West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
(WSB photos by Torin Record-Sand)
You can’t have a festival without … relief. So this was one of the most important arrivals in The Junction tonight, after the West Seattle Summer Fest zone was closed to traffic and open for both festival setup and general WSSF eve revelry:
In the street outside Elliott Bay Brewing, the Bubbleman is an annual Summer Fest Eve tradition. During the festival itself, you’ll see fun performances in a not-quite-a-stage area set up right at California and Alaska:
And while there are long rows of booths for vendors and groups both local and non-local, remember your West Seattle Junction businesses are really bringing it for the big weekend too:
One of The Junction’s newest businesses, the Tuscan Tea Room, was putting up a banner for its new features. Just down the block, West 5 hosted the band Diminished Men – outdoors, of course:
We’ve received info from other local businesses, and that’s going into our morning preview on the other side of dawn, along with a reminder of some of what we’ve already previewed over the past couple weeks – Summer Fest starts up at 10 am Friday; Team WSB is in the Information Booth at California/Alaska once again this year, wave as you walk by! (Music schedule, vendor list, GreenLife demo schedule, maps, and lots more can all be found at wsjunction.org/summerfest.)
Four members of the Seattle City Council spent an hour-plus this afternoon at the encampment that’s called itself “Nickelsville” since its inception three years ago at the West Seattle site to which it returned in May. Our video above is the entire visit – an official meeting of the Housing (etc.) Committee – unedited, beginning after chair Councilmember Nick Licata convened the meeting and had members sign in at the camp’s front desk. (Also in attendance – Councilmembers Sally Bagshaw, Sally Clark, and Tom Rasmussen.)
First, everyone got a guided tour of the camp, from the kitchen area near the entrance, to the two goats’ grazing area on the eastern end. It currently has 91 residents, camp leaders say. Then, there was a sitdown roundtable discussion. A few headlines emerged: Operation Sack Lunch plans to start bringing lunches to Nickelsville five days a week starting next Monday; the camp is asking the city to help them get hooked up with utilities – not with paying for them, just with getting them hooked up. They also are waiting to hear the city’s longterm intent on whether they will be able to stay at that location; as we first reported shortly after their return to the site, Mayor McGinn said he would not seek eviction, but the Council has not taken a formal position.
The tour stopped short of this noteworthy sight:
That’s the play equipment procured and installed thanks to the efforts of WSB Forums members, who have taken a special interest in – and have been providing lots of help to – Nickelsville and its residents, who include longtime Forums member/WSB commenter “miws” Mike. He has just taken on a brand-new Nickelsville position, pet coordinator; you’ll see him in our video too (he and others in leadership positions got a chance to explain their work to the visitors). As for who will use the swing set – four children are among the camp’s current residents, councilmembers were told.
As the West Seattle Summer Fest motto goes, “Let’s close the streets and see what happens.” And as of this evening, till sometime Sunday night, closed they are – California SW between Alaska and Edmunds, and Alaska between 44th and 42nd. Setup is under way, but so is fun – The Junction’s third Shop Late Thursdays of the summer (till 9 pm – participating businesses are listed here), and more. We’ll have a full report later, but just wanted to remind you about the streets, for starters. P.S. Can you help make Summer Fest as green as green can be? There’s a need for volunteers on two shifts:
Volunteer Friday 3 pm-8 pm or Sunday 11 am-2 pm. Help educate festivalgoers on how to recycle and compost. Help make the festival a Zero Waste event! Contact Liz@wsjunction.org ASAP …
P.S. Our favorite pre-Summer Fest photo thus far:
Summer Fest officially opens tomorrow morning at 10 – we’ll be in the information booth again this year (at California/Alaska); come by and say hi!
From the family of Joe Butzerin, a longtime West Seattleite known for many endeavors:
A Requiem Mass will be held for Joe Butzerin at Holy Rosary Catholic Church at 10:30 am on Monday, July 11th. Starting Friday, July 8, at noon, Joe will be in repose at the Butzerin home at 4903 SW Hill Street, where visitors will be welcome at any time. A wake will be held on Saturday at 7:00 pm.
Joe passed away peacefully on July 5th at his home, surrounded by family after complications from heart failure. Joe was born July 25, 1931 in Minneapolis, but he had resided in West Seattle since shortly after his marriage to Kathryn Freitas-Fox in 1958. Joe served as a first lieutenant in Korea after ROTC at Gonzaga University. He started his civilian career in Seattle as a math teacher, first on Vashon Island and later at Chief Sealth High School. To help support his growing family, Joe worked summers as a meter reader at Seattle City Light, where he eventually became a full-time lighting consultant. Joe retired from City Light in 1997 after more than 35 years of service.
Joe served as Chairman of the 34th District Democrat Club for two terms. He was an exuberant activist in both local and national political campaigns, serving as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1980 [photo at right]. He greatly enjoyed his service on the King County Fair Board. Joe also served as Chair of the Holy Rosary Conference of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul.
Joe always said he was most proud of being a father to his six children: JoAnne, Teresa, Carla, Peter, Robert, and Mary; and his 14 grandchildren. He was dearly loved and will be sorely missed.
