month : 07/2011 377 results

West Seattle music: Local scenery in new Cause & Effect video

Thanks to Nick for sharing the link to this newly released video by the duo Cause and Effect. Not only did we like the song (“Happiness Is Alien”), having a personal fondness for synthpop, but it’s cool to see the West Seattle backdrops that dominate the video (after the first minute or so). The scenery is what won the recommendation from Nick, who says C&E’s Rob Rowe lives here. The song is from their new multisong release “Artificial Construct II,” available July 26th.

Update: New information on 35th/Henderson incident

5:11 PM: Police and medic response affecting traffic near SW Library, More shortly.

5:24 PM UPDATE: Police say this started as a fight between two people. One for some reason started jumping on nearby car roofs. That brought the police. Neither combatant, we are told, needed to be taken to the hospital. Street’s back open.

11:38 PM UPDATE: Commenters suggested circumstances different than what we initially heard from police on the scene. We followed up tonight with Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams, who just shared information from the official report: “At about (4:45 pm), officers responded to a call to 911 reporting a very bloody male acting wildly and jumping on top of cars near 35/Henderson. Officers were able to take the individual, an adult male, into custody. He was treated by Seattle Fire at the scene, then transported to the hospital for further treatment and evaluation. In addition to the damage the suspect caused to the cars, he also apparently damaged the inside of a nearby apartment. The suspect was not a resident of the apartment, but is known to at least one of the apartment residents – who were not at home at the time. There is no indication at this time that the suspect sustained his injuries as the result of being assaulted.”

West Seattleite goes into ‘MacGyver mode,’ rescues raccoon

Caught in a fence – how to get down? When Patrick Abdo saw that little raccoon stuck in his not-at-home-at-the-time neighbor’s fence, he decided action was in order. Photos too. Six more images, and Patrick’s first-person story, explain what happened next – after the jump:Read More

More aftermath of a fiery night: Bar-S Playfield fire

Mangled, melted plastic is all that’s left of a portable restroom that caught fire early today at Bar-S Playfield on Alki Point. Unlike the one torched at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park on Beach Drive last week, this one doesn’t belong to Seattle Parks; it was rented by West Seattle Little League. That’s according to WSLL president Mark Terao, who was at the field when we went there for a photo this afternoon. But he’s not the one who told us about it – nearby resident Thom e-mailed to report seeing the fire – and putting it out:

I live on the hill overlooking the field. My gf and I heard a very loud explosion a bit after 1:30 am. When we looked off of our back deck we could see the roof of the honeybucket was gone and there were flames inside it.

We called 911. The dispatcher advised there might be a slight delay due to a structure fire call. The honeybucket was starting to go up in flames at that point so I grabbed a fire extinguisher and went down the hill to put it out. It took two extinguishers, but I got the flames out. The firetruck showed up just minutes later. There wasn’t much left but sizzling plastic goop, but I appreciate them making sure it was doused. The honeybucket sat only feet away from a storage shed that could have gone up as well.

(The structure fire was the one on Roxbury.) Thom says they had seen illegal fireworks being set off in the area earlier; WSLL president Terao confirmed their field was “trashed,” and they had to clean it up, since they are hosting a tournament, with more games coming up tonight. “It’s frustrating,” he said. We checked with Seattle Fire; spokesperson Kyle Moore says an investigator wasn’t sent (the Roxbury fire was one of two house fires SFD was dealing with in the early-morning hours), so there’s no official cause on record. (Meantime, for a vivid look at a fireworks-suspected fire in a dry field, check out this story on our White Center site.)

Waterless in West Seattle: Golf course affected by nearby leak

July 5, 2011 1:56 pm
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West Seattle Golf Course is without water at last report while plumbers try to trace the source of a leak in a pipe near a fire hydrant in the parking lot it shares with West Seattle Stadium. The stadium was affected earlier too, but Seattle Parks says its water is back. So just in case there’s golf in your near future, you might want to check before you go.

5:38 PM UPDATE: Parks says the water is back on.

Traffic alert: Another no-520, no-Mercer ramps weekend

So far, haven’t heard any reports that today’s big downtown event led to traffic chain reactions, so that’s good news. But WSDOT wants you to know in advance that next weekend, there’s another of those double closures – the 520 floating bridge and the Mercer offramps. “Expect region-wide congestion,” they warn. More here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: It started with a bullet in the bathroom, ended with SWAT

We have details now about an incident that involves both the mistaken phone call mentioned in this earlier report and an overnight situation we had briefly checked out (before detouring to a fire).

