West Seattle’s only emergency shelter – powered by donations and volunteers – is moving into spring mode. Its manager Keith Hughes sent a list of its current needs:
I want to thank the West Seattle Community for their generous and continuous support of our efforts to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing Homelessness in the West Seattle community.
For the springtime we are running the Morning Warm-Up Center every day from 7:30 am to 10 am, with breakfast, shower, and laundry available. Our current needs to sustain this effort are:
Regular oatmeal, instant oatmeal, instant hot chocolate, pancake mix, pancake syrup, cornbread mix, tea bags, 12-ounce hot cups (paper, no lids please), regular paper napkins, laundry detergent pods, toilet paper, paper towels.
You can take donations to the shelter at 3618 SW Alaska.