Assuming the last-ever space-shuttle launch goes off as scheduled tomorrow morning, here are two unique, local ways to experience it: West Seattle’s NASA Solar System Ambassador Alice Enevoldsen will comment and discuss via Twitter – she explains on her Alice’s Astro Info site how that will work. Not far from West Seattle, you can also join a free viewing party at the Museum of Flight, which will open early for the occasion. The launch is scheduled at 8:26 am our time; the museum will open at 8 am, and you can watch in their big-screen theater. (If you want to see the rest of the museum afterward, that’ll still cost you.)
In case you still haven’t seen a coyote, or haven’t seen one close up, this is the clearest photo we’ve received in a while – thank you to Mark for sharing it after a sighting in Fauntleroy Park, where he says you hear them howl at night and/or when a siren goes by. Also an opportunity to remind you that “coexisting with coyotes” doesn’t mean just standing around and watching them; as many have pointed out in recent discussions, it means taking steps to ensure that they remain wary of humans – because if they don’t, it’s not good for them or us. At the very basic level, that means not leaving food out for them, but it also means if you’re close to one, scare it away – throw rocks, wave your arms, etc. Read this for more advice.
(From left: Tom Henry, Patty Henry, Carol Middleton)
Today we welcome, as a WSB sponsor, J.F. Henry Kitchen, Tableware & Gifts, which since 1984 has been West Seattle’s only full-line kitchen store and fine dinnerware showroom. Today through West Seattle Summer Fest weekend, JF Henry is having its annual clearance sale. Tom Henry says this is where you can find “really cool, quality, can’t-live-without, you just gotta have, surprises.” During Summer Fest this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, you will be able to browse J.F. Henry‘s outdoor tables and save 50 percent or more on placemats, totes, Italian stainless steel, hand-painted table linen, and seasonal barbecue sets, to name a few things.
Tom and Patty say J.F. Henry Kitchen, Tableware & Gifts is one of the few places where you can still shop hands-on for fine dinnerware. Their showroom allows you to not only see, but also to touch and feel china that can be used for special occasions or everyday use. Tom also says they’re there to also help you find kitchen and tableware that fit your needs and budget. No need to go to a mall, says Tom – you can completely supply your kitchen, and have full dinner-table settings, without leaving downtown West Seattle, and you can make an “informed decision” about what to get for your home. J.F. Henry is at 4445 California SW, 206-935-5150; they’re open till 8 tonight for Shop Late Thursdays, and you can check out the sale throughout Summer Fest.
We thank J.F Henry Kitchen, Tableware & Gifts for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
Another paving alert from SDOT:
Paving crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation plan to perform spot paving repairs on Thursday, July 14 at several locations around the curve where 35th Avenue Southwest turns into Marine View Drive SW. The crews will work between 11039 Marine View Drive SW and the intersection of SW 111th Street and 35th Avenue SW, grinding off old pavement and laying new asphalt, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Traffic flaggers will assist drivers around the work areas.
The kids’ activities for West Seattle Summer Fest – in The Junction tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, with co-sponsors including WSB – are headquartered in the Wells Fargo parking lot along 44th SW, north of SW Alaska. You’ll find art activities coordinated by Pathfinder K-8, which are free, and you’ll find the bouncy rides, which are not. For your planning purposes – the West Seattle Junction Association shared the pricing information from Clowns Unlimited, which provides the inflatable rides/activities. All-day and three-day passes are “unlimited use”:
General Info – We will be featuring 10 rides this year – Dual Lane Slide, Tub’s O Fun, Bounce Slide Combo, Circus Train, Wacky World, Swing Chair Ride, Carousel Bouncer, Fire Truck Slide, All Star Obstacle Course and Climbing Wall. To play on all of these rides one time would cost the participant $23.75. …
Friday – Hours: 10 am to 8 pm
1) All Day Pass = $17.00 per person
2) Three Day Pass = $35.00
3) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)Saturday – Hours: 10 am to 8 pm
1) All Day Pass = $17.00 per person
2) Two Day Pass = $27.00
3) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)Sunday – Hours: 10 am to 5 pm
1) All Day Pass = $15.00 per person
2) Individual Tickets = $1.25 per ticket (Each ride takes one to four tickets each)
Yet another Summer Fest preview in the pipeline for later. Reminder, road closures in The Junction kick in at 6 pm, and that means some bus changes too.
Thanks to Owen and Robert for tips – apparently the city’s new “parking scofflaw” program, “booting” your car if you are found to have four or more unpaid parking tickets, has taken at least one spin along the West Seattle shore. This morning, Owen e-mailed to report, “On my ride in this morning I saw several cars parked along Harbor Ave SW and Alki Ave SW sporting shiny yellow parking boots. Since they only went into effect July 5, it looks like Alki might have been one of the first areas targeted.” Robert also says he saw one along Alki. We took a trip to look for them ourselves and missed them – if you have a photo, please share! And if you have a parking-ticket backlog, pay it – more details here.
ADDED EARLY FRIDAY: Owen spotted a few more boots while heading home, and shared the photo we’ve added above.
