WEST SEATTLE HISTORY: New business uncovers old sign in The Junction

Thanks for the tips! The old signage for Dick ‘n’ Dale’s Appliance & TV has been uncovered by the new tenant moving into 4538 California SW. It was beneath the signage for Village Woodworks, which occupied the space for a quarter-century before suddenly closing in early 2022. We’re not sure how long Dick ‘n’ Dale’s was there but did find an archived Seattle Times story quoting its owner in 1990. And the West Seattle Junction Historic Resources Survey from 2016 says, “This store, built in 1948, was West Seattle (and later Sportsland) Sporting goods from the 1950s into the 1970s. Later, local residents operated Dick & Dale’s Appliances until the 1990s.” As for the sign’s future, the Industrious proprietors told us they aren’t yet sure what they’ll do with it after taking it down,

30 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE HISTORY: New business uncovers old sign in The Junction"

  • JN August 19, 2023 (3:31 pm)

    but fond
    memories of West Seattle Sporting Goods.

  • Layne August 19, 2023 (3:39 pm)

    This is wonderful!

  • MGM August 19, 2023 (4:01 pm)

    While it was WS Sporting Goods, I bought 2 bikes and numerous other sporting equipment there. They had a display case in the outdoor entryway that displayed freshly caught salmon on ice; stating the weight and the name of the person who caught it. It was always fun to walk by and see. 

    • RayWest August 20, 2023 (4:56 am)

      I’d forgotten about the salmon display case. I remember it clearly now, and, as a young kid, was always fascinated by seeing the big fish! Glad you mentioned that. I also remember Dick n’ Dale’s very well. My parents bought their appliances there.

  • Yma August 19, 2023 (4:18 pm)

    Keep it! That sign is awesome!

  • John Bennett August 19, 2023 (4:43 pm)

    I want one for Luna Park Cafe!!

    • Max August 20, 2023 (10:50 am)


    • Northadmiral August 20, 2023 (9:18 pm)

      YES !!  John Bennett the Luna café owner would be the perfect person to have that sign!  He has saved a great deal of West Seattle history that can be seen in the café.  John why don’t you reach out and see if you can get that sign?

  • Kalo August 19, 2023 (4:48 pm)

    One of the two (Dick or Dale) went to work at Wiseman’s Appliance in the Admiral junction. Don’t know if he’s still working, but might be worth a shout out to them to see if he might have any interest or knows anyone from back in the day.

  • Michelle August 19, 2023 (4:53 pm)

    I remember this sign from when I was a kid! How cool. 

  • LyndaB August 19, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    I hope the sign sticks around.  It’s cool.  Maybe MOHAI will take it.

  • Alki resident August 19, 2023 (5:29 pm)

    Omg such fond memories. I hope the sign can stay there. This is so classic 

  • ITotallyAgreeWithYou August 19, 2023 (5:54 pm)

    Oh yes, that is a familiar sign.  It’s nice to be reminded of the Junction that once was. Why not leave it up and cover it as previous businesses have to be rediscovered sometime in the future?

  • miws August 19, 2023 (5:59 pm)

    I’d forgotten about Dick & Dale’s being there! —Mike

  • Sculpture August 19, 2023 (6:45 pm)

    Leave it there!

  • Ws resident August 19, 2023 (8:12 pm)

    I definitely remember that sign from my childhood adventures in the junction!  Very cool!

  • KD August 19, 2023 (9:49 pm)

    Oh my gosh, that makes me feel old! When I moved into my house in 1991, the washer and dryer did not work as promised and I had to scramble to get new ones. I bought them here and I got a great reduced price because of the ‘scratch & dent’ condition one of them was in. I do believe hearing that some worker or workers went to Wisemans also when D & D closed 

  • Jerome Cohen August 20, 2023 (1:11 am)

    Dick was Dick Eggie. His son, Dick, and I were classmates at Fauntleroy, Denny and Chief Sealth. Dick Sr. Was a client of mine. Time flys when you’re having fun.

  • AHLIFER69 August 20, 2023 (2:32 am)

    Hi Jerome, his son is Eric Egge. We were close friends from mid 70’s until mid 80’s. 

    • Eric B August 20, 2023 (10:42 am)

      Does Eric play the drums? We could form Eggs n’ Bacon.

  • WiseWoman August 20, 2023 (6:12 am)

    I believe Dale was the same guy who eventually joined and retired from Wiseman’s Appliance that used to be at the Junction many many years ago as well. Not 100% but I believe so. As far as the sign it is historic retro and explicitly cool in itself, possibly second use of the Junction Association does not have a plan for it.

  • Josh B. August 20, 2023 (6:35 am)

    Maybe reach out to the Vanishing Seattle folks? They have a bunch of signs from various old businesses and try to preserve Seattle history. They recently had an exhibit in Pioneer Square that was pretty cool. D&D was a little before my time, but I remember the name for sure!

  • SKing August 20, 2023 (8:07 am)

    Fred Egge had Was Dicks father and also sold appliances in WS. Dick and his friend Dale Schindler opened Dick and Dale’s. They were a lot of fun to work for. I spent my high school years delivering appliances for them. Lots of good memories.

  • miws August 20, 2023 (8:11 am)

    I don’t recall which location was first, but they also occupied the space where Curious Kid’s Stuff is. That space had also been home to Ware & Hosey Appliance in the ’60s. Don’t recall if W & H’s occupancy lasted until immediately before D & D . Upstairs in the ’60s was Mrs. (Maxyne) Barkes’ accordion lessons studio.  —Mike

  • Hammer in Hand August 20, 2023 (8:15 am)

    You are a true West Seattle resident if you remember the Sporting Goods store and the fish on ice. But what was the name of the store. LaGrace Bartells, JC Penny. Kress dime store,Shalets shoe store were also on that side of the blockOh the good old days there was not many restaurant because no one went out for dinner

  • tim August 20, 2023 (11:22 am)

    This is so cool.  In the 70’s, does anyone remember what the breakfast joint was where Maharaja(two doors south) now stands?

    • miws August 21, 2023 (6:15 am)

      Tim, that was Vann Bros. Restaurant, more known as simply “Vann’s”. They were there for decades up until the ’80s or maybe even ’90s. —Mike

  • C August 20, 2023 (3:43 pm)

    Not sure how much of the sign they were able to preserve. I saw a big ol pile of yellow broken (glass) pieces on the sidewalk there around 4 yesterday. 

  • Patty valentine August 20, 2023 (8:37 pm)

    Dick egge lives in west seattle.

  • Linda Guiberson Cummings August 20, 2023 (9:12 pm)

    Very cool ! Those sure were the days. I remember seeing this as a kid. We lived on Vashon and drove right past it on our way to my Grandma’s house. Interesting enough, I ended working close by,at the Banana Pages as a adult in the 90’s -2000’s on 44th and Alaska. I’m sure my old boss, John Enger has many more memories than I do. 

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