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand, taken at standoff scene, around 1:30 am)
It started about 8 pm last night with a call from the 5400 block of 21st SW. A bullet had gone through the wall of a house, through multiple rooms, and wound up shattering a bathroom light. Police found the bullet on the bathroom floor. Police determined the shot came from somewhere to the east, and below the house. While investigating, they heard shots being fired from the back yard of a home in the 5400 block of 18th SW. In that yard, they found “multiple pistol-shell casings and four spent shotgun shells around a fire pit,” according to Seattle Police media-response Det. Renee Witt. She says a resident of the house gave police verbal authority to search the backyard, where they also found a “large-caliber rifle-shell casing.” But when they tried to search inside the home, “the occupants inside locked the door” and wouldn’t even let the resident who’d allowed the yard search come back inside. So, they got a search warrant for the house and nearby vehicles. (Somewhere in that interval is when we got a tip about this, went to the scene and took the photo above, though on-scene police wouldn’t comment.)

Given the weapon involvement, the SWAT team was called in. “The occupants were safely removed,” Det. Witt says, adding that police found seven handguns, a pistol-grip shotgun, an “AK-47-type rifle hidden underneath the stairs leading to the downstairs portion of the house” and “brought the evidence to the precinct.” One person was arrested – for unrelated warrants; any further arrests will depend on results of the investigation, including the original shot-fired-into-house case.

ADDED 3:05 PM: No indication whether it might be related, but we got a call from someone about half a mile away, on Puget Ridge, who says gunshots fired from outside pierced her home too. Police found two different-caliber bullets (.45 and .40), she says; this happened early the morning of July 4th, and the resident and her husband just thought they were hearing fireworks. Nobody was hit but it was a close call – they were 12 feet away from where a bullet landed, she says.

New at West Seattle Summer Fest this year: Hack-cycle

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Recycling is bigger than ever at West Seattle Summer Fest this year.

Not just because the festival zone in The Junction this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be aiming for Zero Waste … nor is it just because sustainability is in the spotlight in the GreenLife area again this year.

Recycling will also happen in the form of interactive art, via a first-time feature called Hack-cycle – which you could say puts the “cycle” in “recycling.”

“We’ll have equipment for people to dissemble and reconfigure bikes,” explains Rusty Oliver (right), a metalwork artist and instructor who’s based in South Park. But there’s a lot more to it than that.

If you know Rusty’s work, we have to say, it’ll be tamer than a lot of what he’s known for, such as art with flames:

However Hack-cycle plays out, consider it your introduction to metal art – just bring a bike, not part of a bike, but a bike you’re willing to, well, reconfigure, as part of what might be Summer Fest’s most memorable interactive activity yet … human-powered, in multiple ways.

Read More

West Seattle lost-and-found files: 1 volleyball net; 1 safe

The usual place to post lost/found on WSB is the Forum – unless it’s a pet, since they have their own page (several reunions already today!) – but two unusual reports have come in, possibly crime-related, so we’re spotlighting them here – a found safe and a missing/stolen volleyball net (whose owner is offering a reward):Read More

West Seattle Tuesday: Traffic alert; story times; produce-buying…

(Sun run! Thanks to Eugene for sharing the photo of family members on the run @ Lincoln Park)
Yet another day of sunshine (says the forecast!). From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

TRAFFIC ALERT REMINDER: Today’s the day with the huge parade downtown – it’s not till 10 but early staging-related closures/detours might affect downtown/bound drivers. Here’s what SDOT sent around last week.

WADING POOLS: Wading pools open IF the weather is forecast for 70+ degrees (wading pool schedule here) – today, Hiawatha should be open 12-6:45 pm, Lincoln Park 11 am-8 pm.

FOR JOB SEARCHERS: Job search help and networking opportunity at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor; 5612 California Ave SW), 11 am, regular weekly meeting of “Notes From the Job Search” group.

