day : 17/10/2011 14 results

One week till Eat Local Now! fundraiser for West Seattle groups

This time next Monday night, hundreds of people will be abuzz about another fabulous edition of the annual local-food celebration, Eat Local Now! It’s happening that night, October 24th, at Sodo Park, which is owned by West Seattle-founded Herban Feast, and there are organizers/beneficiaries from this side of the bay, too, including Sustainable West Seattle and CoolMom. Chef/author Greg Atkinson – acclaimed for his work at Canlis and IslandWood – will speak, and will sign his new book “At the Kitchen Table: The Craft of Cooking at Home.” The cuisine for Eat Local Now! will be prepared by Herban Feast’s award-winning Chef Dalis Chea. There’s lots more to do than just chow down – a cash bar will offer locally/sustainably produced wine, beer, and fresh cider; a silent auction will tempt you with fun things to bid on; and informational displays will share new knowledge about the local-food scene. Buy your ticket on the official Eat Local Now! website, or call 800-838-3006.

Open letter of thanks to ‘great, caring people’ at Westcrest

From the WSB inbox tonight:

Today my mother and I took our two dogs to Westcrest dog park. Around 1:30 pm, my mother started feeling symptoms of what seemed to be a heart attack. I’d like to say a BIG thanks to the woman who helped my mother and I. I’m so grateful you were there willing to help – calling the ambulance and providing water, etc. So, THANK YOU! Also a thanks to everyone else who were concerned and offered to help, it was much appreciated.

It is unknown what was wrong, but now my mom is doing just fine and is now resting. Thank you again for all your help. I am so grateful to live in such a great place filled with great, caring people.

Nikita Mighell

Keeping West Seattle waterways cleaner: The city takes on CSO

Story and photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Seattle Public Utilities brought its CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) Planning crew to Youngstown Cultural Arts Center tonight for a community open house to share information and to get public comments related to overflow-reduction projects around the city.

A CSO is what happens when heavy rainfall overloads the capacity of existing tanks at treatment plants. Excess water is deposited directly into Puget Sound, Lake Washington and other streams and creeks without being treated — putting oil, toxins, and raw sewage directly into our waterways.

You may have heard about CSOs here before over the past two years – but that was about the plans for county facilities; now, it’s the city’s turn.

Read More

West Seattle schools: New show of spirit takes root at WSHS

(WSHS photo: L-R, Corvina Pritchett, Ms. Paula Tortorice, Benson Hoang, Ms. Marguerite Jones)
From West Seattle High School assistant principal Michael Kelly, news of a new way to show off school spirit:

West Seattle High School has a new addition to its scenery. It is a six-foot-wide planter in the gym lobby area that now holds a twenty-five-foot tree and school colors (blue and gold) plants. Principal Ruth Medsker has provided a new opportunity for some of our special-education students to help them learn about planting and taking care of a variety of plants. The planter itself weighs 3800 lbs. Shop teacher Peter McCue had to design a special lift to get it off of the pallet jack that brought the planter into the school. With the help of about 20 students the planter was rotated into place. Next time you visit West Seattle High School, be sure to visit the planter and see the work of our special WSHS gardners!

West Seattle weather: Fall sunshine, then a perfect sunset

October 17, 2011 7:40 pm
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Thanks to Emily Austin for the view of tonight’s sunset! Another sunny day is expected tomorrow, says the National Weather Service … but after that, things get murky again.

West Seattle Halloween 2011: Business trick-or-treat times

(Rain or shine, trick-or-treating goes on! WSB photo from The Junction last year)
Two weeks till Halloween 2011! The WSB Halloween page will be up by tomorrow morning, but first, tonight, the answers to the most-frequently asked question: When are the business-district trick-or-treat events?

