month : 07/2011 377 results

West Seattle Summer Fest 2011: The rides, & other kid-zone info

July 7, 2011 1:27 pm
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The kids’ activities for West Seattle Summer Fest – in The Junction tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, with co-sponsors including WSB – are headquartered in the Wells Fargo parking lot along 44th SW, north of SW Alaska. You’ll find art activities coordinated by Pathfinder K-8, which are free, and you’ll find the bouncy rides, which are not. For your planning purposes – the West Seattle Junction Association shared the pricing information from Clowns Unlimited, which provides the inflatable rides/activities. All-day and three-day passes are “unlimited use”:

General Info – We will be featuring 10 rides this year – Dual Lane Slide, Tub’s O Fun, Bounce Slide Combo, Circus Train, Wacky World, Swing Chair Ride, Carousel Bouncer, Fire Truck Slide, All Star Obstacle Course and Climbing Wall. To play on all of these rides one time would cost the participant $23.75. …

Friday – Hours: 10 am to 8 pm
1) All Day Pass = $17.00 per person
2) Three Day Pass = $35.00
3) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)

Saturday – Hours: 10 am to 8 pm
1) All Day Pass = $17.00 per person
2) Two Day Pass = $27.00
3) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)

Sunday – Hours: 10 am to 5 pm

1) All Day Pass = $15.00 per person
2) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)

Yet another Summer Fest preview in the pipeline for later. Reminder, road closures in The Junction kick in at 6 pm, and that means some bus changes too.

Parking scofflaw? Beware – ‘boots’ spotted along Alki

Thanks to Owen and Robert for tips – apparently the city’s new “parking scofflaw” program, “booting” your car if you are found to have four or more unpaid parking tickets, has taken at least one spin along the West Seattle shore. This morning, Owen e-mailed to report, “On my ride in this morning I saw several cars parked along Harbor Ave SW and Alki Ave SW sporting shiny yellow parking boots. Since they only went into effect July 5, it looks like Alki might have been one of the first areas targeted.” Robert also says he saw one along Alki. We took a trip to look for them ourselves and missed them – if you have a photo, please share! And if you have a parking-ticket backlog, pay it – more details here.

ADDED EARLY FRIDAY: Owen spotted a few more boots while heading home, and shared the photo we’ve added above.

Seattle City Council to consider medical-marijuana regulation

The Seattle City Attorney’s Office is working on a proposal for medical-marijuana regulation in the city, since the state efforts came to a chaotic end. It appears on the agenda for next week’s Housing/Culture/Health Committee meeting (2 pm July 13th), but the proposal itself isn’t ready for release, according to the city attorney’s spokesperson, Kimberly Mills, who tells WSB, “We’re fine-tuning the ordinance and it will go up on the council site at midnight Friday. You’ll be able to get a copy at that time, and our office and council staff can talk about it early next week.”

West Seattle traffic alert: New Beach Drive asphalt next week

Just in from SDOT:

Paving crews of the Seattle Department of Transportation plan to work on Beach Drive SW between Southwest Snoqualmie Street and SW Jacobson Road [map] on July 13 if weather is favorable. Traffic flaggers will control traffic from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. while the crews grind off the old asphalt and lay new asphalt. This work is part of the department’s annual street paving program.

Beach Drive Blog, meantime, is reporting on some oddly dated No Parking signs put out today. We’re checking to see if this is related.

New location for West Seattle projects’ Design Review meeting

July 7, 2011 10:35 am
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 |   Development | West Seattle news

The official notices for an upcoming two-project Southwest Design Review Board meeting are in today’s Land Use Information Bulletin from the city. They include two changes from what was on the city schedule when we published first word of this meeting two weeks ago. The meeting is still on July 28th, but the location and order have changed. The meeting is now planned for the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon): At 6:30 pm, the board will take its first look at the 117-unit proposal for 3261 SW Avalon Way (site photo at right; here’s the notice); at 8 pm, the board will take its second look at Nova, the 62-unit Harbor Properties proposal for 4600 36th SW (here’s the notice).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary investigation – with prints

Christina shared that photo of police checking for prints after a burglary at her home on Wednesday:

I came home (Wednesday) to find my house (in the 9400 block of) 14th Ave SW had been burglarized. They broke the lock on my bathroom window and entered through there. They were able to get 2 laptops, 2 digital cameras and a handgun. None of our neighbors saw or heard anything and I happen to have 3 dogs that were kenneled at the time. Once they got what they wanted from the house, they left through the side door. This happened between 11 am and 430 pm. The police were able to life several fingerprints from the window screen that they removed.