STORY TIMES AT LOCAL LIBRARIES: Toddler Story Time at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 10:30 am … Baby Story Time at Southwest Library, 11:30 am … Somali Story Time at High Point Library (35th/Raymond), 1:30 pm … Summer Toddler Story Time at Southwest Library, 2 pm … Family Story Time at Delridge Library (Delridge/Brandon), 7 pm.

PRODUCE-BUYERS’ CLUB: It’s the second Delridge Produce Coop Buyers’ Club ordering meeting. Come join the cooperative to order fresh produce from local farms at wholesale prices! Meet at Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm.

THREE DAYS TILL WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST! It’s coming up THIS Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in The Junction. Our next preview is later today – till then, wander the official website to check on vendors, music, and more.

Update: West Seattle house fire on Roxbury ‘accidental’

1:39 AM: We’re on our way to the house-fire call at 30th and Roxbury – more as we get it.

1:46 AM UPDATE: Roxbury is being blocked off. The fire address has been updated to 32nd and Roxbury (map). Per scanner traffic, firefighters say they have it under control. We’ll be at the scene shortly.

1:55 AM UPDATE: At the scene. No flames visible. No report of injuries. The house is on the south side of Roxbury, closer to 31st than 32nd. Investigators are being called out right now. Again, Roxbury is closed to traffic, since this is right on the corner, with the roadblock starting just east of 35th.

2:04 AM UPDATE: Firefighters confirm nobody was hurt – nobody was home. They don’t know the cause yet, since the investigation is just starting, but they say there’s significant damage inside the house, so it’s uninhabitable at this point.

4:05 AM UPDATE: SFD has published an update on Fire Line, saying they’ve determined the fire was “accidental” – though aside from saying it started “in a couch,” they don’t say how (we’ll check later this morning). Damage is estimated at $61,000; the house is now described as “vacant.”

ADDED TUESDAY AFTERNOON: SFD’s Kyle Moore says “smoking materials” were what ignited the couch, and adds that Seattle Police are investigating.

West Seattle 4th of July 2011 scenes, from fireworks to float

Not a cloud in the sky tonight – just fireworks smoke. As seen from Alki – that’s a view of the Winslow (Bainbridge Island) show, courtesy of David Hutchinson. And from Harbor Avenue, the Lake Union fireworks, thanks to Chris Fruitrich:

Of course, there was more to see along Harbor and Alki Avenues than fireworks. Gridlock, even an hour after the fireworks ended – we went over to take a look, thinking we would be going the uncrowded way (westbound), but it was bumper-to-bumper both ways. And a sizable cleanup job ahead – overflow at every trash can, though at least much was bagged (by the time we saw it):

By 11:30 pm, police were out in force along central Alki, which is where the traffic finally thinned on our westward drive. Earlier, we had checked out the fireworks view from the highest point in the city, Myrtle Reservoir Park, which was still under construction last July 4th (opened in fall, dedicated this past April). Not bad, though you have to strategically work around a few tall evergreens that are part of the northward view. Also nice from Myrtle tonight: Crescent moon, setting. Meantime, one more West Seattle 4th of July scene, which is actually from Burien:

As noted in our West Seattle/Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade coverage, the West Seattle Hi-Yu float was in today’s Burien parade, and Jim Edwards – part of the leadership team for the West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade coming up July 23rd – shared the photo. Look for Hi-Yu royalty and reps at all the big upcoming events (West Seattle Summer Fest this Friday-Saturday-Sunday, the Seafair Pirates’ Landing on Saturday, etc.) and buy a button to help support the program.

Traffic reminder for tomorrow: Huge parade downtown

In case you missed the repeated mentions here and elsewhere last week – tomorrow’s the day the Lions Clubs International Parade of Nations happens downtown, with road closures, detours, and bus-route changes. Here once again is the city’s official alert. No way to tell if it will cause any sort of domino effect like the motivational-speaker-event jam a month ago, of course, but we’ll be tracking.

Happy 70th birthday to West Seattle’s Colman Pool

We were on our way to Colman Pool‘s 70th-anniversary celebration this afternoon when the Marine View Drive fire forced a detour – but we went back for a photo in honor of its birthday. There’s a bit of its history in Lori Hinton‘s West Seattle 101” Colman Pool vignette; its origins as a “tide-fed swimming hole” are also noted in Seattle Parks‘ thumbnail Lincoln Park history. Here’s a Seattle Municipal Archives photo of the then-swimming hole in 1925:

Once built into a gorgeous pool, it was dedicated on July 4, 1941. Here’s a MOHAI photo from that year. The season for this beautiful on-the-beach saltwater swimming pool is short, and September will be here all too soon – here’s the pool schedule to plan your visit.

