with your politicized, inflammatory comment.   Why can’t you just say RIP?

          • Lisa October 2, 2024 (6:52 am)

            Why can’t you just say RIP? You’re more interested in using her death to virtue signal than express any personal grief or remorse.If you have any qanons in your life, I hope you introduce them to healthy coping techniques because reality isn’t going to change to suit their needs. Or yours.

          • sam-c October 2, 2024 (7:49 am)

            Regardless of politics, you can’t just shoot someone that comes knocking at your door???  Seattleite, did you expect the person who came to her door to just turn around to leave and then get shot in the back? RIP, and hope her family and friends find peace as well.

      • Neighbor October 1, 2024 (3:16 pm)

        Seattleite, this woman is well known for yelling right wing conspiracy theories from the front porch and running out the door waving a Trump flag when planes fly over. She brought politics into it, not her neighbors commenting.

      • Westside October 1, 2024 (3:16 pm)

        Yep, go figure. Gotta love Seattle!

      • Martha October 1, 2024 (3:28 pm)

        Nope. None.

      • JunctionResident October 2, 2024 (8:18 am)

        She fired first at the process server and he returned fire in defense and killed her. I feel empathy that she lost her marbles, according to others she had MS which produced lesions on her brain which resulted in her changing her brain chemistry. That’s when she became paranoid, went down the right-wing rabbit hole (she stormed the capitol on Jan 6th and posted about it online).  However, I believe all of this is relevant to the story and not just a political witch hunt. 

  • Hayden arnold October 1, 2024 (1:42 pm)

    I love on that block and was playing call of duty when I heard a few loud bangs and the sound of sirens a few minutes later. Come to find out that someone was shot on my block 

    • PR October 1, 2024 (2:46 pm)

      Glad you are safe!

  • David October 1, 2024 (1:43 pm)

    SPD now reporting this to be a homicide https://x.com/SeattlePD/status/1841214057418014888?t=5RHUztzF-CYmGD9eAEW2Iw&s=19

    • Samuel October 2, 2024 (12:33 pm)

      It is indeed a homicide, that’s obvious. A “homicide” is a killing of a human being by another human being. That doesn’t mean it is a murder. Legal definitions matter. 

  • MM October 1, 2024 (1:45 pm)

    Heard this as it was coming through on the scanner. According to the initial call a process server was shot at by the occupant with a shotgun and returned fire, which, per SPD twitter moments ago, was fatal. The name of the deceased attached to the call, which I won’t post, curiously came back to a QAnon follower and January 6th participant who gained some local notoriety a few years back.

    • H2OK9 October 1, 2024 (2:07 pm)

      Insightful backstory…thanks.

      • MM October 1, 2024 (2:29 pm)

        No problem, and stay safe. The name of the original shooter/deceased sounded familiar so I hopped on Google (and of course WSB, since you guys are on top of things here—I’m over in SE). Again I don’t want to share anything personal nor unsubstantiated, but it sounds like all you all in WS are pretty familiar with this particular neighbor and initial reports seem to confirm that’s who was involved, being served an eviction notice. I’ll wait for the details from PIO. 

        • WSB October 1, 2024 (2:41 pm)

          The victim is now described by police as 57 years old but they are not confirming anyone’s identity.

        • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (3:05 pm)

          MM…Is your comment “particular neighbor” a snide comment?  Remember, someone is now dead if that registers any sympathy with you at all.  Why don’t you save your gossipy remarks for your neighbors and not post them on a public forum in honor of the deceased.

          • Churro Strength October 1, 2024 (3:45 pm)

            Yes, Seattlite, how dare MM besmirch the dead by listing facts! 

          • Lisa October 1, 2024 (4:22 pm)

            Settle down. Touch grass. Drink water. Breathe.

          • MM October 1, 2024 (4:25 pm)

            I apologize if my comment was taken as snide; I was merely acknowledging that several folks commenting here were familiar with the victim, perhaps negatively so. No, I don’t condone celebrating gun violence, even if the victim has a checkered past or political views I disagree with (especially so—as a glance through so many comments on other news outlets show). I sincerely hope that this wasn’t a case of politically motivated violence from either party. It sounds like this may have been self-defense, but that’s up to the legal system to decide.I want to reiterate that I was only relaying what I heard via SPD/SFD radio traffic in my first comment, and that’s not necessarily the final, true record of what happened. WSB—thanks for filming and posting the news conference; I understand why the PIO is tight-lipped on info and hopefully we’ll hear more shortly as the investigation continues.

          • Chrissy D October 1, 2024 (8:23 pm)

            MM don’t apologize, just let your comment stand.