Side note: Checking the city online map (which lag at least several hours after incidents are reported), while this does not seem to be a prolific week for burglars so far, nine car thefts have been reported in West Seattle since Monday alone.

Your chance to be a Seal Sitter: Training session this Sunday

July 7, 2011 9:26 am
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(Photo of Queen Latifah is by, and used with permission of, Robin Lindsey)
Seal Sitters‘ first responder/photographer/writer Robin Lindsey says a few spots are open for prospective new volunteers to join their training session this Sunday (July 10th) 2-4 pm at Camp Long (5200 35th SW). Robin says, “We’ll be discussing the workings of the NW Marine Mammal Stranding Network and protocol for responding to marine mammals on shore, seal and sea lion biology, life in a harbor seal rookery and the challenges posed when pups (and adults) visit our largely urban beaches. We will have a followup on-the-beach session soon for all new volunteers who have completed this intake and training.” RSVP to if you’re interested so they can save you a spot – and browse the Seal Sitters’ Blubberblog to keep up to date with marine mammals’ (and human helpers’) activities on our shores.

West Seattle Thursday: Summer Fest eve; Fixers’ Collective…

From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

(WSB photo of Bubbleman in The Junction, Summer Fest Eve 2010)
SUMMER FEST EVE! ROADS CLOSE; SHOP LATE THURSDAY; BUBBLEMAN… Since West Seattle Summer Fest starts tomorrow, the main festival zone will close tonight at 6 – California between Oregon and Edmunds, Alaska between 44th and 42nd – for setup. You’re welcome to come down and roam The Junction – for most of the evening there will be lots of room to roam. As mentioned in our latest Summer Fest preview, street performances are scheduled around 7 pm – Bubbleman outside Elliott Bay Brewing, the band Diminished Men outside West 5. Plus, it’s this summer’s third edition of Shop Late Thursdays in The Junction, 6-9 pm – participating merchants are listed here.

SSCC GARDEN CENTER OPEN: Support South Seattle Community College‘s horticulture and landscape students. Plants on sale 11 am-3 pm (north end of campus, 6000 16th SW), details here..

LEARN TO JUGGLE: In nearby South Park, the SP Community Center presents Juggling Through the Ages at 1 pm, free – a hands-on chance to give juggling a try. 1 pm, 8319 8th Avenue S.

CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE VISITS ‘NICKELSVILLE’: The encampment at West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way SW will be the site of an official special meeting of the council’s Housing (among other things) Committee, 2:30 pm (agenda here).

BRAINDANCE: For people with Parkinson’s Disease at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), Thursdays through August 4th, 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm. Cost: $10 or pay what you can, free to caregivers. Class builds movement confidence and improves balance of mind and body. Exercise to promote reorganization of neurological system. Live music. Call D’vorah if you are interested at 206.932.4044 ext 2 or register with Ingrid, 206.473.0024.

FIXERS’ COLLECTIVE: Remember this report about the first meeting? Tonight, the Fixers’ Collective meets again at West Seattle Tool Library – tinker and talk! 6 pm, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center‘s northeast side (4408 Delridge Way SW).

READ THE KORAN IN 4 WEEKS: Pastor Ron Marshall of the First Lutheran Church of West Seattle has been teaching this 4 times a year since 2003 – tonight’s the first of four sessions in the next series. Call with questions or to see if there’s room; 935-6530.

West Seattleite to open mobile art gallery in an Airstream trailer

Video, photos, and reporting by Christopher Boffoli
For West Seattle Blog

Brenda Scallon is a little more than one week away from the first show for her mobile Airstream-trailer art gallery.

