West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
Three Crime Watch reader reports tonight:
MAILBOX PROWLERS: Once again, WSB Forums member MyPatience1978 in Highland Park has caught mailbox prowlers on camera. These two came by just before midnight last night. As discussed there – if your postal mail still arrives and goes via an unlocked box on the street, you might reconsider. And if you recognize these two, speak up.
(added) GARAGE BREAK-IN: Michael reports, “We had our garage broken into last night and had miscellaneous items stolen from the garage and one of our cars that they broke into. They were able to get into one of the cars and destroyed the interior in their attempt to probably steal the car. We are in North Admiral on 45th and SW Seattle. Must have happened overnight.”
(back to original report) STOLEN CAR: Andrea in White Center is asking people all around the area to be on the lookout for her car – “stolen last night from (10700 block) 14th Ave SW. 1993 Black Honda Civic. License starts with ACE. Please call 206-307-8439.” And 911.
MYSTERY CAR: This turned up on 41st between Fauntleroy and Graham, and a neighbor wondered if it’s a stolen car someone’s looking for:
Black Cadillac Northstar DTS
License 534-YUA
4-door sedan
Broken front passenger window (covered in plastic)
3 flat tires
Appeared Sunday between 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm
We didn’t find it in @getyourcarback but that could mean many things – from “not stolen” to stolen more than a few days ago, stolen outside the city, plate switched, owner doesn’t know it’s gone yet … It’s been reported to police, so contact them if you know whose it is.
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Next meeting is January 21st, one week from tomorrow, and Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis will be there with an update on local trends as well as to listen to neighborhood concerns, in addition to special guest Ann Graves from Seattle Animal Shelter to talk about a variety of issues, as detailed in the WSCPC preview. The meeting’s at 7 pm Tuesday, Jan. 21st, in the precinct meeting room (Delridge/Webster).
(Photo courtesy West Seattle Girls Softball)
Did you notice light in the sky after 5 pm today? The days are lengthening, and while we wouldn’t say “spring is in the air,” preparation for spring sports is starting to stir. Here’s the official announcement from West Seattle Girls Softball:
West Seattle Girls Softball registration is now open for the 2014 spring season! We are looking for girls ages 6-15 to play fast-pitch softball. No previous softball experience is necessary, as we will teach the basics and help continue to build players’ skills. Practices begin in March and games will run from late April to June.
West Seattle Girls Softball is a local nonprofit organization and is fueled by its dedicated volunteers. WSGS goals are to ensure that its players have the best possible experience playing fast-pitch softball. We hope to build both team sportsmanship and individual sportsmanship all while having fun.
You can sign up or get more information at westseattlegirlssoftball.com; WSGS is also on Facebook.
WSGS says there’s an extra benefit to registering early – you get the lowest price; sign-up fees go up on March 1st.
Quick followup on last Friday’s report about that dark stretch of the bridge: Seattle City Light says it’s figured out part of the reason why a stretch of new LED lights on the west side of the West Seattle Bridge went out. SCL spokesperson Scott Thomsen tells WSB, “Our crews discovered that a breaker is tripping, cutting power to the lights. They are trying to determine the underlying cause for that problem, which is related to the power supply, not the lights.” More info once that’s figured out.
Hours before tomorrow night’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition event, one of the participating governments will be making a big announcement at a media briefing. Just out of the WSB inbox:
With no action by the Legislature on a statewide transportation package, King County Executive Dow Constantine, four King County Councilmembers and several other local and regional leaders will make an announcement Tuesday regarding funding to save Metro Transit and maintain and improve local streets.
That’s set for 2 pm Tuesday. As reported on our partner site White Center Now, the County Council’s Transportation Committee was already scheduled for a briefing this Thursday on the potential formation of a “transportation-benefit district” that would seek a fee and tax to raise the money. Also on that Thursday agenda, official introduction of Metro’s June service-change plan in case funding is NOT secured – including the route cuts/service reductions outlined here, eliminating four local routes.
Once we hear the county proposal tomorrow afternoon, you’re bound to hear more about it at the already-scheduled WS Transportation Coalition Q/A event with city and state as well as county reps, 6:30 pm Tuesday at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).
(WSB reader photo)
2:18 PM: Big Seattle Fire response en route to the 3400 block of SW Roxbury. More to come.
2:24 PM: 35th is closed south of Roxbury. This is believed to be a chimney fire.
2:40 PM: Adding photo. SFD confirmed to us at the scene that it was a chimney problem; no injuries, no evacuation required. Most of the units assigned to the call have been canceled, though Ladder 11 is still on site, with crews on the roof investigating.
2:44 PM: Ladder 11 has finished its investigation -“no heat signature” over any of the fireplaces, so it’s wrapping up at the scene too.
2:57 PM: The road’s reopening; Metro has texted that bus service is returning to its normal route.