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION: 1-3 pm October 29th (Saturday); more info here.
ADMIRAL DISTRICT: 3-6 pm October 31st (Monday) – here’s the map; here’s the list.
WESTWOOD VILLAGE: 5-7 pm October 31st (Monday)
WHITE CENTER: 5-8 pm October 31st (Monday) – more info here

(If your business or organization is having a Halloween event – please send us the info so it can be on the Events calendar – thanks!)

Election 2011: 3 West Seattle candidates’ forums ahead

October 17, 2011 4:33 pm
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Election Day is only three weeks from tomorrow, but your ballot will arrive in the mail a lot sooner. And you’ll get three more chances to have a look at some of the people vying for your vote:

SCHOOL BOARD: First, tomorrow night is the School Board candidates’ forum sponsored by local PTA/PTSAs at Madison Middle School, moderated by KUOW’s Phyllis Fletcher (latest preview here – mixer at 6:30 pm, forum at 6:55).

CITY COUNCIL, SCHOOL BOARD: At 1 pm Wednesday, the Senior Center of West Seattle will host a forum with City Council and School Board candidates.

EVERYBODY! One week from tomorrow (on October 25th), VIEWS presents its next West Seattle Candidates’ Forum at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, co-sponsored by the West Seattle Kiwanis, with 24 candidates running for city, county, port, and school spots – meet the candidates at 6:30 pm, while the moderated debate starts at 7:30 pm.

West Seattle food: 1 store deli returns, 1 more on the way

Story and photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Two of West Seattle’s neighborhood mini-markets are expanding their offerings by installing delis.

First: The Alki Urban Market has brought back its deli, which shut down for a while in order to enlarge and reorganize the kitchen to be able to broaden the market’s offerings. Along with deli sandwiches featuring Boar’s Head meats and a veggie sandwich, the deli now offers hamburgers, hot dogs, and fried chicken.

Owner Thampipillai Thilakarajah says, “The community wanted the deli, and the landlord thought there should be a deli in the neighborhood.” All deli items are available for take-out by calling 206-913-2127 and menus are available at the Market. Deli hours are 12 pm-6 pm Monday-Friday, and 11 am-6 pm Saturday and Sunday.

Also adding a deli and continuing its evolution is the Juneau Street Market at California/Juneau (next to the new Pan Africa Grill), recently taken over by Sam Ibrahim (right), who purchased the newly renovated market from a relative. Sam is planning to move some counters and shelves around to make room for a seating area by the front windows, and add a deli counter that will serve sandwiches and hot foods, including gyros and chicken teriyaki. Permitting is underway and he hopes to get started within the next 30 days.

Another amenity that Sam is adding is that the Juneau Street Market will be a Western Union branch and will be able to transact money orders, transfers and bill paying. This should be ready to go sometime this week. Juneau Street Market hours are 9 am-10 pm Sunday through Thursday and 9 am-12 pm Friday and Saturday.

Both market owners stress that they are interested in serving their neighbors well and providing them with good food whenever they need it.

High-school football: Sealth-WSHS game leading vote, so far!

October 17, 2011 2:31 pm
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A potentially fun side note to this Friday night’s Huling Bowl crosstown matchup between the West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School varsity football teams: As mentioned in last weekend’s football coverage, it’s a Channel 7 “Game of the Week” contender. You have till Thursday to vote in the online poll, which the local game is leading – for now – don’t get complacent!

West Seattle coyotes: Dog owner reports ‘pack’ sighting

Webdoxie shares this from her friend Kathryn, who wanted to get the word out ASAP but apparently can’t access WSB at work. This happened around 47th/Othello, north of Lincoln Park (map).

Scared me to death this morning, there was a pack of coyotes running down the hill on 47th. I think there were 3 or 4, they were moving fast so it was hard to tell. The only reason I heard them was their nails on the pavement and a shadow of what looked like a dog (Gulliver didn’t make a sound). Gulliver and I had just stepped out so he could go potty. By the time I realized what it was, I couldn’t even get the door open, we were setting on the porch. I thought they were running for a meal and it was my little man. Thank goodness they went past and were probably going home. … I walked with my zapper this morning just in case they were still out there.

