West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
When students visit schools other than their own, it’s often for competition.
When 100+ students visited Chief Sealth International High School this past Friday, it was for collaboration.
The occasion: “Better Together,” a four-hour student-led conference focused on equity and inclusivity in our schools – not top-down school/district-policy style, but brainstorming and inspiration for how the students and their peers could embody and increase it.
(Della Floyd, right, with Toan Huynh)
The conference was coordinated by CSIHS ASB president Della Floyd, who invited us to cover the conference. She explained that most of the participants, who came from independent as well as public schools, were also ASB leaders.
The tone was set by a lineup cheering the arrivals at the door of the Sealth gym (even mascot Sammy the Seahawk joined in). After participants were welcomed, they heard from a high-profile guest speaker, University of Washington president Ana Mari Cauce, who told the students, “You embody the powerful idea that if you want to see a change in the world,” you make it.
Too many organizations consider diversity as something “nice” to have, but, she asserted, “There is no excellence without diversity.” The world overflows with “big hairy complicated problems … we’re not going to solve them if we leave people on the sidelines”
Describing herself as a woman, Latina, lesbian, and immigrant, Cauce said she had to fight prejudices to win her job. Now, she said, she is ensuring the door is open for others who, as her screenwriter niece described Cauce, “aren’t out of central casting.” The UW’s Board of Deans is now half women, she said, and almost 20 percent people of color. “When you make changes at the top, it does filter through.”
She advised them not to be daunted as they move ahead on their leadership journey: “Sometimes we lead without being sure of what we’re doing.” She wasn’t certain she was up to her job, but she said yes, and “all those yes’es get you all kinds of places. … We can’t wait to see what you make of your future.”
The students also heard from King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, who recalled his days learning about leadership in high school – and then pivoting his future plans after a senior-year trip to DC inspired him to seek a career in public service.
But the students did much more than just sit and listen to speeches. They broke into small groups that dove into topics such as bias and diversity, beneath the surface.
Not just the obvious things, but also traits that might elicit bias or judgment – someone’s accent, or perhaps a perception of their socioeconomic class based on what they wear or what they can afford.
The group we monitored agreed on the importance of reaching out to see who’s not getting involved in school events and why. Maybe the events themselves need to be more accessible. They discussed how things worked at their respective schools – and then it was time to reconvene.
Back in their respective school groups, they discussed what they learned before breaking for lunch. We had to move on, but the rest of their agenda included more small-group discussions, as well as more inspiration from speakers including Highline College‘s community-engagement director Rashad Norris. Next step after the four-hour conference: Turn what they learned into action.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
“You give us hope for the future.”
Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network co-founder Brenda Peterson had those words this afternoon for the group’s youngest volunteers, including Sumaiyah and Falhado:
The sisters presented Brenda and co-founder Robin Lindsey with bouquets toward the end of a gathering in their honor this afternoon at The Hall at Fauntleroy.
Twelve years have passed since a month full of seal-pup sightings on the West Seattle shores brought the two together in an effort that became a full-fledged Marine Mammal Stranding Network. This afternoon’s party include a chance for Robin, a photographer, and Brenda, a much-published author, to share their stories, in a conversation moderated by Lynn Shimamoto, a 7-year SSMMSN volunteer. We recorded it on video:
The conversation was a celebration of volunteers as well as a chance to share memories. Read More
(King County Assessor’s Office photo)
That’s the latest Morgan Junction house proposed for replacement by multi-family development made possible by HALA MHA upzoning. But this one, at 6056 41st SW (corner of Graham) is not set for townhouses like multiple parcels a block south. The early-stage proposal here is for two small three-story apartment buildings on the 6,250-square-foot lot, with 10 units total and five offstreet parking spaces .
Short meeting this afternoon for the Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee – two members were there, along with, one camp rep, three community members (including John Walling, who records all the meetings on audio). The designated city rep was ill but sent committee chair Willow Fulton a reminder of the November 21st meeting the city is convening to discuss the camp’s future.
CSC site manager/co-founder Eric Davis brought an update on the camp status: 50 residents, down 5 from last month, 33 men and 17 women. Three people “transferred” (to different tiny-house villages in the city), he said, and two left to reunite with their families. He said the camp had one 911 call this past month, for “a medical issue” (records show that was on October 27th, while there was one call from outside the gate on October 13th). No one was “permanently barred” for violations during October.
Asked whether the impending closure of a tiny-house village in Northlake will affect CSC, Davis said they would probably take in “five or six” people to help ensure no one winds up on the street.
