month : 10/2008 370 results

Update: Jury selection continues in 59th/Admiral shooting trial

October 16, 2008 8:02 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

gavel.jpgThis is the only West Seattle murder case from 2007 to go to trial – and that trial started this week with jury selection. WSB is covering the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with second-degree murder for the 10/13/2007 deadly shooting in a car at 59th/Admiral; we have not published his name since it emerged last fall that his defense focuses on a contention he was a longtime victim of sexual abuse. Here’s the update from our reporter on what happened at the courthouse today:Read More

“Heroes” results, and what you can do next

October 16, 2008 7:09 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | How to help | West Seattle people

Congratulations to Redmond’s Mike Town, who won the webpoll portion of the “Cox Conserves Heroes” competition in which Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens was also among five people in Western Washington honored for their work to lend nature a helping hand. Thanks to everybody who voted for Judy, not just because she does great work, but also in hopes her chosen nonprofit, EarthCorps, would get the $5K donation in the winner’s name; you can still help EarthCorps right this second with an online donation. And you can help Judy and the Fauntleroy Creek coho by being at the creek overlook (across from the ferry dock) later this month for a special event – here’s her latest update:

The annual drumming to call the salmon home to Fauntleroy Creek needs a lead drummer or two. The event will be Sunday, Oct. 26, 5-6 p.m. at the fish-ladder viewpoint (SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW) and typically draws 40-60 people of all ages to sing, act out salmon stories, and enjoy spirited drumming. If you’d like to set the beat, e-mail In case of rain, instruments will have canopy cover.

Update: Jefferson Square Starbucks closing date set

sbuxjefferson.jpgThanks to two people who e-mailed us in the past several hours that they’d heard Jefferson Square Starbucks has an official closing date (we had first word in July that it was on the Starbucks shutdown list) – we have just received confirmation from a PR firm working with SBUX (though they won’t get any more specific than “end of October”; if it’s really 11/7, that would be a few days short of what would have been the store’s 1-year anniversary, since it opened 11/9/07). Read on for the full statement we received (it’s mostly boilerplate but we always like to share the whole thing so you can read it for yourself if you so choose):Read More

Happening tonight: Sealth IB info, knitters, fitness, “Idol”

October 16, 2008 2:58 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

A few quick reminders before the day’s too far gone, from the WSB Events calendar: Interested in the International Baccalaureate (IB) academic program at Chief Sealth High School? Special info night, 7 pm, cafeteria (at temporary Boren location). Also at 7 pm – West Seattle knitters welcome at the Pins and Needlers meetup at Uptown in The Junction; here are some of the friendly faces from last week:


A bit earlier – 6 pm – 2nd of 3 workshops where you’re welcome to help design a new fitness room for Southwest Community Center (read more here). And at 9:30 pm – Alki Idol @ Bamboo (more here).

Three quick notes: Gas, glasses, greenery

FIRST SIGHTING OF WEST SEATTLE REGULAR GAS IN THE $3.10s: A short time ago at Gasco (35th/Henderson), it was down to $3.19. That’s a dime drop from their price at weekend’s end.

NOT EXACTLY ROSE-COLORED GLASSES: West Seattle entrepreneur Nate Eddings sent us his press release too, but we hadn’t gotten around to digitizing the profanity on his main product. Daily Weekly is PG-13 so they are showing his glasses in their full, um, glory.

AND THE WINNER IS … Channel 7’s 5 pm news tonight is scheduled to include the announcement of who won the Cox Conserves Heroes web vote. Thanks to everybody who voted for Fauntleroy’s Judy Pickens (and therefore for EarthCorps, which gets a $5K Cox donation if Judy wins).

Why Holy Rosary was the safest place in West Seattle this morning



Those photos show the lineup of law-enforcement vehicles — and law enforcers — on 42nd SW between Holy Rosary‘s church and school this morning, after a motorcade that kicked off a “Red Ribbon Week” drug-awareness rally; (added at 1:47 pm) here’s video of the motorcade’s arrival, as students stood on the curb to welcome the visitors:

The rally had a bigtime guest list, including Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske (media weren’t allowed to photograph students’ faces closeup, a fairly common rule for coverage of schools’ events, so that’s why you’re seeing the tops of heads here):


Holy Rosary was chosen as the only school in Seattle to host this major event this year (there was one in Tacoma too) — and at the assembly that followed the show of force in the street (plus a helicopter landing on the playground), students heard from the widow of murdered DEA agent Enrique Camarena, the inspiration for “Red Ribbon Week.” This wasn’t your average “drugs are bad, don’t do them, see ya” rally – Mika Camarena spoke quietly and powerfully to ask the children to respect themselves and their health, as well as those in uniform. In the middle of the gym where she and others spoke was a bust of her late husband, which she acknowledged as she walked up:

Just before the indoor portion of the assembly began, this DEA chopper landed on the playground out back (who needs a helipad?):

The chopper and various law enforcers (including Duke the Seattle Police drug dog, shown below with his human partner) were on display as show-and-tell for Holy Rosary students after the assembly.