Webdoxie explains that Gulliver is a Min-Pin “who usually tries to be as scary as he can when he sees other dogs. His stillness is another indication that they were coyotes.” Being “scary” is good advice for people, too, according to experts, when you see one or more coyotes – scroll down this state infopage to “Too Close for Comfort” for specific actions to take.

Viaduct-closure countdown: City traffic-center briefing

We’re just out of the latest media briefing on the impending 9-day, 10-night Alaskan Way Viaduct closure. Remember, it starts at 7:30 pm Friday – so it will not affect the “regular” commute hours on Friday. This briefing included state, city, county, and port reps, and reiterated some of what you’ve heard before – but it was held in the SDOT Traffic Management Center, a screen-filled (but windowless) room on the 37th floor of the Municipal Tower, to highlight the technology that will help monitor and to some degree adjust the situation during the days of most closure-related concern – Monday through Friday next week (October 24-28). Key messages:

*Lots of info on the city’s Travelers Information Map (including the two new live-video West Seattle Bridge cams we reported back on Friday) as well as the traffic times you usually see on the overhead signboards

*All involved agencies will be conferring multiple times daily (the three “check-in” conference calls are scheduled for 7:15 am, 10:15 am, 5:15 pm) and they do intend to make adjustments where they can – signal timing on key corridors (they’ve just added Aurora), for example, and use of uniformed police officers at key intersections that might see major pressure (like the 1st Avenue South and 4th Avenue South intersections with Spokane along the WS Bridge).

When Q/A time came, we asked some specific questions that WSB’ers have been asking. For one, we asked for confirmation that Burlington Northern is going to reduce train activity along the route many people use to get to the “low bridge” during the afternoon commute – WSDOT’s Matt Preedy, who mentioned this at last week’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting (here’s our report), said it’s not a formal agreement, but that the railroad has agreed to do what it can. (Mayor McGinn, who was part of the briefing, gave props to SDOT leadership for getting a deal for the “low bridge” itself to avoid routine 3-6 pm openings those days too.)

We have more to add to this report when we are back at HQ, including video, if you’d like to see/hear exactly what was said. But first, a question we posed to WSB’ers on Facebook last nightwhat question(s), if any, do YOU still have regarding the closure, and how you’re going to get around? Please post a comment if you have one (or more). We’re working on a Q/A-style story and will incorporate yours – if it’s something that hasn’t been discussed/announced already, we’ll seek out the answer.

ADDED 1:20 PM: More information from today’s briefing. First – if you want to watch the whole thing, here’s a link to Seattle Channel video. We have a clip of Brian Kemper, the city traffic-tech manager who spoke, as he talked about how the different tech components work:

We also have two documents handed to media reps:
*The official news release, here
*A bullet-point handout, here

Talking to one of the traffic-management-center bosses afterward, we learned that they’re extending hours in the center during the closure, too – instead of being open 7 am to 6 pm, it’ll be 6 am-7 pm. (Weekdays.)

Test drilling to start this week in the Lowman Beach area

Work crews are scheduled to be in the Lowman Beach area this week and next, doing work related to the county’s plan for a million-gallon storage tank to reduce sewer-system overflows into Puget Sound at Murray Pump Station. County spokesperson Annie Kolb-Nelson confirms drill rigs will be in the area to begin “geotechnical boring,” explaining: “Basically, a contractor will be drilling six small-diameter holes (about 6 inches) to test soil and groundwater conditions. Engineers will use the data to help design the facilities.” The six spots above show where they’re drilling. Here’s a flyer with full details – note there might be traffic effects in the area as the work proceeds over the next two weeks. Kolb-Nelson also confirms that one of the area’s property owners has accepted a purchase offer. The county has to buy the land (currently privately owned and residential) across from Lowman Beach Park, one way or another, to build the project (which is explained here), and could obtain it via “eminent domain” if necessary. More details about the project’s status are expected at a community meeting this Thursday, 6:30 pm in the hall at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW).