          • J October 1, 2024 (4:51 pm)

            I quite appreciate MM’s reporting of what they heard on SPD scanner.  
            MM was thoughtful in describing the situation.
            Descriptions such as “particular neighbor” in the second report of MM referenced  their earlier comment about the victim being a “follower and January 6th participant who gained some local notoriety a few years back.”  
            To the reader like myself and many others, this specific information enhanced and reassured  the SPD’s statement about there no longer any threat to neighbors.
            Sorry for the loss of life. 
            Sorry for the presence of firearms.
            Even more sorry for the use of firearms.

          • K October 1, 2024 (5:45 pm)

            Seattlite was on the comment boards not even three months ago praising someone who used their firearm in self-defense, no empathy for the victim there, some thoughts about gun rights, and a plea to let law enforcement sort in out instead of armchair-lawyering.  My what a difference it makes when the deceased is a middle-aged white woman with right-wing views.

          • Jaliz October 1, 2024 (7:02 pm)

            Who answered her door armed AND took the first shot at people doing their job when she stopped paying her mortgage.

          • Also John October 2, 2024 (7:31 am)

            Now that’s interesting….thx.

          • bill October 1, 2024 (6:07 pm)

            Seattlite: In this case I am very certain “particular” should be interpreted as “specific.” If MM wanted to be snide “peculiar” would have signaled that.

          • CW October 2, 2024 (6:13 am)

            So much compassion for the dead! Having read many of your comments, maybe spread that love a little to the living?

  • LT October 1, 2024 (1:46 pm)

    Such a horrific week of gun violence in our community. My condolences to the victim and her family. 😞

  • Connected to the shooting last week? October 1, 2024 (1:48 pm)

    It’s a few blocks over. Is there a connection?

    • WSB October 1, 2024 (1:59 pm)

      No, it’s not a few blocks over, it’s a mile away. But as for a connection, too early to know motive, circumstances, etc.

  • Heather Hanson October 1, 2024 (1:56 pm)

    About 9 cops cars went past my office south of the Junction and I knew something terrible must be going on.  My heart breaks for our community. Love each other, always. 

  • Jason October 1, 2024 (2:00 pm)

    Yep… it’s the conspiracy house

  • anonyme October 1, 2024 (2:04 pm)

    I used to feel relatively safe in West Seattle, but not any more.  Even if the gunfire isn’t random, there’s always the chance of being caught in the crossfire.  Too damn many guns, and most of them in the hands of idiots.

    • 1994 October 1, 2024 (10:41 pm)

      So accurate of a statement this is: Too damn many guns, and most of them in the hands of idiots.

  • Brandon October 1, 2024 (2:16 pm)

    What is the conspiracy house?

    • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (3:01 pm)

      Brandon….Insensitive commenters are politicizing this tragic shooting.  It really shows how unsympathetic and immature people can be during a tragedy.

      • neighbor October 1, 2024 (3:50 pm)

        No one politicized this but the deceased. What really stands out to me is how differently some comments are characterizing this upper-middle class white criminal (who shot first at someone) as tragic, and the commenters as unsympathetic. Perhaps just my perception, but when a person of color shoots at someone and is shot in self defense, the responses seem to be markedly different.
        Having said all of that, this individual’s family have my absolute sympathy.

      • walkerws October 1, 2024 (4:05 pm)

        Describing it as the conspiracy house is not politicizing anything. It is simply describing a house which is covered in qanon conspiracy decorations and paraphernalia, which helps people who know the area to identify this very notable house.

      • Lisa October 1, 2024 (4:30 pm)

        Your only comments here are to police perceived slights to the dead woman. You are more focused on chastising people for what you hope they’re saying instead of expressing your personal grief so maybe you can concern troll somewhere else. I hear X is still a nice place for that style of interaction.

        • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (5:50 pm)

          Lisa…My comments clearly are in sympathy with the deceased.  However, the commenters’ her persist on politicizing the poor woman are insensitive.   Also, you are calling me a “troll” as if I am not allowed to comment the blog.  Why is that?  Is it because I am taking the time to defend this poor, deceased woman against some rather insensitive comments?

          • Local October 1, 2024 (8:20 pm)

            Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I would have much more sympathy if she hadn’t shot first. For the record  I believe gun violence sucks and people should not go around shooting others. However, our actions have consequences and she chose her action. 

          • Lisa October 1, 2024 (8:32 pm)

            How is it insensitive to connect a mentally ill woman to her actions? I don’t think she was a monster and no one here has said anything about her politics. There are plenty of right wingers who can cope with life on life’s terms. As you can see by her descent into conspiracy theory rabbit holes, she became distracted by an abusive system set in place to take advantage of people like her and she never developed the proper coping skills to deal with life. She nearly killed an innocent and her actions directly resulted in her own death. This isn’t politics. It’s tragedy. It’s a mental health crisis. It’s a cultural normalization and even celebration of the inability to separate truth from fiction. It’s people building their coping skills and crisis plans around someone selling merchandise and ad revenue.Am I politicizing it or did she die needlessly because of a political movement’s enmeshment with cultish behaviors? She’s dead either way so it doesn’t matter for her but it does for the other person subscribed to a belief that isn’t rooted in reality. Maybe they’ll realize that their coping toolbox doesn’t have much besides red pills and a handgun and decide it’s time to diversify. Maybe they don’t care enough to try. I’ll always hope that something good can come from great loss.May her memory be a blessing.