Scallon is a 26-year resident of West Seattle who formerly co-owned the Black Lab and Parlour gallery in Ballard.

She’s also a musician with the band Daughters of Joy. Brenda, her husband and children, live at 3815 46th Ave SW, and in this case, the specific address matters, since that’s where her trailer/gallery’s first show will be.

First, the backstory: A couple years ago she got the idea to do a mobile gallery in an Airstream trailer. She started looking around and ultimately found a 1974 Airstream in Lake Stevens for $5,000. She has been renovating bit by bit since she brought it home.

Airstream trailers, first produced in the 1930s, continue to have something of a cult following in the US. They’re desired for their classic retro, riveted aluminum design.

Scallon’s Airstream has required quite a bit of work.

She has had to seal up leaks, replace flooring and paint some of the interior surfaces. There were also a few dents to bang out, some of which occurred in her driveway when a neighbor’s tree fell on the trailer in a windstorm. Scallon has added some modern electrical components but has kept the ’70s-era sound system, which includes an 8-track tape player.

Unlike most art galleries, the trailer is not exactly spacious. So Scallon plans to put up various tents around the trailer to expand the gallery space. She is planning to do quarterly shows in various locations. The first show and open house, featuring artists Michael O’Driscoll (), E. Grace Dager, Band of Toy, and Scallon’s own art, will be on Friday, July 15th, 7-10 pm, at 3815 46th Ave SW.

Scallon is inviting local artists to contact her if they want to participate in future shows. She can be contacted at:

West Seattle schools: Can you host a visiting teacher?

Got room to be a host, in a way that will affect lives far beyond that of the person you play host to? Chief Sealth International High School principal John Boyd says they’re still looking for a place for their new visiting teacher from China to stay:

As you may know, Chief Sealth and Denny have hosted Chinese Guest Teachers through an exchange program with the College Board for the last three and a half years. This has been a great experience for both of our schools, led to the creation of a K-12 Mandarin Chinese program in SPS, and helped us make the connections that resulted in our schools hosting the Confucius Institute for the State of Washington.

Our current Guest Teacher, Mr. Yang Dawei, is returning to China this year after two years of service to us. We are very excited to be welcoming Ms. Xilong Zeng, who also uses the English name of Celine. Ms. Zeng has been teaching English to Chinese secondary students since 1998.

We are in need of a host family for Ms. Zeng to stay with starting on July 28. Ms. Zeng would stay with the host family for all of the 2011-2012 school year. This is a great opportunity to learn about Chinese culture and pick up some Mandarin Chinese, while doing a great service for our schools. Hosting the Guest Teacher is much like hosting an exchange student, families are responsible for providing the teachers with a room of their own, including the teachers in family meals, and providing them access to things like a washer and dryer. The teacher will receive a modest salary through the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Confucius Institute, and will be provided a insured car from the schools as transportation.

If you are interested in serving as a host family, or know of someone in West Seattle who would be interested, please have them contact principal John Boyd or Marta Sanchez at the Chief Sealth Main Office at 252-8550.

West Seattle In Motion: Sign up now, get deals/freebies

Sign-ups have just started for West Seattle In Motion – a program meant to entice you to use more transit, more human-powered transportation, a little less gas this summer. Your West Seattle co-sponsors are Sustainable West Seattle, the CoHo Team of Windermere Agents, and us here at WSB. First step: Sign up to be part of it (do that here). That gets you free membership, which in turn makes you eligible for deals (like these) and gets you tickets for free bus rides, plus you’ll be entered in drawings. Only catch – In Motion wants quick progress reports on what you do to pitch in. Took the bus/shuttle to catch the Water Taxi instead of driving? Great! Rode your bike to the store? Great! Caught a ride downtown with a friend instead of driving alone? Great! As media sponsor for West Seattle In Motion, we’ll get updates from the county on West Seattleites’ total “saved trips” and we’ll get to brag about everybody’s progress (think we can out-“motion” other participating neighborhoods?) – we’ll have a special In Motion page set up by the time we get to West Seattle Summer Fest on Friday (you’ll meet the In Motion folks there too – they’ll be in spaces 26 and 28, east side of California between Alaska and Edmunds). Again, it all starts here.

