CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenager dies of injuries from post-carjacking West Seattle crash

(WSB photo, December 29)

8:12 PM: When we reported Saturday on the charges against a Burien carjacking suspect arrested in West Seattle on December 29, court documents said the teenager who crashed the stolen car shortly thereafter remained unidentified and in critical condition. According to today’s King County Medical Examiner’s Office list of death investigations, he has died. The KCMEO says he was 14 years old and died from burns suffered when the Suburban caught fire after colliding with a semi-truck at West Marginal and 2nd SW. There are no details such as residence or school. The adult suspect, 20-year-old Edil N. Pineda-Mencia, remains in the King County Jail awaiting arraignment on two felony charges.

10:56 PM: We’ve just learned from a reader that the 14-year-old was a student at Highline High School in Burien.

36 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenager dies of injuries from post-carjacking West Seattle crash"

  • Laura January 8, 2024 (8:18 pm)

    Horrible. Sad. When is this stupid madness going to stop. 

  • gave advice January 8, 2024 (8:30 pm)

    There was another 14 year old couple months back that stole a Kia/Hyundai and crashed with a 50ish year old man that was doing a u-turn in the south end.  That man died.  14 year olds should not be behind the wheel !  

  • 937 January 8, 2024 (8:38 pm)

    What a waste.

    What could’ve been.

  • Alki resident January 8, 2024 (8:56 pm)

    I hope kids see this and learn from it. There’s way too many kids car jacking and stealing and they think they’re going to get a thrill and go home. Now the victim has to pick up the pieces and afford another vehicle and the family of the kid gets to live the rest of their lives without him. Parents, get a grip on your kids. 

    • AlkiRes January 8, 2024 (9:21 pm)

      Why do you suppose parents don’t have a grip on their kids? Because they’re lazy? Because they don’t care? Were their kids were born with bad intentions?Tell us more.

      I challenge you to think critically about the issues that lead to instances like this.

      • West Seattle Resi January 9, 2024 (2:33 pm)

        Maybe a little of everything, who knows. Tough to say exactly. A lot of people are parents that shouldn’t be (whether it’s time commitment, demeanor, attitude, etc.) Parenting is a privilege in the sense that just because one can, doesn’t mean they should. And also, too many parents seem to think that their kid is going to be their friend, rather than parenting and instructing.It’s a hell of a lot of work. But there’s NO REASON kids should be off and about unsupervised. Parents need to know where their kids are. 

        • Delridge Resi January 11, 2024 (8:33 am)

          > But there’s NO REASON kids should be off and about unsupervised. Parents need to know where their kids are.

          Yep, no reason that a kids parents might need to leave them alone or unsupervised. Because this is America and we would never force people to work multiple low wage jobs to still not quite make ends meet. In one of the most prosperous areas of the most prosperous country in the world we would never allow a parent to sacrifice their lives and available parenting time on the alter of commerce. Nope. That couldn’t possibly be a reason.

          • West Seattle Resi January 11, 2024 (9:57 am)

            You’re cherry picking one statement and making a broad generalization when it may or may not apply. My folks raised me to know right from wrong, and they both worked. And that was before technology (i.e. phones with “Find My”, trackers, door cameras, etc.), where you can know where your kids are in seconds, or by an alert. I was at home, or at sports practice, or doing homework. I was NEVER allowed to just go do whatever with people, especially those my folks didn’t know, or know their parents. It may not be 100% foolproof, but actively knowing where one’s kids are–or at bare minimum, doing one’s best to try and know–is a start. No reason that kid should have been out carjacking folks with a 21 year old. I would hazard a guess that there are multiple failures that led to that point where a 14 year old is doing crazy stuff like that.

      • WW Resident January 9, 2024 (2:49 pm)

        Oh please, do tell us about your assumptions with your “critical thinking skills”. For all you know Alki Resident is spot on

    • John January 9, 2024 (5:41 am)

      That’s so much easier said than done. You’d be suprised how many teens do this. Back a few decades ago, I knew several students at that high school who would put a screw driver to new mustangs and steal various vehicles even bright kids with good future that there parents would never suspect not just the gangsters teens. It was a big problem back then and it doesn’t look like much changed. From my days it was a bunch of bored teens doing stupid stuff. The accident is a tragic for the families of this teen who clearly didn’t make any good choices. 

      • Wseattleite January 9, 2024 (2:25 pm)

        Not sure I would equate carjacking with what you are describing. 

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 8, 2024 (9:09 pm)

    I wonder if there is there any criminal liability of the original 20 year old driver for the death of this minor. Not that the 14 year old was also culpable for his actions, but also…14.  I’m very angry at what these kids and young adults did, but its also just sad all around.