          • Bill October 2, 2024 (10:33 am)

            Thank you Lisa. 

    • Tara October 1, 2024 (3:24 pm)

      QANON house 

    • WSTW October 1, 2024 (3:56 pm)

      The house has a very large QAnon display in the window and the QAnon slogan “WWG1WGA” power washed into her driveway. The neighbors call it “The QAnon House” or “The Conspiracy House” in the way you would call a house that had a giant Santa Claus and a decorated tree up year ’round “The Christmas House.”

      • WSB October 1, 2024 (4:11 pm)

        One of our photographers there just sent more photos and that includes one of the house, taped off, which we have added above.

      • KD October 1, 2024 (5:08 pm)

        WSTW; sorry, but what is the acronym WWG1WGM stand for? 

        • Roger Helton October 1, 2024 (7:15 pm)

          It’s a qanon slogan; “Where We Go One (1) We Go All” 

        • poop October 1, 2024 (7:31 pm)

          where we go one, we go many.. or something like that.. it’s the Qanon slogan

          • KD October 1, 2024 (8:24 pm)

            ~ Thankyou 

          • AA October 1, 2024 (9:22 pm)

            As someone not at all familiar with Qanon, this sounds like a lazy ripoff of Liverpool’s slogan “you’ll never walk alone”

      • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (5:54 pm)

        That is a ridiculous comparison.  

  • valvashon October 1, 2024 (2:43 pm)

    Not hard to find her name.  The King County Parcel Viewer is your friend.  Search for the name, then watch the video posted on Reddit.  Wow.

    • NorthAdmiral October 1, 2024 (3:37 pm)

      Yep, though it’s quite possible that she was the victim in this case given her age matching the reported age of the victim. Sad all around, regardless of her political beliefs she didn’t deserve to be a victim of gun violence.

      • Ron Swanson October 1, 2024 (3:53 pm)

        If the scanner traffic is correct and she shot at a process server they’re the victim here, not her.  Very traumatic to have to take a life even in self defense. 

      • Greg October 1, 2024 (4:35 pm)

        The eviction team that she shot at is the real victim here. Must be traumatic to deal with this and it it’s going to be hard for them to maintain empathy during their necessary and important legal function after this.

      • Jaliz October 1, 2024 (6:55 pm)

        Don’t shoot at people, especially other armed people or they are very likely to return fire. That said, why were the eviction servers armed? Are they normally armed?

        • Josh October 2, 2024 (12:29 am)

          They’re often armed because people being evicted often try to shoot the messenger, or stab them, or beat them, or take them hostage. It’s like being a repo man who doesn’t have the option of towing the car away quickly when you’re not looking. 

      • Jaliz October 1, 2024 (6:57 pm)

        Don’t shoot at people and they will, more often than not, not shoot you. If you fire at armed strangers you are certainly increasing your odds of getting shot yourself 

  • Fred October 1, 2024 (3:15 pm)

    Should we remain in our houses while the police look for the suspect? It sounds like the suspect is still at large.

    • WSB October 1, 2024 (3:31 pm)

      Police have said repeatedly, and I’ve included it a couple times above, they are not looking for anybody. AKA, no suspect at large. While they aren’t saying yet whether anyone is under arrest, that does not mean no one’s being detained/questioned.

    • J October 1, 2024 (4:34 pm)

      @Fred did you even read the article or are you a headline reader and then post type??? NO THREAT at anytime to the community! Duh! 

  • Moi October 1, 2024 (3:23 pm)

    I’ve always been creeped out walking by the Q Anon house.

    • Td3 October 1, 2024 (8:47 pm)

      Same same same 

  • oerthehillz October 1, 2024 (3:37 pm)

    Zillow has the house listed as in pre-foreclosure earlier this year.

  • HS October 1, 2024 (4:18 pm)

    It’s a very scary thing to read that someone may have lost everything due to extreme disinformation.

  • Burgerman October 1, 2024 (4:25 pm)

    I’m sorry, but a QAnon “believer” who spews MAGA hate and shoots at a process server unprovoked and gets shot herself, is not a “victim.”  Poking the proverbial bear has consequences. The process server has and had every right to defend themself with equal force presented, especially if their life was in danger. Hand-wringing and castigating those who choose to believe people have the right to defend themself against deadly force isn’t right.

