Me-Kwa-Mooks portable restroom destroyed by ‘set fire’

Thanks to Rod for sharing the photo via Twitter and wondering about the fire that took out the portable restroom on Beach Drive at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park overnight. Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kyle Moore tells WSB, “Our fire investigator determined it was a set fire. Unknown suspect or suspects set combustibles on fire inside the port-a potty. Damage estimate is $2000.” We’re checking with Seattle Parks regarding replacement plans.

ADDED 12:52 PM: Joelle Hammerstad with Parks says the Southwest maintenance/management crew is already on the case: “They’ve already called and are trying to get another one to replace it before the weekend. We’re not sure if we can get it replaced, being as it’s the Friday before the Fourth of July weekend, and our contractor is slammed busy getting port-a-potties out all over the city. If they don’t get a new one installed today, they’ll get one there ASAP — but it could be early next week. We’ve called the folks who have picnics scheduled there and told them the potty is gone.”

3:04 PM UPDATE: Original tipster Rod reports, also via Twitter, that a new one HAS arrived – but it’s in a different spot.

13 Replies to "Me-Kwa-Mooks portable restroom destroyed by 'set fire'"

  • herongrrrl July 1, 2011 (12:12 pm)

    I’m wondering what time this happened…I was out looking down the street toward the port-a-potty area at 1 am after waking up to the sound of fireworks and yelling in the park. I called police about the fireworks. I didn’t see anything else amiss at the time, but my housemate said he saw police in front of the park around 2am.

    A big party last Saturday night left a GIANT pile of garbage around one of the picnic tables in the morning…I saw a police car with an officer taking down information as I left for work early Sunday morning, and the mess was gone when I got home.

    The activity that woke me last night sounded like it was up in the forest where a lot of volunteer time and effort has gone into restoring the native vegetation. I haven’t had a chance yet to go see if any damage was done up there last night.

    I think this park needs a “friends of” organization, if one doesn’t exist already. Any other park neighbors/users interested in creating such a group, or know if one already exists and how interested folks could get in touch with them?

    • WSB July 1, 2011 (12:14 pm)

      Herongrrrl – it was at 3 am; only a single-engine callout, which is why it didn’t hit our radar, though I was on till 6. Rod, who tweeted the picture, says he saw/heard fireworks too (see the link) – TR

  • Lou July 1, 2011 (12:14 pm)

    Dang! That’s my emergency stop during my runs on weekends. I hope they replace it…it’s the only stop between the alki bathrooms and lincoln park

  • CMeagh July 1, 2011 (12:25 pm)

    Thats too bad. I rely on that port-o-potty to be there when I am out on a long run. It has been a savior on many occasions. Hopefully it will be replaced soon.
    Kids who are bored and have fireworks is a bad mix.

  • visitor July 1, 2011 (12:27 pm)


  • Frank July 1, 2011 (1:26 pm)

    Unfortunate news indeed. City Year spent an entire day working on the natural vegetation back in the forest/hill area. *sigh*

  • soosan July 1, 2011 (2:43 pm)

    Lou, CMeagh…same boat. This is bad news for us runners.

  • kate July 1, 2011 (3:18 pm)

    Wow. I never thought I say this, but I loved that port-a-potty.

  • Star 55 July 1, 2011 (5:03 pm)

    While walking through the park just the other day we noticed a large fire pit just up the path fro the east side of the park. Fire wood, trash and the pit all set up for a good time, ugh!

  • Mack July 1, 2011 (5:49 pm)

    Vandalism of all types is bad.

  • kg July 2, 2011 (11:29 am)

    I wonder how much damage, monetarily or otherwise, has accumulated in West Seattle over the last ten years due to fireworks?

  • WS Suzanne July 4, 2011 (1:50 am)

    herongrrrl — great idea to get a friends of Mee Kwa Mooks group started. The park needs some tender loving care. Count me in! City Year looks like they’re not WS folks and this park needs ongoing help.

    Anyone else willing to help? And how do we connect offline?

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