(Photos provided by The WROC-ers; above, Ms. Ostle’s class)
Reunions aren’t just for high-school classes! This morning, we have a special announcement – with photos – for a reunion of Gatewood Elementary alums who went there more than half a century ago:
*If you attended Gatewood Elementary with the Class of ’56, reunite with your classmates on Friday, August 22nd. We will tour the remodeled Gatewood, then adjourn to Lincoln Park for a catered picnic. *
*In our day, Gatewood sixth graders went to either West Seattle or Sealth. Our 50th high-school reunions inspired us to reconnect with childhood friends from the neighborhood. The WROC-ers (‘Woodies Reunion Organizing Committee) found addresses for 70 of the former ’56ers. The first mailings are out, and the first RSVPs are in. *
(Mr. Acedo’s class)
*If you can help locate missing classmates (see the list below) or if you, a ’56er, haven’t received a flyer, please contact Bruce Thomason, papabruce@msn.com*(Ms. Covey’s class)
*Mark August 22nd on your calendar in ink! We’d love to see you.**The WROC-ers: Margaret Cullor Brown, Beth Eldred Davis, Lyn Kraatz, Carol Shipley Stoner, Bruce Thomason*
They also sent a list of people they’re looking for: “We have not found these friends from Gatewood.” – if you’re reading this from the WSB home page, click ahead to see the list:
*Frances Bingham*
*Jim Bush (Busch?)*
*Paul Bush*
*Virginia Ann Conner *
*George Johnson*
*Mary Lou Laing*
*Sue Moore*
*Carol Wray Moseley*
*Frances Pavey Terpening*
*John Rice*
*Larry Richard*
*Phyllis Savage*
*Dan Smith*
*Philip Smith*
*Hans Sturhohn*
*Teri Lynn Totten Stokes*
*Lamont Wilson*