Update: Marine View Drive fire blamed on ‘smoking materials’

(UPDATED MONDAY NIGHT with fire cause – scroll down)

3:36 PM: Fire crews are rushing to the 10100 block of Marine View Drive (map) for a reported house fire. Two people may be hurt, according to scanner traffic.

3:45 PM: At the scene. Needless to say, Marine View Drive is blocked:

The fire is reported to be under control, according to the scanner. No flames currently from our vantage point at the scene.

4 PM: There were two medic units at scene; one has taken a male patient to Harborview Medical Center for smoke inhalation, according to scanner traffic. Our crew at the scene says a private ambulance has arrived for a woman who was able to walk to it under her own power. A Seattle Fire Department public-information officer is being dispatched to the scene, so we’ll have official details before long. Meantime, smoke is no longer coming from the house (we don’t have a clear shot of it yet as police/fire crews are keeping people, media included, way back).

4:20 PM: The public-info officer was canceled; we’ve talked to an on-scene commander, who confirms the people who were hurt are the residents of the home, and both suffered from smoke inhalation. Their grandson was also in the house but was unhurt. The fire is out; investigators have just arrived, so there’s no word yet what caused it, but they say it was on the house’s “wine-cellar level.”

4:42 PM: We’ll be checking shortly to see if Marine View Drive has reopened. Meantime, adding a couple photos. Immediately above this update – since the house was at the end of a fairly long driveway, firefighters had a challenge to string hoses to the scene from the nearest hydrant. At the top of the story, the photo shows the house being aired out with fire crews’ heavy-duty fans once the fire was confirmed out.

5:08 PM: Per announcement heard on the scanner, Marine View Drive is now fully reopened to traffic.

ADDED 9:51 PM: Seattle Fire investigators say the fire was accidental. From the update on their Fire Line website:

… After interviewing the occupants and examining the scene, investigators concluded discarded smoking material on cardboard was to blame for the fire which began in the basement wine cellar. …

Damage is estimated at $70,000.

Video: West Seattle’s Admiral 4th of July Kids Parade 2011

Big turnout for this morning’s West Seattle/Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade – bigger than last year, by our informal measure, which is how long our clip of the entire parade runs. Last year we had to break it into 2 clips totaling 13 minutes; this year, our video (above) totals 16 minutes. OK, nonscientific, but still. Another contrast – cloudy last year, bright sunshine this time. Anyway, this is an all-volunteer effort – here’s coordinator Sherri Chun:

She also emceed the games at Hamilton Viewpoint Park post-parade – old-fashioned fun, like sack races:

Inbetween – hundreds of kids (and adults!) on parade. Click ahead for some of the scenes:Read More

West Seattle Little League: Champs’ car wash for state tourney

July 4, 2011 2:59 pm
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Another side note from the West Seattle/Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade (full report still in the works): At the end of the route, Hamilton Viewpoint Park, we found Ethan, Austin, and Kevin, promoting a fundraising car wash next Sunday, 10 am-2 pm at Bar-S Playfield on Alki Point, to raise money for the West Seattle Little League 10-11 All-Starsupcoming trip to the state tournament in Eastern Washington. (If you can’t read the fine print – free coffee while you wait!)

West Seattle 4th of July: Pet reminder – keep ’em inside

Reminder before night gets closer … pet experts say keeping your cats and dogs inside tonight is the humane thing to do – fireworks are not only a direct danger, the noise also scares them to the point where they might run out of home territory. Already today, after a night with hours of illegal fireworks, we’ve added five new lost/found pet listings to the WSB Pets page. It’s here if you need it, but better yet, just don’t run the risk.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen on owner’s ‘favorite holiday’

July 4, 2011 2:04 pm
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James hopes you will be on the lookout for his car, stolen early today:

We live down on the 5600 block of 17th Ave. My wife and I were up until 2:30 am watching a movie in our living room and I know my 1997 Honda Accord was still sitting in front of our house. About 9:30 am on my favorite holiday (July 4th), I noticed my neighbor’s car sitting in front of my house. At that point I realized my car was gone. My neighbor said they moved their car there about 7 am to do yard work. So sometime between 2:30 and 7 am on July 4th, my 1997 beige Honda Accord was stolen. It has a little Japanese sticker on the gas tank panel. There is nothing fancy about this car. No high-end stereo equipment. No crazy muffler or rims. Just a plain old car. The police responded within minutes and filed a report.