  • AHGuy January 8, 2024 (9:17 pm)

    Sad this boy turned to crime.  Sad he paid with his life.  Sad for his family, and the victims of his crime.  Sad the ‘justice system’ thinks it’s ok to turn them lose to continue on this path, rather than real accountability at all ages.  Sadly, they think they can get away with it.

  • K January 8, 2024 (9:26 pm)

    Teenagers don’t appreciate consequences the way adults do.  This kid didn’t take off because he had carefully analyzed the state’s sentencing guidelines and made a calculated decision that it was worth it.  He didn’t appreciate that something bad could happen and, unfortunately, it did.  My condolences to the family of this young man.  I know this isn’t what you wanted for him.  RIP.

  • Steph January 8, 2024 (9:39 pm)

    So heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to his family.

  • 1994 January 8, 2024 (9:54 pm)

    Just tragic. I hope word goes round on social media about this tragic end to a  14 year old car thief’s life so other young people may consider their own behaviors and actions…..

    • Big Dave January 9, 2024 (9:01 am)

      Or parents could explain to their children……

      • pepperoni January 23, 2024 (9:43 pm)

        yeah cuz that works

  • compassion January 8, 2024 (10:27 pm)

    May he rest in peace. 

  • Robbie B January 8, 2024 (10:56 pm)

    Tragic. Everything about this is tragic. Stay safe out there. 

  • Marty January 8, 2024 (11:22 pm)

    A boy died. Let’s all just take a minute. 

  • Big Dave January 9, 2024 (9:00 am)

    Edil will need to answer for the child’s death.

  • BDR January 9, 2024 (9:23 am)

    So sad. Agreed he should not have been in a stolen vehicle, nor driven off with it when police pulled them over.  Pretty sure we all did things as teenagers that we shouldn’t have, against rules set by parents, maybe against laws too. Most young teenagers think they know more than they do and have no concept of serious consequences. They don’t have enough life experience to make only smart decisions. My heart goes out to the family of this child. 

  • RIP YOUNG ONE January 9, 2024 (9:57 am)

    Terribly sad. Terribly terribly sad. 

  • sam-c January 9, 2024 (11:04 am)

    So sad to hear the teenager lost their life over this.  Rest in peace

  • Tracy January 9, 2024 (11:55 am)

    Just heartbreaking. He made a mistake and paid the ultimate price. I hope kids his age can learn a lesson from this. Someone’s child is never coming home, EVER.  

  • None January 9, 2024 (12:29 pm)

    I hope the teachers at Highline have some help in processing this loss as well.  As a former teacher, these losses weigh on you.  I remember removing a  student’s nametag from his desk after his funeral.  

  • Kravitz January 9, 2024 (4:08 pm)

    When someone dies as a result of the commission of a felony (either victim or suspect), aren’t there usually additional charges for the other party (or parties) involved in the act? For example, say 4 people rob a convenience store and one shoots and kills someone, all 4 get charged with murder – correct?I’m thinking that Edil Pineda-Mencia might be facing more charges now that this has happened, as he should. 

    • Dude January 9, 2024 (4:34 pm)

      Yes, it’s called the felony murder rule.

      • wscommuter January 10, 2024 (9:38 am)

        No – that is not “felony murder rule”.  The felony murder rule applies to certain crimes, such as robbery or rape, which result in a murder, elevating the murder to first-degree status even without premeditation; it has nothing to do with accomplices.  Liability for murder (or any crime) applies to accomplices who assist in committing the crime, such as murder committed during a robbery.  The accomplices can be charged with the same crime as the shooter, for example,  which is “accomplice liability.”   There is enough erroneous hyperbole in the comment section on these crime stories without spreading more incorrect fact.  

    • Alki mom January 9, 2024 (5:53 pm)

      I agree! Looks like he is a repeat offender too (stabbing a store clerk, attacking a bartender, and that’s just what a quick Google search will show…). The death of the 14 year ols is very sad news. 

    • HowdyNeighbor January 9, 2024 (8:24 pm)

      He ironically has previous charges for stabbing a store clerk in north Seattle

  • Hungry Pilgrim January 9, 2024 (8:14 pm)

    Perhaps the authorities should consider charges against the owners of the stolen vehicle for not properly securing it with appropriate anti theft devices to prevent theft…

    • jissy January 10, 2024 (8:03 am)

      Hungry Pilgrim, PLEASE tell me you’re expressing sarcasm with this comment and not victim blaming because you must have missed where they carjacked the owner of the vehicle AT GUNPOINT?   If you’re not being sarcastic, you are part of the problem with this nonsense attitude.  

  • Howdyneighbor January 9, 2024 (9:46 pm)

    Let’s not forget the lovely Highline highschooler who shot and killed a sleeping passenger point blank on the bus just a few months ago..don’t think they caught him yet

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