County leaders to announce money-raising Metro/road proposal tomorrow

Hours before tomorrow night’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition event, one of the participating governments will be making a big announcement at a media briefing. Just out of the WSB inbox:

With no action by the Legislature on a statewide transportation package, King County Executive Dow Constantine, four King County Councilmembers and several other local and regional leaders will make an announcement Tuesday regarding funding to save Metro Transit and maintain and improve local streets.

That’s set for 2 pm Tuesday. As reported on our partner site White Center Now, the County Council’s Transportation Committee was already scheduled for a briefing this Thursday on the potential formation of a “transportation-benefit district” that would seek a fee and tax to raise the money. Also on that Thursday agenda, official introduction of Metro’s June service-change plan in case funding is NOT secured – including the route cuts/service reductions outlined here, eliminating four local routes.

Once we hear the county proposal tomorrow afternoon, you’re bound to hear more about it at the already-scheduled WS Transportation Coalition Q/A event with city and state as well as county reps, 6:30 pm Tuesday at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).

9 Replies to "County leaders to announce money-raising Metro/road proposal tomorrow"

  • West Seattle Hipster January 13, 2014 (7:39 pm)

    Looks like a gas tax hike.

    Giving Metro more money is like giving a crack addict more crack. Until Metro can devise a realistic budget, we will all continue to subsidize a poorly run system.

  • Jim clark January 13, 2014 (8:12 pm)

    More likely a sky high tab fee

  • RS January 13, 2014 (8:36 pm)

    Maybe, but if they cut the buses any more, I’m getting a car. I’m sure I’m not alone…

  • DM January 13, 2014 (11:43 pm)

    West Seattle Hipster, I’m curious: specifically, why is giving King County Metro more money like giving a crack addict more crack? Details would be much appreciated.

  • WS born&bred January 14, 2014 (9:21 am)

    There will never be total agreement on how metro ought to use its budget. I disagree vehemently with many of the recent cuts, but I do believe that drivers should continue to subsidize mass transit. Those of us who choose to ride the bus even though it’s inconvenient and sometimes doubles our commute time are still getting cars off the road and helping alleviate traffic for those who have to or choose to drive. I would like to think that an increased metro budget will help the city design better mass transit options, taking more cars off the road and alleviating traffic for all. A little naive maybe, but I love my city all the same.

  • Rick January 14, 2014 (10:24 am)

    Social engineering,comrade.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident January 14, 2014 (10:51 am)

    Subsidizing Metro and mass transit isn’t the issue here. The issue is the amount of subsidy they receive.
    I have no problem with it, but at the rate the riders are getting now, between 80 and 90%, is TOO much.
    By limiting the subsidy to 50% I wonder how much $$$$$ the could recover???

  • G January 14, 2014 (2:21 pm)

    Metro needs to get more creative and think outside the box:

    1) What about neighborhood passes? This would
    be for those who don’t venture out of WS, but
    don’t want to pay $2.25 to go six blocks.
    Traffic within WS is getting bad too.

    2) What about metering bus trips, aka light rail?
    Again, the same principle.

    3) Add more routes that don’t require a transfer!
    Nothing is more off-putting than to have to
    divide your commute into two segments,
    especially in the winter.

    4) Improve BUS SHELTERS! They replaced
    bus shelters that offered protection
    to pretty, useless shelters.

    Where did all the commonsense go in Seattle?? This is not the city I remember at all.

  • rs January 14, 2014 (9:19 pm)

    How about metro stop buying vehicles every 5 yrs. and keep them for 14 yrs. like the State of Washington does? Also when ever they cut bus routes it’s the routes where people have to ride the bus. The eastsider routes never get cut. Can you say hostage? Also they say sales tax hike would go away in 10 yrs.that stuff never goes away. This includes tolling. Besides the sales tax will supersede that amount then anyway. How about KC cutting back on their waste first. Don’t let KC hold you hostage. If you do your stupid!

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