  • Grilled Cheese October 1, 2024 (4:40 pm)

    Sad situation. I live close to the Police Station on Holdon, and anytime I hear the whole WS police force blazing up the hill, there’s a 90% chance of an active shooter or a bank robbery. She might be different than you, but she is a human being. RIP

    • Jethro Marx October 1, 2024 (5:27 pm)

      I can’t tell if nonsense is your goal or just happened here; I cannot recall a single “active shooter” scenario in West Seattle in the time I’ve lived here, assuming you mean a person shooting people indiscriminately solely for the sake of killing.  The closest was probably when the Cafe Racer suspect was arrested a few blocks off 35th. But what a way for you to describe routine police activity, what?

  • Greg N October 1, 2024 (4:52 pm)

    “a 57 year old woman” matches the description of the legal owner Tamara Towers Parry. the house is in foreclosure with $24,000 behind in payments (~1year on a $400k loan). There is an article in the UW Daily from 2021 about her because there was footage of her in the capitol insurrection on january 6th. She was at one point a doctor (graduate of UW Medical School) and someone noted that she was suffering from MS which they said caused lesions on her brain that affected her thinking and behavior and turned her in to a different person. So while I always had my own opinions of whoever must be living in the QANON house, that really colors things in a way that makes me feel more compassion.

    • Pete October 1, 2024 (8:34 pm)

      That’s desperately sad. 

    • GHO October 1, 2024 (8:44 pm)

      Though I’ve not heard that piece, MS would not have anything to do with following QAnon. I’m not going to dive into my personal connection with Dr. Tammy Parry, but knowing her history over the years, it’s been progressive and I’m not surprised, but so very saddened. It was a deep spiral from the Hippocratic oath to conspiracy psychosis. Thank god no one else was hurt.

    • GHO October 1, 2024 (8:51 pm)

      Though I’ve not heard that piece (first met her in 2015?), don’t think MS would have anything to do with following QAnon. I’m not going to dive into my personal connection with Dr. Tammy Parry, but knowing her history over the years since then, it’s been progressive and I’m not surprised, but so very saddened. It was a deep spiral from the Hippocratic oath to conspiracy psychosis. Thank god no one else was hurt.

      • RN October 1, 2024 (11:55 pm)

        I worked with Dr. Tammy a long time ago, before she was diagnosed with MS. I remember when she left after being diagnosed, I was so shocked and heartbroken for her, and she was the healthiest and most active person I knew. Dr. Tammy was so kind, caring, and was absolutely nothing like this. I’ve always wondered how she was doing. How devastating and scary to see what MS can do, how random it is, no matter how healthy and educated, yet still no cure for MS in sight. Scary. I hope people can try to understand this was once a kind and caring doctor, and not be so quick to judge and slander her without knowing her tragic story. I feel sorry for all involved.

        • Kravitz October 2, 2024 (5:58 am)

          @RN – Thank you for writing this. I am a former patient and friend, and you summed up the person I knew prior to her diagnosis and downfall into what is a horrible end result. I believe in my heart that she truly cared for me and countless other patients during her time at Swedish. I see so many comments here that are frankly cruel – and I get it. It’s a human response to horrific behaviors and events that are hard to process. But speaking of people that you know nothing about, or that you have no connection to says more about you than the decedent. I do not condone any of her actions. After I saw her participation in Jan. 6, I reported it to authorities. I struggled with how I felt betrayed by her care for me; I trusted this person with my physical and mental health.  How could the wonderful Dr. that I knew and trusted be this same person? I feel terrible that someone had to take her life in defense of their own. They will now have to deal with this for the rest of their life. I can’t even imagine what they must be going through right now. I wish that the circumstances were different, but her actions caused this. It’s heartbreaking all the way around. 

        • D-Mom October 2, 2024 (7:42 am)

          I appreciate knowing this to understand the person who fell into this state. It is indeed very sad. 

  • Neighbor October 1, 2024 (5:12 pm)

    Disturbing about a homicide in the hood. Always got the heebie jeebies walking past that house. 

  • Kravitz October 1, 2024 (5:19 pm)

    I find this all very sad and disturbing. I knew this person long before QAnon was even an idea, and she was a kind, compassionate, and caring professional and friend before the political climate changed so dramatically. I don’t know why or how she changed, I just wish she could’ve gotten help. Regardless of beliefs and politics, this is another human killed by gun violence. If she fired upon someone and they rightfully defended themselves, then these are the consequences of her poor decisions. I feel for her family members and those that genuinely cared about her, even with her beliefs and mental struggles. 

    • WSTW October 1, 2024 (5:48 pm)

      Thanks for posting this. She very likely was suffering from mental illness but the sickness that is QAnon made it impossible for her to get help. 

    • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (5:57 pm)

      Thank you for your kind comment, Kravitz.  Commenters on this thread really have know idea who she was and that she was a well respected professional in her field.

      • Jen October 1, 2024 (6:50 pm)

        Seattlite, as someone that actually works in her field, I’m curious about your sources that indicate she was so well respected in her profession. 

        • Kravitz October 2, 2024 (6:04 am)

          @Jen – she was well respected from patients and colleagues prior to her illness. She was my Doctor for at least 10 years, and friend thereafter for around 3. Her health and mental wellness changed.

