day : 26/11/2020 5 results

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 11/26 roundup

Even on this holiday, there’s pandemic news:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*42,103 people have tested positive, up 603 from yesterday’s total

*853 people have died, unchanged from yesterday’s total

*3,064 people have been hospitalized, up 9 from yesterday’s total

*624,846 people have been tested (this number still “frozen” while state resolves a results backlog)

One week ago, those totals were 36,797/834/2,901/608,055.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 60.9 million cases worldwide, 12.8 million of them in the U.S. See the nation-by-nation breakout here.

COVID CLOSURE: Realfine Coffee in The Triangle announced this morning that an employee has tested positive: “We will be temporarily closing the West Seattle store until further notice so we can take the necessary steps to safely reopen.”

TESTING: The city’s West Seattle site (Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot, 2801 SW Thistle) reopens tomorrow.

GOT PHOTOS/TIPS? 206-293-6302, text or voice, or – thank you!

KING TIDES: Get ready for the next round

(November photo by Kersti Muul)

Quite a show two weeks ago when the first round of “king tides” arrived. Next wave is due in mid-December, and scientists would like your help reporting on them:

King tides, the annual extreme-high tides that occur whenever the moon is closest to Earth, are a dramatic feature of Washington winters ā€“ and offer a glimpse of what our future in Western Washington may look like as sea levels rise. This holiday season provides a great opportunity for people to capture these extreme tides and help scientists assemble a preview of shorelines to come. You can find the date and time of the next king tide nearest you by visiting the Washington Sea Great king tides calendar.

Itā€™s simple to get involved during the 2020-2021 Washington king tides season and raise awareness about rising seas, particularly through the MyCoast app that was developed for statewide use: Download the MyCoast app on your smartphone and upload your king tide photographs from any king tide events around the state.

Your photos will help scientists, managers, planners and your own community visualize the changes coming to coastal regions around Western Washington. To find out how much sea levels could rise in your community, check the most current sea level rise projections.

The next king tides are coming in mid-December and January. Keep your phone or camera ready. Please just remember to stay safe by watching out for waves and slippery surfaces!

The King Tides program is a partnership between Washington Sea Grant and Washington Department of Ecology.

(Send us some of your pics too!)

WEST SEATTLE ART: Holiday window-painting

As noted in our West Seattle Holiday Guide, we’re spotlighting decorations again this season. Not just lights – this year, so many other types of displays have been created in windows and yards and on balconies, as we all look for ways to brighten our pandemic-constrained lives. Above and below are photos sent by LC in Admiral, who wanted to share the story of her painted window. The artist is known as The Deco-Meshin’ Mama:

She explains her technique via email: “I hand-draw each design with expo marker. I then paint a base layer with inter paint, with a eggshell or satin finish. Then I do all the details! I do a lot of deco mesh 3-D work, window painting, and murals.” She is a relatively recent arrival to Seattle – just before the pandemic – and while she had done a lot of work on business windows, she’s pivoted to residential, and it’s been a hit – she says she’s booked up for the next three weeks. You can see more of her work here.

GRATITUDE: Food-drive success!

Earlier this month, we published the John L. Scott Real Estate-Westwood (WSB sponsor) call for pre-Thanksgiving donations to be delivered to the White Center Food Bank. What you see above is just part of what generous donors brought in. The office wanted to share its gratitude:

Thank you, everyone, for making the John L Scott Westwood food drive, benefiting the White Center Food Bank, a success. People came from all over, and our bins were overflowing!

Please remember this holiday season to continue to give to our local food banks, as the need is great this year.

Donation information for the WCFB, which also serves part of West Seattle, is here.

West Seattle Thanksgiving Day 2020 info: Coffee, restaurants, grocery stores, more…

(Photo by Machel Spence)

Happy Thanksgiving! We’re thankful for your presence, enabling us to continue serving our community by providing information we hope will be helpful – like this:

COFFEE SHOPS OPEN TODAY: Our list has 12 independent West Seattle coffee shops open for at least part of today – see them here. (Others? Please text us – 206-293-6302!)

GROCERY STORES OPEN TODAY: This list is in the Thanksgiving section atop our West Seattle Holiday Guide.

RESTAURANTS OPEN TODAY AND/OR TONIGHT: Short list this year – see it here.

*Metro is on the Sunday schedule
*No Water Taxi service
*Sound Transit light rail and buses, Sunday schedules
*Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run is on its regular weekday schedule
*No charge for parking today on city streets in neighborhoods with pay stations
*Traffic cameras: West Seattle-relevant ones here; citywide views are available via this SDOT map

*No trash/recycling/etc. pickup today – Thursday pickups will happen Friday; Friday pickups on Saturday
*Seattle Parks‘ ongoing closures
*No Seattle Public Library services today

Seasonal info for today and beyond is in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide. We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving! (And if you see/hear news, please text/call 206-293-6302 – we are thankful for your tips 24/7/365!)