(Photo of Queen Latifah is by, and used with permission of, Robin Lindsey)
Seal Sitters‘ first responder/photographer/writer Robin Lindsey says a few spots are open for prospective new volunteers to join their training session this Sunday (July 10th) 2-4 pm at Camp Long (5200 35th SW). Robin says, “We’ll be discussing the workings of the NW Marine Mammal Stranding Network and protocol for responding to marine mammals on shore, seal and sea lion biology, life in a harbor seal rookery and the challenges posed when pups (and adults) visit our largely urban beaches. We will have a followup on-the-beach session soon for all new volunteers who have completed this intake and training.” RSVP to sealsitters@me.com if you’re interested so they can save you a spot – and browse the Seal Sitters’ Blubberblog to keep up to date with marine mammals’ (and human helpers’) activities on our shores.
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