    • Kayo October 1, 2024 (7:19 pm)

      She was my doctor many years ago. Also my young daughter’s. She was one of the best doctors I’ve ever had, so it was extremely disconcerting to discover her social media posts in 2020 that were increasingly unhinged. (She had not been our doctor for several years at that point but I remembered her warmly). I even commented on one of her posts anonymously once that I remembered her as a good doctor and was surprised by her posts and she went ballistic on me. It was sad and honestly a little scary. She ended up filming herself on the Capitol steps on January 6th. She was outed locally after that and banned from her main social media platforms (Youtube, Twitter). Other than catching glimpses of her in West Seattle once in a while, I lost track of her until today. I still struggle with the disconnect of the person I once knew as a kind, compassionate and wonderful doctor and this person who was clearly wrestling with huge demons and caught in a deep conspiracy rabbit hole. I am sure we will find out more about what transpired here or even if this was her. (Maybe not). Whatever happened, this was a tragic day for everyone involved and my heart goes out to them. 

      • Annie Lock October 1, 2024 (11:12 pm)

        She was my doctor too – sometime between 1999 and 2002 at the Swedish clinic on Roosevelt.  She really helped me as a young person back then.  This is really sad.

      • Seattlite October 2, 2024 (12:01 am)

        Kayo…There were many others who were her patients who felt the same as you…she was a great doctor.  

    • Jen October 2, 2024 (7:14 am)

      Thank you for this. It is terrible all the way around, but I appreciate people talking about the person she was before her illness changed things.

    • WSeattleDoc October 2, 2024 (11:04 am)

      @Kravitz , Tammy was my mentee way back in the day I remember her as a compassionate, caring and smart family doctor then. Thank you for sharing your memories as they match mine. I did not realize she was a WS neighbor and regret not having tried to reach out in some way over the years. May her memory be a blessing even though these past several years must have been so difficult for her loved ones and family. 

  • Suzanne October 1, 2024 (5:23 pm)

    I am very sorry for the process server who was in harms way when s/he became a target of the person who apparently refused to leave. I’ve passed that house many times on my walks and always felt sorry for the neighbors.

    As someone who has family members who suffer from mental illness, I can appreciate how debilitating it is and how it can completely derail a life as well as profoundly affect all those close to the individual affected.

    If the victim is who it appears to be — the former owner of that house and an avid supporter of QAnon, she has traveled a long way downhill from her earlier medical training.

    I hope she’s found some measure of peace now (RIP), and that those closest to her also find peace and can move on in much more positive ways.

    My heart is with all the victims. 

  • TM J October 1, 2024 (5:37 pm)

    This is a tragedy, and I’m so sad for the victim’s family and friends.  I wish you love and peace.

  • Rhonda October 1, 2024 (6:26 pm)

    Too many of the comments on here are cruel and short-sighted. A person suffering from obviously-severe mental illness was fatally wounded while losing their home. A person tasked with presenting someone with devastating documents/legal action(s) was forced to take this person’s life while almost losing theirs. This situation should have been handled VERY differently and much sooner than it was. Prayers for everyone involved: victims, families, court personnel, neighbors, first responders, investigators, etc. 

    • Seattlite October 1, 2024 (9:18 pm)

      Rhonda…Your comment is very sincere and kind.  Thank you.

      • Husky October 2, 2024 (4:44 pm)

        You just watched how someone can descend into homelessness, mental illness, crime, and violence, and how it should have been handled better, sooner, and differently.  We’ve watched you both vilify, demonize, and blame these people for the situation they’re in, with insane comments implying that they chose to be homeless, chose to be in the situations they’re in, refused help and opportunities to change, and literally celebrate when bad things finally happen to them in the comment boards here, for months.  It’s weird that you only now suddenly empathize with them when it’s someone obviously conservative instead, and simultaneously screech at others for supposedly “politicizing” things.  If you’re so offended by people’s response and lack of empathy to this situation, perhaps you should consider how ugly your responses and lack of empathy historically are as well, and maybe set some better examples in the future.  

    • Bbron October 1, 2024 (10:33 pm)

      it’s baffling (and not at the same time) that you are extending your sympathies to the deceased because they were allegedly mentally ill and about to be homeless, yet I never saw you in the threads about the Trenton RVs extending any sympathies. if it comes out to be true that the deceased attempted to shoot someone first, you have more sympathy for someone attempting to take another’s life, yet none for those living next to a shopping center you frequent…

      • Neighbor October 2, 2024 (4:05 pm)

        I hear what you are saying Bbron but expressing sympathy for one person’s crisis doesn’t imply a lack of concern for others.  The deceased was at one point a respected member of the community.  It makes sense there would be people close to them sharing their experiences.  It’s unreasonable to expect people to respond to every issue in order to be taken seriously.

