West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: The map

One week from today, it’s the sixth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – this year, 200 sales big and small, all over the peninsula. We promised we’d have the map available by now, and we’re making good on that – you can see the Google Map version, with all 200 sites, by going here. In our experience, the Google Map has never printed too well, though, so we always make a printable version, with a segmented map, and the individual sale “ads” organized #1-#200 – that’s not ready yet, but we’ll link it here when it’s done, as well as on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website and Facebook page. Meantime, you can see each full “ad” by clicking each sale’s number icon on the Google Map. We’ve made the list and more than checked it twice, to borrow a phrase, but if you are a seller and you can’t find your sale, please let us know as soon as possible (garagesale@westseattleblog.com) so we can check into it. Again, this is just a sneak peek – the sales don’t start till 9 am next Saturday (May 8). P.S. Feel free to share this link with friends and relatives all over the region – with 200 sales (including multi-family, block, organization, school, nonprofit BIG sales), there’s plenty of shopping for folks beyond the peninsula to come join “local” shoppers that day too.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: The map"

  • A May 1, 2010 (9:53 pm)

    I’ve already posted my ad on CL with my sale #! And I’ve been selling things leading up to the sale and have told everyone (from all over Seattle) about the big day. It sounds like a lot of them will be heading our way next weekend. I can’t wait!

  • Amanda May 1, 2010 (10:07 pm)

    Best day ever.

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