In community updates, Fulton also mentioned the kitchen project at the camp, as well as fast city response to illegal dumping at other sites along Myers Way … Committee member Cinda Stenger from Sound Foundations NW said the nonprofit is undergoing a leadership transition but has money available to build more tiny houses where/when needed. … Davis was asked what the camp needs and he says the community’s been very generous but if you are wanting to help, hand warmers, blankets, and canned goods are always useful.
AUDIO: You can listen to the meeting recording here:
WHAT’S NEXT: The city meeting about CSC is at 6:30 pm Thursday, Nov. 21, at the Joint Training Facility (9401 Myers Way S.) … the next Community Advisory Committee meeting is at 2 pm Sunday, December 1st, in the community room at Arrowhead Gardens (9200 2nd SW).
Last spring, we published the news of new ownership for Dream Dinners-West Seattle (WSB sponsor). Haven’t met the new owners yet? They’re inviting you to an open house and holiday-menu tasting 6-8 pm Tuesday (November 5th) – samples and giveaways!
What to Expect:
– Participate in giveaways every 15 minutes
– Sample our holiday side dishes
– Meet our new owners and our wonderful team
– Make a free meal if you are new to Dream Dinners*
– Win a prize if you are one of the first 25 people to bring a new guest to the partyThis party is a free, family-friendly event at our West Seattle store, which is located at 4701 41st Ave SW, Suite 110, on the east side of Jefferson Square. Please help us plan by sending an RSVP to WestSeattle WA@dreamdinners.com or give us a call at 206-938-5999.
We look forward to sharing the secret to easy holidays with you!
From the West Seattle Garden Tour:
Only 3 weeks left in our annual West Seattle Garden Tour Art Competition!
We’re still accepting submissions through November 22nd and the winning artist will have their artwork featured on the 26th annual West Seattle Garden Tour through promotional materials like bookmarks and posters, our website, and the admission ticket book cover to this year’s event. $500 cash will be awarded to the artist for the winning submission. Winning and honorable mention artworks will be featured in West Seattle at Capers Home during West Seattle Art Walk on May 14 and HomeStreet Bank June 11, 2020.
Additional information including the competition rules and our entry form can be found on our website at www.westseattlegardentour.org/call-for-artists. Artwork submissions are accepted online and any questions on the competition can be sent to art@westseattlegardentour.org
Next year’s tour is on June 28th.
Vote today if you haven’t already – each vote that gets to King County Elections before Tuesday means one less vote to count AFTER that first round of results. Best way to do that? Use a county dropbox for your ballot. Four are in our general area:
–Junction (SW Alaska, south side, west of California)
–High Point (outside the library, 3411 SW Raymond)
–White Center (outside the library, 1409 SW 107th)
–South Park (outside the library, 8604 8th S.)
You can also use postal mail but there’s no guarantee your ballot will arrive by Tuesday for early counting (but as long as it’s postmarked by Tuesday, it will count whenever it arrives). As of last night, 12,181 West Seattle/South Park ballots were already in, out of 68,521 sent.
P.S. For all our election coverage, scroll through our politics archive (newest to oldest) here.
(WSB file photo)
Don’t let that happen to your nearest storm drain(s) next time it rains – rake the leaves! Now that it’s November, you can put out up to 10 extra bags of yard waste for pickup without being charged extra, and Roland thought you might want to be reminded (thanks!). One note – that’s 10 bags total over the course of the month, NOT 10 bags extra per week. As noted in the city’s advisory, “Extra yard waste must be in paper bags or placed in an extra container that contains only yard waste. Fallen branches and twigs can be tied into bundles up to 4 feet long by 2 feet in diameter and tied with fiber twine. Do not use wire, nylon cording, or plastic banding.”
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, see what’s fresh, in the street in the heart of The Junction. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
CAMP SECOND CHANCE MEETING: The city-sanctioned encampment’s Community Advisory Committee meets 2 pm at the Arrowhead Gardens community room, all welcome. (9200 2nd SW)
CELEBRATING SEAL SITTERS’ FOUNDERS: 2-5 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, a celebration of and conversation with Seal Sitters founders Brenda Peterson and Robin Lindsey. (9131 California SW)
HANNAH LIZ: 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). No cover. All ages. (5612 California SW)
LADIES MUSICAL CLUB: Free classical-music concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 3 pm. (2306 42nd SW)
TINKERGARTEN LANTERN WALK: 4:30 pm at Lincoln Park, free, all ages, but pre-register. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
AT THE PACIFIC ROOM: Willow Goodine performs, 6-9 pm. No cover. (2808 Alki SW)
MOE WEISNER QUARTET: Jazz night at Parliament Tavern, 7 pm. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)