        • Husky October 2, 2024 (4:55 pm)

          Hey Neighbor!  No one expects anyone to respond to each and every issue, Bbron is actually referring to the many numerous examples of these people actively expressing their lack of empathy and concern for others.  Here is an example There’s many other example too, pretty much anytime the discussion of homelessness come up.  It’s so consistent that I doubt they’re about to stop, so if you just keep your eyes open, I’m sure you’ll see it for yourself sooner than later.  Happy Tuesday.

          • Neighbor October 2, 2024 (9:49 pm)

            Oh, wow, yikes.  I thought Bbron was just posting a strawman but yeah Rhonda definitely has a double standard.

        • Jort October 2, 2024 (5:50 pm)

          But, Neighbor, these same people shushing everybody else often are responding to every issue — and often with a decided and marked lack of empathy or compassion – sometimes bordering on glee. For some reason, this person, this obviously politically affiliated person, engenders admonitions of blanket deference to compassion. Considering the sources of this admonition, the hypocrisy is absolutely worth noting. And hopefully it serves a learning moment – that the world is full of tragedy and that many deserve compassion, whether it’s somebody who was lost to the unrecoverable depths of conspiracy theorizing or somebody who lost their home and turned to drugs. 

  • tyto alba October 1, 2024 (6:35 pm)

    Word on the internet is that this woman’s mental health issues started pre-2016, due to brain lesions caused by MS. Guns and untreated/able mental health issues are a frightening mix. She certainly should not have had access to a firearm. Very sad all around. 

  • J October 1, 2024 (6:36 pm)

    Beyond disgusted by so many comments.I would NEVER EVER say, oh they had a democrat sign or LGBTQ flag…oh well. Like her or not, she’s a neighbor and part of the community.

    • maria October 1, 2024 (8:02 pm)

      Agreed. I’m very disturbed by the lack of compassion in these comments. She was mentally ill. 

    • bill October 1, 2024 (9:08 pm)

      Why is it disgusting to refer to the most distinguishing and prominent features of her house? Because they are on the political fringe? If she instead had an outlandish elephant topiary would it be out of place for the neighbors to say, “Oh the lady with the elephant topiary?”

    • Greg October 1, 2024 (10:04 pm)

      Her political opinions were far outside the Overton window whereas your examples are not.

    • K October 2, 2024 (2:29 am)

      Oh, please.  Referring to a house by a well-known local moniker is not politicizing anyone’s death.  If this had happened at Highland Park’s Creepy Doll House, that’s not politicizing doll collectors.  The house is known as the QAnon house because of the decorations the homeowner displayed, and those decorations make the house stand out.  My heart goes out to the poor process server who was attacked while trying to do their job, and to the family of the woman who died.

  • ThatBoo October 1, 2024 (6:44 pm)

    Process server ranks right below 7-11 clerk on the list of high risk occupations.

  • Jaliz October 1, 2024 (6:49 pm)

    I was a neighbor of hers for years and she definitely had some untreated mental health issues. No one gets evicted without a lot of notice. Even if police went with the people who served her, she likely would have still come to the door with her shotgun. Do people serving eviction papers usually do it armed? If not, why did these people on this particular occasion? Were there prior threats to those evicting her and if so why weren’t the authorities notified or at least alerted to the potential for violence while serving her? They were concerned enough to bring guns but not enough to ask for assistance from professionals? I don’t know the answers or if any of the above notifications or requests occurred. Just seems like it could and should have ended with everyone still alive.

    • Alki resident October 1, 2024 (8:04 pm)

      A lot of people take on this job after retiring from police dept. It’s not full time work, you can make your own hours and pays well but it’s extremely dangerous. Once my friend retired from serving over 30 yrs with King County and took on this role. He had two very close calls and finally decided it was time to go. Yes, they are normally armed, rightfully so. Lots of different types of documents get served daily. 

    • Anne October 1, 2024 (10:15 pm)

      You don’t know any of the answers but have no problem assuming none of those steps you mentioned -steps YOU think should have been taken -weren’t. Geez. 

      • Jaliz October 2, 2024 (8:30 am)

        Oh poor Anne. You’re the only one permitted to have thoughts or ideas? No one else is allowed to wonder how this could have been prevented from happening to my neighbor? Yeah..I assumed something and said it was an assumption.  Never claimed it to be a fact. Isn’t that why comment sections are here? So people can discuss, wonder, provide insight or information and empathize with one another? Guess not for you Anne. More the “insult and belittle” type huh…it’s OK. Posts like yours provide comic relief for most who read them. My neighbor is dead, my kids were home and heard the shots but you go ahead and put me right in my place…I’ll wait.

    • WiseWoman October 3, 2024 (9:12 am)

      Exactly this.

  • K October 1, 2024 (8:09 pm)

    I believe this was a foreclosure auction and not eviction (since the home was owned). I followed her story since J6 and can see that propaganda and potential (speculated in this thread) mental illness may have led her to this tragic ending. Process servers more than likely are armed in one way or another. They’re almost like repo agents where people do everything and anything they can to avoid service and therefore, their legal matters cannot move forward.

