day : 15/08/2021 9 results

PANDEMIC UPDATES: Weekly check-in #6, 8/15/2021

Here’s our weekly roundup of local pandemic updates, starting with the newest local numbers.


124,952 people have tested positive – 4,398 more than a week ago (4,416 in West Seattle, up 181)
6,916 people have been hospitalized – 142 more than a week ago (209 from West Seattle, up 4)
1,705 people have died – 17 more than a week ago (66 in West Seattle, up 1)


76.2% of King County residents 12+ have completed their vaccine series (up .5% in the past week)

By West Seattle zip code:
98106 – 78.7%
98116 – 84.5%
98126 – 73.9%
98136 – 85.9%
98146 – 72.8%

(More COVID-related King County stats here)


Statewide situation – Here’s the big picture: “Prevalence is approaching levels last seen in the winter 2020 surge,” state health officials report.

Booster for some immunocompromised people: The state Health Department said this weekend that some people should get a third shot if they were vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. Here’s the list of situations to which this applies, from the CDC website:

-Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood

-Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system

-Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system

-Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)

-Advanced or untreated HIV infection

-Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response

Vaccine mandates: In case you missed it, these were announced this past week for many state, city, and county employees.


The UW Medicine testing service at the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot (2801 SW Thistle) continues to operate; you might have to wait a few days, though – the booking site shows, for example, that Monday and Tuesday slots are all booked. Meantime, the Curative testing kiosk at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1222 Harbor SW) is also till operating. In addition, both West Seattle Walgreens stores are offering drive-up testing (35th/Morgan and 16th/Roxbury) – more info here.


Go here to see where you can change that.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Yet more catalytic-converter theft

All of today’s West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports have been about catalytic-converter theft. Hours after we.published this report, two more arrived:

IN A STORE PARKING LOT: Greg says this happened to his Honda Element today in the Delridge Home Depot lot, which happens to be next to the police precinct serving West Seattle and South Park:

Somebody attempted to steal my cat converter while I was in Home Depot. I was parked in the south side of the parking lot facing the Southwest Precinct car park.

I was in the store for 20-30 minutes. When I came out I noticed a large gray Suburban with tinted windows blocking my parking spot and the car next to me.

I thought this was odd but my brain didn’t really register what was happening. I started heading that way and the thieves were very calm in seeing my approach.

The driver was a white female, mid 30’s, dirty blonde hair; she turned to her accomplice, a man, mid 30’s, dark black hair, possibly Hispanic, and through the window of their car I saw him shove something in the back seat of their car, jump in the front and they drove away.

They were not driving super fast and surprisingly were not rushing to get out of there. It wasn’t until I started my car and the engine sounded like a motorcycle that I realized they had almost cut one side of my cat away when I inspected further. I found the Sawzall blade embedded on one side of my cat and provided that to the police.

This was 3 pm in a full parking lot. The lesson here is to park in the center stack with cars facing you and on either side because they were able to box in my car to hide their attempted crime, because I was parked along the perimeter.

The police responded quickly and took an incident report and contacted the Home Depot supervisor for the (video) of the attempt.

IN AN APARTMENT GARAGE: Reported by John: “Just to add to the pile of reports, the catalytic converter on my Prius was stolen sometime early in the morning on Thursday from the locked garage in my apartment building (4730ca in the Junction).”

STATS NOTE: According to this July news release from State Farm Insurance, Washington is #4 in catalytic-converter theft. The number of claims it’s received nationwide has tripled.

NEXT WEEKEND: Delridge Grocery Co-op teaches you how to can

August 15, 2021 8:32 pm
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | West Seattle online

(Photo courtesy Delridge Grocery Co-op)

Whether you’re a grower or a shopper – or both – you know we’re at that point in the summer that you might call Peak Produce. Perfect time to learn how to can. The Delridge Grocery Co-op is offering an online class next weekend. Here’s the announcement:

Get ready for preserving the tastes of summer to use during the gray Seattle winter with an online Fall Canning Class hosted by the Delridge Grocery Co-op on August 21 at 5 pm (next Saturday). The class covers water-bath canning techniques that are applicable to preserving other fruit into jams and jellies, most tomatoes, pickles, chutneys, and more.

If canning fruit jams, tomatoes, or pickles has always seemed daunting, this introductory class is just for you. Kerri Cacciata (DGC Board Treasurer, Tilth Alliance Market Programs Director, and all-around canning badass) will guide you through the basics of water bath canning with this 1.5-hour class. You’ll get a start-to-finish processing demo, recipes and tips, and time for questions.

Kerri’s demonstration will focus on making peach jam, using a 10-pound box of “freestone” peach seconds from Collins Family Orchards in Selah. These peach seconds come slightly bruised or very ripe, and they’re ideal for processing into jam, sauce, beverages, baked goods, or freezing for smoothies. If peaches aren’t your jam, the DGC is also offering 10 pounds of stewing tomatoes and 10 pounds of green beans from Wright Brothers Farm in Ferndale.

