(Hummingbird photographed by Tom Kelley near 40th/Thistle)
TRIANGLE TALK: As previewed here Monday, tonight’s the first meeting of the latest advisory group to look at a vision for West Seattle’s Triangle district. 6 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle.
“JASON MC KISSACK ACT” TO BE SIGNED: The former police officer who suffered brain damage when attacked while trying to break up a fight in West Seattle is the namesake for a bill that Governor Gregoire will sign into law today with other public-safety-related bills, 3 pm at Lakewood Police HQ (Pierce County). Here’s our preview.
ALCOHOL CRACKDOWN? On the West Seattle side of the White Center business district, WC-area business owners will gather tonight for a forum on “Options for Managing Homeless, Chronic Alcoholics in White Center.” Discussion topics include “possible ban of certain alcohol brands in White Center.” 6:30 pm, Triangle Pub.
OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW TRANSFER STATION: This is in South Park, but the facility will serve our area too – a new transfer station‘s being built, starting later this year, northwest of the existing one, and the city’s having an informational open house 5-7 pm. Details on the Sustainable West Seattle website.
LAST DAY OF “OPEN ENROLLMENT”: If you are enrolling a first-time student in Seattle Public Schools, or if you want to ask that a student attend a school different than the one to which she/he has been assigned, today’s the deadline – more info on the district’s website.
FINAL WEEK FOR “SUNLIGHT”: Tonight’s the first night of the final week for “Sunlight” at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), with 7:30 pm performances nightly through Saturday, 3 pm matinee concluding the run Sunday.
DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR MISS WEST SEATTLE HI-YU: $2,000 scholarship money for the Queen, $1,000 for Princesses, and you get to represent West Seattle all over the region. Here’s info on eligibility and how to apply.
TWO WAYS TO HELP: This is the last day of the eyewear-collection drive at Keller Williams in The Junction (details here); also, as noted in this WestSide Baby report yesterday, they need donated boys’ clothes sizes 8 and 10 TODAY.