Week and a half till West Seattle Outdoor Movies return!

While you’re in The Junction for West Seattle Summer Fest this Friday-Saturday-Sunday, you’ll see the poster for West Seattle Outdoor Movies, which, like WSSF, we’re thrilled to be co-sponsoring again this year. Above, the official poster (by Riverbed) – you might remember the robot from last year, and now, there are two! The movie series opens Saturday, July 16th, with “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”; second week (June 23rd), it’s “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.” If you haven’t been in years past, the movies are on the big screen on the wall in the courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), with pre-show entertainment (movie’s at dusk, but come early!) and concessions. All free; bring your own chair/blanket, and bring a few dollars for raffles that raise money for local nonprofits. And if you’re on Facebook, “like” the West Seattle Outdoor Movies page for behind-the-scenes tidbits – find it here.

Followup: SDOT mows overgrown, YouTubed Delridge sidewalk

Keith Ramsey just sent word – again, via Twitter, like the first time – that SDOT, as promised, has been out to take care of the overgrowth on Delridge Way’s east-side sidewalk near the Southwest Precinct and Home Depot. If you missed the original story, he called attention to it by making a video and publishing it on YouTube, as featured in our story from last Friday. And of course, he has created a followup video – YT says it’s still processing; we’ll add it here when it’s done.

3:01 PM: The link has now gone away completely (checking with Keith on that) – but we ran over to the zone in question to photograph (albeit from across the street) the new-mown proof.

11:23 PM: Keith has published an updated video – saying that the spot where the SDOT mowing stopped was short of their property line:

We’ll check with SDOT in the morning.

ADDED MIDDAY THURSDAY: From SDOT’s Rick Sheridan: “Given landscaping needs elsewhere, work like this is sometimes spread over multiple days. Although we were not able to finish mowing yesterday, a crew should be back on site now to complete the work.”

ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: Done, says Keith, tweeting this photo as proof.

Countdown to West Seattle Summer Fest: Art Dive! and more

Two days till The Junction is alive with festival fun as West Seattle Summer Fest 2011 takes over the streets for three days (and two nights), this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Actually – if this is your first summer here – keep in mind the streets are scheduled to close at 6 pm tomorrow (Thursday) evening for setup, so the stirrings of Summer Fest are even closer. The basics are on the Summer Fest website – the vendor list/map here, music schedule here, GreenLife live-demo schedule here, kids’ area info here, etc. But we’re also checking around for more preview tidbits. Here are a few:

ART DIVE! Again this year, The Junction’s own Twilight Artist Collective is organizing the tent full of artists showing and selling their work. We asked Twilight co-proprietor Mary Enslow who’s hot/new – overall, she says, “We’ve got a great lineup.” From that lineup, she mentions Lady Plume’s Hair Designs, specializing in the hot new trend of adding dyed-feather extensions to your hair. “With Lady Plume, customers will be able to customize their feather combos and get them added to their manes on-site.” Mary also says that jewelry designer Lyndsay Brown will be back with Idle Hands Designs: “Her one-of-a-kind pieces are made from sterling silver, semi-precious stones and vintage elements.” And Solstice Designs, “Twilight’s former floormate from our days in the Pike Place Market … will be selling a variety of handmade goods locally made including lots of hair embellishments.” Overall, according to Mary, “At Art Dive, patrons can meet the maker and buy paintings, clothing, jewelry, magnets, photographs and more!” Look for the tent on California SW north of SW Oregon.

WHILE YOU’RE ON THE NORTH END OF SUMMER FEST … stop by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse, WSB’s inaugural sponsor. Proprietor Lora Swift tells us she’ll have a “special Summer Fest menu,” with West Seattle-themed offerings. Hotwire is at 4410 California SW, just south of SW Genesee (with the courtyard that’s home to West Seattle Outdoor Movies, starting the weekend AFTER Summer Fest; 1st movie is Saturday night, July 16th – full schedule here!).

BUBBLEMAN IS BACK ON SUMMER FEST EVE: We confirmed with Elliott Bay Brewing today that, as has become a pre-Summer Fest tradition, the legendary Bubbleman (recently seen at the Morgan Junction Community Festival) will be in front of the restaurant/pub on Thursday night, always a treat for families enjoying wandering the shut-down streets while festival setup gets under way. This year, it’s a Shop Late Thursdays night, 6-9 pm, participants listed here – and Diminished Men will be playing outside West 5 at 7 pm, too.

If you’re a business with a Summer Fest sale, we’re collecting that info for our next preview, and you’re welcome to share a few datapoints so we can include them!

West Seattle businesses: ‘The Cask is open,’ owners remind you

The Cask Old World Ale and Wine House in the Admiral District wants you to know it’s open, despite apparent rumors to the contrary. Co-owner Dee asked us to share this photo and note:

For those who are interested in the current status of The Cask: The Cask is open and running full steam ahead. Although the owners ( Shon & Dee ) do have the Cask for sale and are in the process of transitioning to Daytona Beach, Florida, to open a similar venture there, the business is and will continue to grow and maintain its place in the Admiral community. Thank you for your support and please continue to join us at The Cask. For information on our weekly events or to contact us for more details, please call or email us at 206.650.2448, Website:, Facebook: TheCaskSeattle


Washington Beer Blog first reported the sale listing a month ago, but it has NOT been closed at any point.

West Seattle scene: USS Shoup visits Elliott Bay

Thanks to Gary Jones for sharing his photo of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Shoup passing West Seattle shores this morning. It’s homeported in Everett, so it’s not far from home. Gary offers a little more of DDG 86’s local history: “Commissioned in 2002 at Seattle’s Port Terminal 37, she was part of the Seafair fleet in 2009.”

Citywide weekend-traffic alert, starring 2 big West Seattle events

SDOT is out early with this weekend’s citywide traffic alert – and two of the big events are right here on the peninsula, West Seattle Summer Fest (with road closures starting 6 pm tomorrow) Friday-Sunday and the Seafair Pirates’ Landing on Saturday. Read on for the full list:Read More

Followup: Neighbor charged in Fairmount Springs attack

Court documents reveal more information about the arrest reported here last week in connection with the attack on a 65-year-old Fairmount Springs woman two months ago – an attack so alarming, it led to a community meeting with a city councilmember in attendance. A neighbor of the victim, 48-year-old Monty Richardson, is charged with first-degree burglary, second-degree assault, and unlawful imprisonment. “The victim in this case easily could have died,” prosecutors write, asking for $250,000 bail and detailing the vicious attack Richardson is charged with carrying out.Read More

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival: Application time for Junior Court

July 6, 2011 7:02 am
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 |   West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival | West Seattle news

(June 28th photo by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Last week, the 2010-2011 West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court – from left, Princess Riley, Queen Taylor, and Princess Kaitlin – reigned royally at the White Rose Reception (WSB coverage here). Next week, they will crown their successors – and interested candidates need to apply *now*. The coronation will happen during the Hiawatha Fun Fest, 1 pm on Friday, July 15th, just nine days away. The deadline for applications to be received is next Tuesday, July 12th; the application packet is here, including a full explanation of the rules (including that girls must be no younger than 7 nor older than 11 as of this September 1st).

And be on the lookout for Hi-Yu royalty and volunteers during West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (with the Sparkling Seattle float), at Alki for the Seafair Pirates’ Landing on Saturday, as well as in the West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade on July 23rd, and the Seafair Torchlight Parade a week later (among other parades during this busy summer season).

West Seattle Wednesday: Traffic alert; Duwamish kayaking; more

(Fauntleroy ferry dock, fog, Vashon Island; WSB photo by Patrick Sand, added 8:39 am)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

TRAFFIC ALERT: Tonight’s the first of three nights for lane closures on the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct, as part of the widening project. The westbound right lane will be closed 11 pm-5 am. (Also note that the entire westbound stretch will be closed 11 pm-5 am three nights NEXT week, 7/12-7/14.)

UP EARLY? The Westside Professionals business-networking group would love to meet you this morning, 8 am, The Kenney.

APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR NEW HOUSING COMMUNITY: Strength of Place Village begins accepting rental applications today. This is a new low-income community in White Center at 14th Ave SW and 100th Ave SW, currently under construction. Sit down with a management rep to fill out an application for housing & ask questions. Child care, light refreshments and interpretation in Spanish, Vietnamese & Somali will be available, according to the announcement. Come to the YWCA Learning Center at Greenbridge (9720 8th SW), 3 pm – 7 pm. Download application here

SEE THE RIVER: The 2011 Summer Community Kayak Tour series by Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition starts tonight, 5:30-8:30pm: RSVP to Alki Kayak Tours (206) 953-0237. Tours cost $45 per person, we also ask for a $5 donation per person to DRCC/TAG to support our educational programs. All equipment, instructions, and guiding are provided. Children under 18 must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Some scholarship funding is available for Duwamish community members; please contact DRCC/TAG for more information. Meet at Terminal 107 Park in West Seattle (4700 West Marginal Way SW). More info

DANCE!: Dance Time with Lauren Petrie (at Bridge Park, which is at 3204 SW Morgan), 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 pm – 9 pm. Tonight’s theme: Summertime.

(added) REALITY SHOW VIEWING PARTY: At Beveridge Place Pub at 6:30 pm tonight, Ian Sutton and friends plan to gather to watch an episode of the reality-show “Bath Crashers,” featuring his firm Green Home Contractors working on a North Seattle bathroom remodel. (If you can’t make the party, the show’s at 7 on the DIY Network.)

West Seattle scene: Canoe-building at Lowman Beach

These past few brilliantly sunny/warm afternoons, if you visited Lowman Beach north of Lincoln Park, you might have seen Tom hard at work on his canoe. We heard about him from Karl Sutter, who has been watching Tom’s progress. Karl shared the first two photos, explaining that Tom had already been out in his carved canoe – but was adding an outrigger:

Then we stopped by on the 4th of July afternoon, for a firsthand look:

The original canoe even works with a 4-to-6-horsepower motor, and at last report, he was looking for an additional one.

‘Bowl vs. Bowel’: West Seattleite raising $ to seek Crohn’s cure

It’s a disease that’s difficult to talk about … but even more difficult to live with. Crohn’s Disease has no cure – but that’s not stopping a West Seattle patient, Heidi Coy, from doing what she can to help find one. She’s organized the Bowl vs. Bowel fundraising bowling event at West Seattle Bowl this Saturday night. She tells the story:

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis April 29, 2008. After suffering chronic pain, consistent vomiting and diarrhea, fevers, fatigue, and losing more than 30 pounds in body weight, I was not able to keep any nutrients in my body. I underwent diagnostic testing revealing I have Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Little is known about what causes Crohn’s Disease and there is no known cure. I am currently able to work as a full-time nanny and am a mother to an 19-month-old son. He is the light of my life and want nothing more than to be healthy for him. I will be on medicine and other treatments, as well as dealing with flare-ups for the rest of my life.

On July 9, 2011 we will be putting on a bowling fundraiser “Bowl vs. Bowel” to benefit the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. I would like to give back to this foundation (CCFA) to help raise money while I am healthy to hopefully find a cure. This fundraiser will take place at WS Bowl from 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Help fund research and treatment of all Irritable Bowel Diseases. Every amount counts great or small. Cost is $20 a person. Raffle tickets $1 each or 15 for $10. There will be raffle prizes, shot calls for prizes, great music, $2 jello shots, HighStrike Grill, a helpful and welcoming staff, and a great time had by all!

You can pre-register to ensure your spot at WS Bowl; discounts if you register a team of 5. Contact Chris at – mention Crohn’s fundraiser. You don’t want to miss this! Thank you for your support!!

September trial set for Lincoln Park jogger-attacks suspect

July 5, 2011 9:00 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

September 26th was set today as the trial date for Duane Starkenburg, the Gatewood man arrested in late January and charged in connection with three attacks on women in Lincoln Park. His court appearance today was a brief “status conference”; if nothing changes in the case between now and September, he will appear for a September 9th hearing to confirm whether both sides are ready to go ahead with the trial later that month. (More backstory on the case is in our previous report, from his last court appearance in May.)