The online zoom class (register here) costs $20 and takes place at 5 pm that afternoon (8/21). The class is available for everyone, but DGC owner-members will receive a 50% discount. The 10-pound boxes of peaches, tomatoes, and green beans are priced at $24.99 and can be picked up at the DGC (5444 Delridge Way SW) on Saturday morning (8/21).

P.S. DGC continues with three-days-a-week operations at its storefront, 5444 Delridge Way SW – 3-7 pm Fridays, 9:30 am-1:30 pm Satureays, 11 am-3 pm Sundays. You don’t have to be a member to shop there, but if you’re interested in membership – go here.

NEXT WEEKEND: ‘Flutes in the Forest’ returns (UPDATE, CANCELED)

FRIDAY UPDATE: The performance has been canceled because of illness – watch for a new date.


Twice this summer, local musicians have serenaded Schmitz Park visitors with free “Flutes in the Forest” concerts – the video above is from the second one earlier this month. Next Saturday, you’re invited to the third one. From organizers’ announcement:

The JBC Flute Trio (Jennie Goldberg, Barb Cotton, and Carolyn Hoppe-Denend) will play an hour of flute trios including favorites from concert #1.

Saturday, August 21, 2021 – 2:30 PM

Bring your own chair or blanket. Invite your friends and family! Bring a picnic. Feel free to come and go.

On concert day, you’re advised to enter Schmitz Park from Admiral/Stevens.

VIDEO: Human-powered parade on day 2 of Alki Beach Pride 2021

What a day for pup-watching as well as people-watching at the beach. Just after 1 pm, the second major parade of Alki Beach Pride 2021 took off eastbound from Statue of Liberty Plaza – this one, people-powered:

The people who powered it most of all – ABP organizers Stacy and Jolie Bass-Walden:

This is the seventh year for ABP – usually a giant beach party until the pandemic forced some changes last year and this year (here’s the full schedule).

Not too late to be part of it – the outdoor movie “But I’m a Cheerleader” screens at Alki Playground starting at 8:15 pm. (Our coverage of some of yesterday’s events is here.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic-converter theft

A texter reports their Prius’s catalytic converter was stolen early Saturday. The car was parked in a Harbor Avenue driveway near Seacrest, and the theft happened around 4:45 am.


Thanks to Mike Munson for the photo from Lincoln Park. Mike reports, “Shoulder to shoulder fishing this morning at Lincoln Park, just north of the pool. Saw several catches. The crowd has been building over the last week — run must be getting strong.” That’s the every-two-year pink-salmon run.

Remembering Brick Ludington, 1948-2021

August 15, 2021 9:40 am
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 |   Obituaries | West Seattle news

The family of Brick Ludington is sharing this remembrance:

Brick (Harvey) Ludington was born in Seattle on March 26, 1948. He died January 14, 2021 in Carson City, Nevada.

He was a proud Vietnam Veteran! He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He loved to golf.

He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Jan, daughter Bridgett (Barry) sons Shane (Huong) and Harvey (Dana). Grandchildren Brittany, Bryce, Brandon, Janet, Harvey, and Alexander. Great-granddaughter StellaRose. Brother Ron (Denise) sister Bonnie (Rick), and many nieces and nephews.

Brick graduated from Chief Sealth High School in 1966.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to

Here’s what awaits you on this West Seattle Sunday

August 15, 2021 6:34 am
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(Sunday view of The Junction with the Farmers’ Market, looking south, photographed by Kent Rhodes earlier this month)

Good morning – here are notes for the hours ahead:

ROAD-WORK REMINDERS: SW Genesee is scheduled to be closed again today west of Delridge – we’ll check on that by 9 am (update: still closed), along with SW Avalon, which was bollixed by not-widely-announced paving work Saturday. (Update: No work on Avalon, fully open.) Meantime, the Highland Park Way/West Marginal intersection work is scheduled until 1 pm again today, and northbound 26th SW remains closed between Roxbury and Barton.

CHURCHES: Many are still streaming, in place of – or in addition to – in-person services. Here are the newest links for 20+ West Seattle churches’ services. (We’ll continue updating that list each Sunday for as long as a significant number continue streaming services.)

ULTIMATE FRISBEE PICKUP: 10 am at Walt Hundley Playfield (34th SW/SW Myrtle).

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm on California between Oregon and Alaska. Scroll down the page at this link to find the vendor list and map for this week. (The market is a WSB sponsor.)

CLOTHES & FOOD DONATION DRIVE: 11 am-3 pm outside Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) – here’s what they are asking for.

ALKI BEACH PRIDE, DAY 2: Today’s big events include Pride-Out on the Water, kayaking/SUPing from Seacrest (1660 Harbor SW), 11:30 am … rolling/bicycling parade from Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki), 1 pm … vaccination clinic at the plaza 3-9 pm … outdoor movie at Alki Playground, 8:15 pm … full schedule here.

SUNDAY RUN CLUB: Noon at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW) – info in our calendar listing.

LIVE MUSIC @ C & P: Gary Benson performs 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).

SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 8 pm to 1 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW; WSB sponsor).

SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.

Event listings welcome – – thank you!