(WSB photo: Just one of the rough spots on California south of Fauntleroy)
Which West Seattle roads are scheduled to be repaved this year? The question came up last week when we reported on SDOT‘s “microsurfacing” plan for some neighborhood streets in Arbor Heights and Fauntleroy. We asked SDOT planner David Allen for the current list, and he obliged. Note that aside from this week’s already-announced work in the 2300 block of Sylvan/Orchard, no dates are set:
New asphalt: California Ave SW from Fauntleroy Way SW to SW Holly St
New asphalt: SW Roxbury St, 25th Ave SW to 27th Ave SW
New asphalt: Westbound side of SW 106th St, 39th Ave SW to Marine View Dr
New asphalt: Olson Pl SW, 9000 block
Wheelchair ramp, new asphalt: 1300 and 2200 blocks of Alki Ave SW
Concrete-panel replacement(s): SW Charlestown St, 4500-4600 block
Concrete-panel replacement(s): Olson Pl SW, W of 2nd Ave SW
Concrete-panel replacement(s): SW Genesee St, 3000 block
Wheelchair ramps: SW Roxbury St, 26th SW & 27th SW
New asphalt: 39th Ave SW, 4500 block
New asphalt, spot repairs: SW Cambridge St, 2400 block
Right now, there are no major paving projects on the schedule for West Seattle this year (“major,” as in, on the scale of last year’s Delridge Way work).
WEST SEATTLE PRESCHOOL FAIR: 5:30-7:30 pm tonight at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (California/Hanford). Here’s the list of two dozen participating schools and vendors (among them, WSB sponsors West Seattle Montessori, Westside School, and A Kids Place Dentistry).
NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: 6:30 pm tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) in room 103, it’s the monthly NDNC meeting. Topics include defining the boundaries of North Delridge as part of the group’s bylaws review, upcoming grant deadlines, and overall 2014 planning.
(2012 photo courtesy Karl Sutter)
West Seattle has lost a giant. Warren Lawless died early today at the age of 95, according to his friends and colleagues at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle.
Less than two years ago, the club honored Mr. Lawless for his 50 years of service. In 2008, Mr. Lawless was recipient of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s Community Service Award.
In addition to being a community-service champion and volunteer, his resumé included decades in publishing, including as founder of the West Seattle directory known as the Banana Pages. He was a writer as well, with a column on WestSeattle.com in recent years. He also worked in the osteopathic profession for more than 30 years, including service as executive director of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association and chairing the board of Western University of Health Sciences.
He continued a very active career in public service until the end; just a month ago, we photographed him as he volunteered during the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. He was a past president and most recently the club’s Secretary Emeritus.
We will have more later about Mr. Lawless’s life, including memorial information when it’s available.
ADDED TUESDAY AFTERNOON: A memorial service has been announced for Saturday, January 25th, at the West Seattle Golf Course, 2-6 pm.
(Latest bridge and Viaduct views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Today’s commute arrives after another windy night, so once again, watch for branches and other debris if you’re heading out early. Might not calm down much before tonight, the forecast says.
TOMORROW – SHOW YOU CARE: Even if you don’t usually go to meetings, Tuesday night is an excellent time to make an exception to show up and show support for the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s campaign to get government at all levels to pay attention to our area’s unique transportation challenges. 6:30 pm Tuesday (January 14th) at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), hear directly as city, county, and state reps answer the questions West Seattleites have long been asking.
Before looking ahead to this week’s sports schedules for local high schools, weekend notes: The weekend began with Chief Sealth International High School winning a swim meet vs. – Trisha Montemayor shared the results: “Chief Sealth beat Eastside Catholic 161 to 132, with the boys winning easily 87-60 and the girls pulling out a win by 2 points, 74-72.” The team scores are here; individual results, here.
In Friday basketball, the West Seattle High School girls-varsity team had its second win of the week, WSHS 66, Franklin 34, and the Seattle Lutheran High School girls lost to Crosspoint Academy, 44-36. Friday’s boys-varsity basketball scores were SLHS 67, Crosspoint 60; Nathan Hale 69, Chief Sealth 54; and Franklin 71, West Seattle 38.
For the week ahead:
*The Chief Sealth International High School sports schedule is listed on the school’s Metro League page; competition at home includes a wrestling match tonight against Ingraham, boys’ basketball vs. O’Dea Tuesday night, girls’ basketball vs. Holy Names on Wednesday night; on Friday, it’s varsity swimming vs. Cleveland on Friday (Southwest Pool) and girls-varsity gymnastics vs. Ingraham and Nathan Hale.
*The Seattle Lutheran High School sports schedule is listed day by day on the school calendar here. This week’s home games are on Wednesday – girls’ and boys’ basketball vs. The Bear Creek School.
*The West Seattle High School sports schedule is listed in full in the school’s online newsletter Westside Weekly (see this week’s WSHS WW here). Home games include boys’ basketball vs. Rainier Beach on Tuesday night, girls basketball vs. RB on Wednesday night, and boys C/frosh team vs. Kennedy next Saturday afternoon.