The new-ish owners of Westwood Village have tended to announce new tenants by simply adding them to the shopping center’s site map and directory. For example, that’s how we learned last year that the burger chain Five Guys – expected to open later this month – was on the way. So we check it periodically, and discovered today that the Japan-based discount variety store chain Daiso is mapped for what looks to be a combination of the recently vacated ex-SportClips space and the 5-years-empty ex-Fresh Vitamins space, next to Lauren’s Jewelry (WSB sponsor). If you haven’t been to a Daiso store (they’re already semi-nearby in the International District and at Southcenter, plus thousands of other locations worldwide), we’d describe it as the kind of place where you find yourself buying small inexpensive things you didn’t know you needed until you saw them. We have an inquiry out to Daiso to see if they’ll comment on the Westwood Village plan.
West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday