West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
7:11 PM: Thanks for the tip. Police are at the 3295 SW Avalon apartment building. Here’s why, according to SPD spokesperson Det. Valerie Carson: They “were attempting to help the Department of Corrections contact a suspect who had violated his parole. Now he is barricaded in his apartment and says he has a firearm, so we’re trying to negotiate with him.”
7:27 PM: SWAT officers are part of the response, we’ve confirmed at the scene. The photo above shows a SWAT vehicle that’s parked at the 7-11 across the street. This is NOT affecting traffic in the area, though, our crew says.
10:19 PM: Not resolved yet, according to neighbors via comments below.
2:02 AM: No status update on this. We’re going off watch (always available via text 206-293-6302) and will check later this morning.
10:11 AM: No police visible outside the building; we’re waiting for info from SPD on how/when the standoff was resolved.
11:18 AM: Det. Carson tells WSB, “The suspect surrendered peacefully after several hours of negotiation, shortly before 11 pm. The gun in his possession was a BB gun pistol made to look like a realistic handgun. He went to the hospital for a mental health evaluation before being handed over to Department of Corrections officers for booking.”
3:54 PM: SPD’s summary has a few more details: “On 10-12-2021 at 1750 hours, DOC conducted a knock-and-talk at the residence of the girlfriend of a DOC warrant suspect, with SPD assisting. During DOC’s interview of a female at the apartment it became known that the suspect was in fact present in the apartment. The suspect barricaded in the bathroom and claimed to be armed with a gun. DOC & the SPD set containment, called for CRG, Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT), and SWAT resources, and began trying to establish a dialogue with the suspect. After an hours-long standoff, HNT was able to convince the suspect to surrender. At the time of this writing the suspect is under guard at the hospital for complaints unrelated to this event and will be booked into SCORE jail upon his release. His weapon was recovered at the scene and found to be a Co2 powered BB-gun full-size replica of a semi-auto handgun.”
A few people have asked about the production crew at the Lucky 5 gas station/mini-mart (35th/Henderson) earlier today. We stopped to inquire after a tip from Keith. They told us they were shooting a “commercial,” but they weren’t allowed to reveal the client because of a non-disclosure agreement. So all we can tell you is what we saw: A woman was seated in the car, a Volkswagen (with WA plates and a University Volkswagen plate frame), under the canopy. That’s scenic 35th SW in the background. Here’s a different angle, sent by Matthew:
The shoot was over and the crew gone when we went that way again abuut an hour and a half ago.
(WSB file photo)
As we reported two weeks ago, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is returning this year as a drive-up/walk-up/ride-up event, 2-5 pm Sunday, October 24. It’s free but you need to RSVP for a time slot so everyone doesn’t converge on the site (the Fauntleroy Church parking lot at 9140 California SW) And now, the signups are open! Reed Haggerty from the Fauntleroy Fall Festival sent the announcement:
Folks will be able to sign up for a slot to drive/ride through the main and upper parking lots of the Fauntleroy Church/Y and pick up goodies from the Fall Festival along the way. People walking up from the neighborhood are welcome as well. Cocoa, pretzel and cider, word search puzzle, a birdhouse kit are among the treats along your route. There will be bands to listen to on your trip and Halloween decorations to keep everyone entertained! Reserve your spot for the festival here: signup.com/go/ykhPtmZ
The festival is free as always, powered by donations, sponsors, and volunteers.
Thqt’s “A Little Prayer for Those Who Migrate,” by Jake Prendez of Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery in South Delridge, the official poster for this fall’s West Seattle Art Walks. With the first of those Art Walks this Thursday night (October 14th), the WSAW makes history – with a record number of participating businesses (more than 50) and a record number of sponsoring partners (eight, plus WSB as media partner). West Seattle Art Walk coordinator Reeve Washburn notes, “This is a remarkable come-back from the dark days of the pandemic, where we went virtual for three months, then had only a small handful of businesses reopen to bring Art Lovers back together in the community. And it’s wonderful growth since the Art Walk’s restart in 2016, with nine businesses.”
One factor in the WSAW’s growth is the development of neighborhood hubs. The Art Walk is not just a “Junction thing” any more – the other Junctions – Admiral and Morgan – have blossoming participation, and the support of neighborhood groups (Morgan Community Association and Admiral Neighborhood Association). If you haven’t been out on Art Walk night, know that it’s not just about art – some venues also offer food and beverage specials to support the fun night out. Here’s the map/list for this quarter:
Washburn says the Art Walk has “had great turnout all summer,” which also has encouraged more businesses to join in. Some have artist receptions on Art Walk night; some have ongoing displays not only that night but all month long. You can find out more about featured artists each month in a detailed preview on the WSAW website – here’s the info for this month (including events’ specific times – most start at 5 pm but not all). Back to this quarter’s artist – you can see Prendez’s work not only at his own gallery but also at three other Art Walk venues this quarter – The Good Society on Thursday, Flying Apron in November and Hotwire Coffee in December.
Thanks for the tip: Highland Park’s Morning Star Mini-Mart (8855 9th SW) is closing. We stopped by this morning to confirm, and learned that Friday is the store’s last day. Its famous barbecue is no longer available – the equipment’s already dismantled. The store is closing because the property has been sold. The listing says it’s been up for sale for two months, asking price $1.5 million, and that a sale is pending. The 13,000-square-foot site is zoned for potential 4-story mixed-use; store staff has heard that “offices” are on the way, but no redevelopment permits are on file so far. The listing also notes the site’s held a store for more than 30 years.
Today we’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor, Transformational Psychiatry NW. New sponsors get the opportunity to tell you about what they do – so here’s what Transformational Psychiatry NW would like you to know:
(From left at Transformational Psychiatry NW – Tim, Debbie Sweetland, Jacqueline Marcell-Koledin)
Greetings From Transformational Psychiatry NW in Jefferson Square Plaza!
Are you suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental-health problems, or do you of know someone who is? It just so happens that one in five Americans experiences some kind of mental-health issue, and the need for medical care is on the rise.
Many who suffer have tried medications, but few have heard of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), a gentle, non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment for anxiety and depression. TMS can also be beneficial for addiction, PTSD, chronic pain, smoking cessation, migraines, tinnitus, and others. It’s available right here in West Seattle and covered by most insurance.
Some benefits of TMS include:
• No major side effects
• Non-invasive, non-surgical treatment
• No anesthesia or sedation required
• Drug-free treatment
• Covered by most insurance plans or self-pay
• Performed in office – may return to work right away
Our Mission at Transformational Psychiatry NW: We want to help transform the lives of those suffering from difficult-to-treat mental-health problems. We are excited to provide cutting-edge technology of TMS to assist in this process.
Jacqueline Marcell-Koledin, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, and her team of certified TMS Technicians specialize in TMS and are now accepting new patients and referrals. In the heart of West Seattle, our spacious clinic is designed with social distancing and patient safety in mind. Please call us today to schedule a free consultation, at 206-673-2408, or visit our website at tp-nw.com to find out more.
We thank Transformational Psychiatry NW for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
(Sunrise colors today, photographed by Carolyn Newman)
Here’s what’s ahead on this chilly Tuesday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar as well as our inbox and archives:
DEMONSTRATION: The weekly event organized by Scott:
Black Lives Matter sign-waving – 4:30 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden
Come build awareness & stimulate actions to tear down the systems that have oppressed Black lives for over 400 years on this continent. Hold signs, meet neighbors, and stand for racial justice. Scott at Puget Ridge Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.
CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING: 5:30 pm online, it’s the first public hearing on the city’s proposed budget for next year. The agenda explains how to sign up to comment (starting at 3:30 pm and continuing through the hearing). Find the budget documents (including department-by-department breakdowns) here. (Here’s our story with West Seattle notes.)
LIVE MUSIC: 6 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way).
FAUNTLEROY TALKS TRAFFIC: 7 pm online – if you live in, work in, and/or visit Fauntleroy and have something to say/ask about its traffic challenges, join this Fauntleroy Community Association-organized meeting with SDOT and SPD to talk about it. Here’s the agenda:
You’ll need to register to get the link – do that here.
TRIVIA & TACOS: 7 pm Tuesdays at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
BELLE OF THE BALLS BINGO: 8 pm Tuesdays at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), play bingo free with Cookie Couture.
Something to add for today/tonight? Text our hotline – 206-293-6302; for event listings further down the road, email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Now less than three weeks until Halloween! Another chance for spooky fun – and/or treats – is offered in one of the latest school fundraisers to hit the WSB inbox. This one’s from the award-winning Alki Elementary PTA:
Alki Elementary PTA is back this year with some spooktacular Halloween items guaranteed to send shivers down your spine! Our Halloween Pre-sale is HERE! Get your spell books ready because YOU DON’T WANT TO SLEEP ON THIS PRE-SALE https://alkipta.square.site
–Vampire Boo Buckets – drinks for kids and adults with all the fixings!
–Witches Slime and Elephant Toothpaste Potion Kit – get your slime on and make elephant toothpaste for your cauldron or have ooze out of your carved pumpkin!
–Exclusive spooky goodies from Ampersand: Franken-ookies, Monster Rice Krispies, and Halloween Hot Cocoa Bombs
–Pumpkin Carving Kit – complete with everything you need to carve your pumpkins and ingredients for roasting those seeds!
–10-pack bulbs from Roozengaarde – tulips and daffodils carefully handpacked from our friends at RoozengaardeOur pumpkin patch will be at Ampersand on Alki again this year for order pickup Friday, October 15th 4 – 6 p.m. Thank you for supporting our school community! Alki PTA’s mission is to support an engaged community that partners with our school to advocate for every child.
6:04 AM: Good morning!
Some sunshine today, some rain tonight, and watch out for frost this morning.
26th SW – Now closed southbound between Roxbury and Barton.
Regular Metro schedule, except for the rerouting in RapidRide H Line work zones – on 26th and 15th SW in particular. Lots of canceled trips lately, though – watch @kcmetrobus for word of those.
For ferries and Water Taxi; Check here for any late word of changes; you can watch @wsferries too. … No scheduled changes for the West Seattle Water Taxi.
567th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:
Are movable bridges opening for boats or barges? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed is “temporarily” not functioning, SDOT says, advising you to check its map. (1st Ave. South Bridge openings should still be getting tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.)
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.