  • valvashon October 1, 2024 (8:32 pm)

    Untreated mental illness is a terrible thing and if we had a universal health care system, like every other developed country in the world, perhaps this woman would have received the treatment and care she needed.  If your illness is causing you to lose your job and not make your house payments you aren’t keeping up on your medical insurance payments and regularly seeing your therapist or whatever.  Having said that, those of you who are upset with the pointing out that this is the Q-Anon house, etc., are missing the point.  The Q-Anon/MAGA cult/fascist/election denying/Second Amendment is King ideology is steeped in violence in a way that those of us who might have a Harris/Walz sign in the yard or a rainbow flag hanging out front just aren’t.  Indeed, it would have been odd if she hadn’t answered the process server’s knock with a shotgun blast.  For the Q-Anon crowd Et al. using violence to get what you want is a right, it’s how to solve problems, it’s how to prove your superiority, it’s how to instill fear in others.  It’s who you are.

  • LJJ October 1, 2024 (8:33 pm)

    Looks like the house went to preforeclosure/auction. My guess is that this is related to what went down today regarding the eviction speculation. I saw that the deceased was the homeowner, and wondered why a homeowner would be evicted, realizing that foreclosure was a potentiality. https://www.zillow.com/homes/4401-SW-Hudson-St-Seattle,-WA-98116_rb/ 

    • JustSarah October 1, 2024 (9:20 pm)

      Yes, the house was foreclosed on and new owners closed on their purchase yesterday. 

      • heyalki October 2, 2024 (7:11 am)

        I wonder if the new homeowners still want it…yikes

  • PotKettleBlack October 1, 2024 (8:47 pm)

    It’s amazing how much “empathy” West Seattle suddenly manages to conjure up when a well educated, white, conservative women is prevented from murdering a public servant on the steps of her $400k home. If she were poor, black and living in a tent on the sidewalk half of WS would be planning a parade in celebration. 

    • JustSarah October 1, 2024 (9:24 pm)

      Not her $400k home. Her >$1.6M home. She owed $400k, but the value has increased significantly since purchase in 2007. She could have cashed out and bought a place outright in a small town in a red state. She must have had reasons, mental health or personal, to remain here in Seattle.  

      • PotKettleBlack October 1, 2024 (11:09 pm)

        Dang! I stand corrected. That could have fetched her a whole bunch of World Liberty Financial Nuggets… or Tokens… or whatever Maga’s latest scam is calling them.

      • Rhonda Too October 2, 2024 (11:43 am)

        Here’s another perspective:  it appears this was her home for the past 17 years. I packed up my 1300 sq foot condo two years ago after living there for 15; I personally found it overwhelming at times and thankfully had help. Regarding her selling/vacating: maybe with her health struggles, she felt that way too on some level; it sounds like (imo) she didn’t want to leave her familiar home/safe space. In my past dealings with anti-government people, I learned a lot of them also believe the government has no authority over them. Yes, she should have been paying her mortgage. And absolutely YES, she shouldn’t have had access to guns. So sad. 

    • pophouse October 2, 2024 (8:21 am)


      if the victim was shooting at process servers was in white center the comments would be … a lot different

    • Chas. October 2, 2024 (10:30 am)

      A process server is not a public employee or public servant. In this case the server was acting on behalf of the LLC who bought the house. While the server has the right to defend himself, it’s fair to speculate how this woman’s life might have been saved. Couldn’t the server have retreated and called the police, who are legally authorized to deal with this kind of thing? Granted, it still might have ended up with the woman’s death. But process servers are not qualified to mete out justice on behalf of the community.

      In no other developed country would this have been the ending, by the way.

    • WMF October 2, 2024 (10:08 pm)

      That’s quite a persecution fetish you have. I’m not one to kink shame. I’m just saying…

  • Jeremy October 1, 2024 (10:47 pm)

    Such a shame our Stars and Stripes Symbol of Freedom was hung outside.  I suppose it’s easier to point a finger at a country no matter the situation.

    • Lisa October 2, 2024 (10:50 am)

      Who’s pointing a finger at the US?

  • Kt October 2, 2024 (8:45 am)

    Did the deceased have a valid license to own the gun she fired at the process server?  Did the red flag laws fail her?  

    • Neighbor October 2, 2024 (4:14 pm)

      Kt there’s no requirement to have a license to own a shotgun in Washington.  So the answer to your question is both yes and no.  No, she didn’t have a license for the gun but yes, she had all the appropriate licenses.

  • Chas. October 2, 2024 (8:58 am)

    One thing that people aren’t discussing – I get why a process server would carry a gun in the US, particularly on a foreclosure. But if the server were shot at and not injured, wouldn’t a more sensible action be for the server to retreat and call the police? A crime was committed, and there no reason a process server needs to be judge, jury, and executioner.

