New Southwest Precinct commander, neighborhood updates @ District 1 Community Network

The District 1 Community Network‘s monthly online meeting last night included many quick updates as well as a brief chance to meet the Southwest Precinct‘s new commander:

CAPT. MARTIN RIVERA: SPD’s new Southwest Precinct commander is on the job (as reported here) and sat in on last night’s D1CN meeting to start getting acquainted with community groups. Capt. Rivera explained that he was previously the night-duty captain, which means responding to any major nighttime incident in the city. Before then, he worked at the West Precinct – which includes downtown – and served in a variety of other roles in his 22 years with SPD. He was promoted to captain last year, according to his bio on the precinct website (which is the source of the photo at right).

The D1CN meeting, facilitated this month by Marty Westerman of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition and Fauntleroy Community Association, also featured an update from the gondola advocates of West Seattle SkyLink and a variety of quick neighborhood notes:

HIGHLAND PARK: Kay Kirkpatrick from HPAC and Highland Park Improvement Club summarized the recent HPIC town hall about the fire-damaged building’s future (WSB coverage here). They’ve had some burglary concerns since the fire. She also mentioned ongoing traffic concerns and the recent HPAC discussion. Also, the Highland Park Elementary PTA is raising money for the playground project.

FAUNTLEROY: Bruce Butterfield from FCA summarized the Fauntleroy Fall Festival‘s success and noted the upcoming advisory-group meetings for the Fauntleroy ferry-terminal project.

MORGAN JUNCTION: Deb Barker of the Morgan Community Association summarized the hot topics from the recent quarterly MoCA meeting (WSB coverage here), including the park-expansion site and Lowman Beach seawall-removal progress.

16TH SW SAFETY COMMITTEE: Hang Ruan said they’re continuing to advocate for safety improvements along 16th between Austin and Dawson, which is in a “gray area” for existing neighborhood groups. They’re hoping for speed cushions and a radar speed sign; they’ve been told police are understaffed for enforcement, though Capt. Rivera said he’d look into that.

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION: Junction Association executive director Lora Radford said outgoing Mayor Jenny Durkan is set to come to The Junction next week as part of her “farewell tour” of neighborhoods. Radford also recapped the Harvest Fest success, particularly Sunday’s well-attended trick-or-treating, and the community meeting about the parking lots’ future (WSB coverage here).

DELRIDGE: SDOT has sent mailers to 1,400 people about transportation projects in their respective neighborhoods.

HIGH POINT: Community builder Ella McRae said HP had a festival that welcomed 300 people, and pitched planting info for Seattle Forest Week. She noted the upcoming first-ever Fruit Tree Lighting event on November 19th, and the newly opened city-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Neighborhood House. Also, she said HP’s had trouble with tire-slashing, but wasn’t sure how much of it had been reported to police.

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Larry Wymer said ANA is meeting every other month and has a meeting coming up next week, which will include board elections. (Watch for an announcement soon on WSB.) He also reminded everyone about the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s ongoing Friendship Auction bidding, through tomorrow.

NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNICATION HUBS: Cindi Barker said the city has new access to data about potential earthquake damage/risk, and that means it’s time to talk again about preparedness. She’ll present the details at next month’s D1CN meeting.

District 1 Community Network meets first Wednesdays most months, online at 7 pm, so the next meeting will be December 1st.

1 Reply to "New Southwest Precinct commander, neighborhood updates @ District 1 Community Network"

  • Marcus November 5, 2021 (5:17 am)

    Welcome to the southwest precinct Captain Rivera.  It is an honor to have you in our community.

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