(WSHS photo: L-R, Corvina Pritchett, Ms. Paula Tortorice, Benson Hoang, Ms. Marguerite Jones)
From West Seattle High School assistant principal Michael Kelly, news of a new way to show off school spirit:
West Seattle High School has a new addition to its scenery. It is a six-foot-wide planter in the gym lobby area that now holds a twenty-five-foot tree and school colors (blue and gold) plants. Principal Ruth Medsker has provided a new opportunity for some of our special-education students to help them learn about planting and taking care of a variety of plants. The planter itself weighs 3800 lbs. Shop teacher Peter McCue had to design a special lift to get it off of the pallet jack that brought the planter into the school. With the help of about 20 students the planter was rotated into place. Next time you visit West Seattle High School, be sure to visit the planter and see the work of our special WSHS gardners!