West Seattle 4th of July midday notes

(That’s Griffin, very first kid we saw upon arrival at the parade starting point)
11:06 AM: The Admiral 4th of July Kids Parade is over, so north end of California flowing again (full coverage to come with video and photos, HUGE turnout)… Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) sends word they are open for a few hours (till about 2:30 pm), if you feel like shopping…

12:24 PM: On our way back from the parade and the old-fashioned games (sack race, etc.) that followed at Hamilton Viewpoint Park, we checked out the shoreline to see how the pre-fireworks stakeout was going. Campers already at Don Armeni (along with boats coming back from crab fishing), but not too crazy yet. Spotted stand-up paddleboarders in the distance too, with the future CenturyLink Field as their backdrop:

Forecast still looks good for the rest of the holiday.

Happy Independence Day! West Seattle 4th of July 2011

July 4, 2011 7:59 am
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(Junction flags are flying this morning – this one is outside Husky Deli)
First up for big events today, the annual Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade, which isn’t just for Admiral – all welcome to participate, starts at 10 am at 44th/Sunset (map), concludes with games and concessions at Hamilton Viewpoint Park. More details on that, plus all the rest of the holiday info, is on the WSB 4th of July page, including transit changes and business highlights.

‘Rocky Horror Show Live’ about to time-warp into ArtsWest

(Photos by Michael Brunk, courtesy ArtsWest)
If you’re used to the monthly “Rocky Horror Picture Show” screenings at Admiral Theater – or past experiences – a few things you need to know about “The Rocky Horror Show Live,” opening July 13th at ArtsWest in The Junction. Do NOT bring toast, or rice, or any of the other routinely thrown items. Why? Explained here. However, the ArtsWest notes say, verbal audience participation IS welcome. So you don’t have to be as sweet and innocent as Brad and Janet

… but do keep in mind, this is a production of the Summer Musical Theater Apprenticeship Program at ArtsWest, and not recommended for those under 16. Our reminder of the upcoming “Rocky Horror” run landed in the inbox Sunday night courtesy of cast member Tyler Webster, who has praise for everyone in what Tyler calls “an amazing cast” and adds, ” All of us are dedicated to this performance and have been balancing school, work, and multiple other commitments.” So show ’em some love – showtimes are 7:30 pm Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from July 13th through July 23rd, with added 11 pm shows on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets are available online right now – go here. (Theatergoers under 25 pay only $10!)

Hours till West Seattle 4th of July 2011: A few notes

The holiday’s almost here! We’ve collected updated information on the WSB 4th of July page – but here are a few general notes: We asked Southwest Precinct operations Lt. Pierre Davis a few days ago if any special enforcement or closures were planned along Alki. His reply: No. (Though there’s no longer an Elliott Bay fireworks show, crowds still gather to watch Lake Union fireworks from here, but not enough for road shutdowns like years past. The Parks Department did tell us they’ve placed some extra portable restrooms along the shoreline in popular spots.)

You WILL find some traffic effects tomorrow morning in the North Admiral area from West Seattle’s one and only Independence Day parade, the Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade – all welcome, starts at 10 am at 44th/Sunset, winds its way through a few residential blocks, then crosses California so paraders can get to the fun, games, and concessions at Hamilton Viewpoint Park. If you happen to be traveling that end of California SW when the parade’s going by, you’ll have to wait, as police will be holding traffic. As for more parade details plus the rest of the day, again, it’s all on the special 4th of July page (if we’re missing something, please let us know so it can be added!).

A word about NON-official fireworks: They’re illegal in Seattle. Though they are sold in neighboring White Center, even there, they are only legal to use 9 am-midnight on the actual holiday. If tonight is anything like last night (both what we heard on the scanner and what we heard through our windows), many will be disregarding the law. So in case you wondered, here is the official Seattle Police/Fire Departments‘ statement about when to call 911 and when NOT to call 911 about fireworks.