The Seattle City Attorney’s Office is working on a proposal for medical-marijuana regulation in the city, since the state efforts came to a chaotic end. It appears on the agenda for next week’s Housing/Culture/Health Committee meeting (2 pm July 13th), but the proposal itself isn’t ready for release, according to the city attorney’s spokesperson, Kimberly Mills, who tells WSB, “We’re fine-tuning the ordinance and it will go up on the council site at midnight Friday. You’ll be able to get a copy at that time, and our office and council staff can talk about it early next week.”
Just in from SDOT:
Paving crews of the Seattle Department of Transportation plan to work on Beach Drive SW between Southwest Snoqualmie Street and SW Jacobson Road [map] on July 13 if weather is favorable. Traffic flaggers will control traffic from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. while the crews grind off the old asphalt and lay new asphalt. This work is part of the department’s annual street paving program.
Beach Drive Blog, meantime, is reporting on some oddly dated No Parking signs put out today. We’re checking to see if this is related.
The official notices for an upcoming two-project Southwest Design Review Board meeting are in today’s Land Use Information Bulletin from the city. They include two changes from what was on the city schedule when we published first word of this meeting two weeks ago. The meeting is still on July 28th, but the location and order have changed. The meeting is now planned for the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon): At 6:30 pm, the board will take its first look at the 117-unit proposal for 3261 SW Avalon Way (site photo at right; here’s the notice); at 8 pm, the board will take its second look at Nova, the 62-unit Harbor Properties proposal for 4600 36th SW (here’s the notice).
Christina shared that photo of police checking for prints after a burglary at her home on Wednesday:
I came home (Wednesday) to find my house (in the 9400 block of) 14th Ave SW had been burglarized. They broke the lock on my bathroom window and entered through there. They were able to get 2 laptops, 2 digital cameras and a handgun. None of our neighbors saw or heard anything and I happen to have 3 dogs that were kenneled at the time. Once they got what they wanted from the house, they left through the side door. This happened between 11 am and 430 pm. The police were able to life several fingerprints from the window screen that they removed.
Side note: Checking the city online map (which lag at least several hours after incidents are reported), while this does not seem to be a prolific week for burglars so far, nine car thefts have been reported in West Seattle since Monday alone.
(Photo of Queen Latifah is by, and used with permission of, Robin Lindsey)
Seal Sitters‘ first responder/photographer/writer Robin Lindsey says a few spots are open for prospective new volunteers to join their training session this Sunday (July 10th) 2-4 pm at Camp Long (5200 35th SW). Robin says, “We’ll be discussing the workings of the NW Marine Mammal Stranding Network and protocol for responding to marine mammals on shore, seal and sea lion biology, life in a harbor seal rookery and the challenges posed when pups (and adults) visit our largely urban beaches. We will have a followup on-the-beach session soon for all new volunteers who have completed this intake and training.” RSVP to sealsitters@me.com if you’re interested so they can save you a spot – and browse the Seal Sitters’ Blubberblog to keep up to date with marine mammals’ (and human helpers’) activities on our shores.
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
(WSB photo of Bubbleman in The Junction, Summer Fest Eve 2010)
SUMMER FEST EVE! ROADS CLOSE; SHOP LATE THURSDAY; BUBBLEMAN… Since West Seattle Summer Fest starts tomorrow, the main festival zone will close tonight at 6 – California between Oregon and Edmunds, Alaska between 44th and 42nd – for setup. You’re welcome to come down and roam The Junction – for most of the evening there will be lots of room to roam. As mentioned in our latest Summer Fest preview, street performances are scheduled around 7 pm – Bubbleman outside Elliott Bay Brewing, the band Diminished Men outside West 5. Plus, it’s this summer’s third edition of Shop Late Thursdays in The Junction, 6-9 pm – participating merchants are listed here.
SSCC GARDEN CENTER OPEN: Support South Seattle Community College‘s horticulture and landscape students. Plants on sale 11 am-3 pm (north end of campus, 6000 16th SW), details here..
LEARN TO JUGGLE: In nearby South Park, the SP Community Center presents Juggling Through the Ages at 1 pm, free – a hands-on chance to give juggling a try. 1 pm, 8319 8th Avenue S.
CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE VISITS ‘NICKELSVILLE’: The encampment at West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way SW will be the site of an official special meeting of the council’s Housing (among other things) Committee, 2:30 pm (agenda here).
BRAINDANCE: For people with Parkinson’s Disease at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), Thursdays through August 4th, 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm. Cost: $10 or pay what you can, free to caregivers. Class builds movement confidence and improves balance of mind and body. Exercise to promote reorganization of neurological system. Live music. Call D’vorah if you are interested at 206.932.4044 ext 2 or register with Ingrid, 206.473.0024.
FIXERS’ COLLECTIVE: Remember this report about the first meeting? Tonight, the Fixers’ Collective meets again at West Seattle Tool Library – tinker and talk! 6 pm, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center‘s northeast side (4408 Delridge Way SW).
READ THE KORAN IN 4 WEEKS: Pastor Ron Marshall of the First Lutheran Church of West Seattle has been teaching this 4 times a year since 2003 – tonight’s the first of four sessions in the next series. Call with questions or to see if there’s room; 935-6530.