    • Amy L October 2, 2024 (10:42 am)

      That’s too much speculation to base a discussion upon.  None of us were there, nor have we spoken to the process server involved.

    • James October 2, 2024 (10:47 am)

      How did you behave when you were shot at @chas?  I’m guessing u have no answer because you’ve probably never been in that situation.  

    • shufflerunner October 2, 2024 (10:58 am)

      Just because someone misses with their first shot doesn’t mean they will with the second. Your time to consider options is limited when you are staring down the barrel of a gun. 

      • James October 2, 2024 (11:16 am)

        Agree @shufflerunner.  Not a lot of time to consider being a judge,  jury,  and executioner.  More like a split second decision to live or die, and maybe even save the 3rd person involved.

      • Rhonda Too October 2, 2024 (11:49 am)


    • K October 2, 2024 (11:06 am)

      The police are investigating this as a homicide, Chas.  They will determine if the person had the opportunity to retreat, or felt that using lethal force was their only option.

      • Law professor October 2, 2024 (9:53 pm)

        The legal definition of a “homicide” is the death of a human being at the hands of another human being, which this is according to the facts. It does not necessarily mean a “murder” which I believe is what you are referring to and includes the mental state of malice (ie “intent,” in its various forms). 

    • Amy L October 2, 2024 (11:09 am)

      Has info come out stating that the survivor who was shot at wasn’t hit? 

      • WSB October 2, 2024 (1:13 pm)

        Authorities said yesterday that only one person was injured (the person who died) and did not elaborate on why they said three people were “involved.”

    • Man in the Street October 2, 2024 (11:13 am)

      I appreciate the question, but can’t we have a (more?) intelligent “discussion” of who coulda, shoulda, woulda done what to whom AFTER we have a factual account of who did what to whom, and when? The only information that we have been given by the police is that a 57-year-old woman  is dead of multiple gunshot wounds — and while I suspect that most of the information provided by posters here is correct, none of it is verified. I recognize that part of the appeal of social media is the ability to rush to judgment, but to what end?

    • Julian October 2, 2024 (11:53 am)

      There’s no reason for anyone to play Monday morning quarterback on how a person chooses to defend their life. If he had retreated and called the cops, that would be valid, his actions here were valid as well. He didn’t fire back because there was a crime and he wanted to play judge, jury, and executioner, he fired back because someone was actively trying to end his life. 

  • Emilio October 2, 2024 (9:44 am)

    Do we yet know the identity of the victim

    • WSB October 2, 2024 (9:52 am)

      Official identification comes from the King County Medical Examiner’s Office, which releases a list every weekday afternoon of IDs/causes of death in some cases (not all deaths in the city are investigated by the ME), usually around 3 pm.

  • snowskier October 2, 2024 (12:38 pm)

    Really glad that the process server, a person just doing their job, wasn’t physically injured in the altercation.  I wish the outcome had been different for the woman but I’m amazed at the lack of sympathy for the process server.  Someone tried to kill them for delivering some legal documents. 

  • WSB October 2, 2024 (12:41 pm)

    We checked with SPD – no arrests have been made. They’re promising a bit more of an update at some point this afternoon. – TR

  • WSB October 2, 2024 (3:18 pm)

    SPD has just added the promised update to the original SPD Blotter post from yesterday.
    I’m not posting a separate followup until and unless the ID comes in.
    Police write that the woman who died “presented a shotgun” – not “fired,” but “presented” – and that one of the other people then “fired (their) handgun.” – TR

    (Added P.S. I asked them to clarify, and they confirmed, “The shotgun was not fired.”)

  • WSB October 2, 2024 (3:19 pm)

    And in the last minute the ID list has come in. The woman who died was indeed Tamara Towers Parry, cause of death “multiple gunshot wounds.”

  • Andre October 2, 2024 (8:42 pm)

    I knew Tammy. Everyone needs to know she was diagnosed with MS, specifically infecting her brain, and more specifically the parts of her brain that has to do with reason, logic, judgement, personality. It was a slow and horrible decline. This has affected her friends and family so terribly. My wife and I are in utter shock. She used to be such a wonderful person. Totally amazing. Athletic. Beautiful. A doctor.  She had it all. I can’t tell you how sad this is. 

    • WSeattleDoc October 3, 2024 (7:17 am)

      So sorry for what you and her friends and family have had to bear, and that there was not a way for treatment to improve her outlook/ condition. I knew her before and agree with all you’ve posted about her pre MS decline. 

  • Dennis October 2, 2024 (9:28 pm)

    If I had a crayon I would draw a picture for you all, bit I am not sure it would make a difference.  Nevertheless, I will type real slow, take your time.  A woman answered the door of her domicile holding a shotgun.  She was shot dead at her domicile by a person the police have not identified, there to present papers unspecified, and who was not arrested.

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