West Seattle Monday: Roxhill Playground; CSOs; community…

(Water Taxi, with sunrise, by Paul Swortz, from the WSB Flickr group pool)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

COME SHOP AT THE SENIOR CENTER: Today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, the Senior Center West Seattle at 4217 S.W. Oregon St. invites you to a Bake Sale and “Open Market” with what they describe as “saleable items that are new, collectible, handcrafted, vintage, etc.: 10 am-3 pm.

BEYOND THE FRENCH FRY: West Seattle Cooking Club meets, Beveridge Place Pub, 2 pm. This week’s spotlight ingredient: Potatoes.

ROXHILL PLAYGROUND: Tonight at 6 at Southwest Library (35th/Henderson), the city presents the “schematic design” for renovating Roxhill Playground, more info here. What will replace the wooden castle? Here’s our coverage of the first meeting.

CONTROLLING SEWER OVERFLOWS – THIS TIME, THE CITY PLAN: This is different from the county’s planning process resulting in two “combined sewer overflow” projects planned for southern West Seattle. This time, it’s the Seattle Public Utilities “scoping meeting” for the Delridge area, where more than 3 million gallons of storage would be needed, the city says, to keep overflows from going into local waterways. Now they’re looking ahead to how to handle this. Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 6:30-8:30 pm – more info at

PROSPECTIVE GIRL SCOUT(S) IN THE FAMILY? The Girl Scouts are presenting a free family information night at Delridge Library (Brandon/Delridge) @ 6:30 pm. 425-614-1126

‘THE POWER OF COMMUNITY: Sustainable West Seattle invites you to the Admiral Theater (2343 California SW) tonight at 7 to watch “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil,” and, afterward, to talk about building community in West Seattle. $5 suggested donation.

More Alki slide trouble ahead? Petition asks for city task force

(Photo of Harbor SW slide, courtesy CondoManagements)
Petition signatures are being gathered right now to ask that the city take action on landslide risk along Alki and Harbor Avenues – with a concern that big problems could be ahead this fall and winter. It’s an outgrowth of discussion at the last meeting of the Alki Community Council, at which the problem was discussed, with a decision to create a committee, and now that group’s taking the problem to the city. A letter was drafted (see it here) – this excerpt explains what they’re asking of Mayor McGinn and City Council President Richard Conlin:

1. Establish a task force comprised of those agencies with responsibilities for surface water and hillside parkland (Seattle Public Utilities, Department of Transportation, Parks and Recreation, and Department of Planning and Development).

2. Charge the Task Force with developing a plan to mitigate the risk of slides on Alki and Harbor Avenues.

The plan to be developed would have three objectives: constructing an effective drainage system that allows surface and subsurface water flows to reach Puget Sound, protecting city property including streets and utilities, and protecting local residents from potential property damage and personal injury.

The petition that’s in circulation seeks signatures in support of that goal. You can sign the petition at either of these locations:

*Bubbles on Alki, 1619 Harbor SW (across from Seacrest), 6 am-6 pm weekdays, 8 am-6 pm
*CondoManagements, 1661 Harbor SW, 7:30 am-5:30 pm weekdays

Or, you can print a copy (here’s the PDF of the blank petition form) and sign it/collect signatures yourself, returning them to CondoManagements. Its owner Richard Vincent is chairing the landslide committee; he and property manager Nicole Sorensen are working to get the word out about the problem and the petition, and also hoping to hear from anyone else interested in, or with expertise in, this problem, if they’re not already involved. They’re at 206-937-4856. ACC’s liaison Jerry Smith can be reached at 206-933-8539.

(By the way, this topic also is on the Alki Community Council‘s agenda for this Thursday, 7 pm, at Alki UCC Church, Hinds/62nd.)