Today’s assembly was emceed by local TV reporter Jim Dever, who lives in West Seattle. As part of Red Ribbon Week, by the way, Holy Rosary students have made artwork that’s on display at Jefferson Square Safeway; you can see samples on the school’s home page (scroll down).

West Seattle walkability: Hike tomorrow, plan Saturday

October 16, 2008 9:40 am
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 |   Environment | Fun stuff to do | How to help


That’s a spot along the West Duwamish Greenbelt trail where the Nature Consortium leads free monthly hikes – and the next one is tomorrow afternoon, 1 pm, 14th/Holly trailhead (directions here). RSVP today by calling 206-923-0853 or e-mail (Here’s our report from taking that same hike last May.) The forecast for tomorrow is already better than it looked yesterday, so you might as well take a chance if you have the opportunity to check it out. (NC executive director Nancy Whitlock, who leads the hike as shown in our photo, notes that “extreme rain cancels.”)


WEST SEATTLE TRAILS KICKOFF: Chas Redmond mentioned this again at last night’s Morgan Community Association meeting – he and Feet First have been working on the West Seattle Trails project, with a free map available all over WS, and now a $100,000 city grant for signage along the routes of what’s envisioned as the West Seattle Trail Network. This will include 60 signposts and 10 kiosks (above, a rendering from the design process). Where, you ask? That’s where you come in – join the kickoff event Saturday morning, 10 am-noon, Camp Long Lodge.

New West Seattle bus route? Your chance to have a say


(click to see full-size potential route map on Metro website)
Thanks to Michael Taylor-Judd for first calling our attention to this: He wrote, “… did you know Metro may propose a new Route 50 which would provide a new, direct connection between Seward Park and the Columbia City Link station, Beacon Hill, SoDo, Harbor Island, and Alaska Junction? In particular, it would run along Spokane St. to Delridge and then make a right turn up Genesee to Avalon and the Junction, providing a new link for folks in Youngstown and Pigeon Point to get up the hill to the Junction!” And indeed, the map you see above (which links here) is somewhat buried in the Metro website, where it’s categorized as a “Southeast Seattle” proposed service change. Nonetheless, wherever you live, you have a chance RIGHT NOW to comment on whether you’d be interested in this — and this page has all the details on how to do that, starting with a community meeting tonight in Columbia City, but also including e-mail, phone, and postal-mail options, or this online questionnaire.

West Seattle view fight: Roof rift finally results in relief

According to this P-I story, roofing work that’s under way at a house near Schmitz Park represents the final chapter in a decade-long fight over neighborhood views. (More background in this story from three years ago.) For those who like to read court documents, here’s one of the appeals court rulings; interestingly, we also found the case cited in the court fight over the Lora Lake Apartments in Burien. 11:18 AM NOTE: This one’s turning up on TV – two channel 7 trucks in the driveway.

Dogs in stores: What do you think?

Just out of the WSB inbox, a request for discussion. We’re looking up the law – meantime, what do you think?

As I stood at the deli counter in the Jefferson Square Safeway today, waiting my turn to get lunch, a woman wheeled one of the store’s little shopping carts up to the counter with her pet dog standing in the top basket, nose sniffing at all the food smells. The dog wasn’t tucked under an arm or sitting in a purse, he was standing up with front paws on the rim of the cart with all his boy doggy parts hanging out. It was disgusting. I told the checker on the way out that I was disgusted Management allowed pets in the store and in the carts we all use. I asked her to please tell the store manager about my comment.

Earlier in the week it was QFC in Westwood Village where I stopped to get the last minute ingredients for dinner when I saw a woman with her little pug on a leash wandering through the store. Why do these neighbors of ours think it is ok to bring their pets into the place where we purchase food? There is no good reason to do this.

On both occasions I thought about confronting the shoppers with the dogs, but worried about their reactions. Instead I chose to tell store personnel how I felt about the dogs being allowed in the store. I would love to hear from other neighbors on this topic. If more people feel as I do, that only service animals need to be allowed in areas where food is purchased or consumed, then maybe we can get the Management of these stores to do something.

Dogs are not accessories that complete an outfit. Being a dog owner/lover myself I would never consider taking my dog into a grocery store. Are there City Ordinances about this, and what about liability issues for the stores?

Interested in my neighbors’ view,
Linda Thomson

(Other similar issues have been discussed here, and in the WSB Forums, before, but we still can’t find the exact rule/statute; summaries boil it down to, pets aren’t supposed to be in grocery stores, unless they’re service animals, and proprietors generally are advised not to push for proof.)

Delridge Council tonight: West Seattle Stadium update, and more

October 15, 2008 11:18 pm
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 |   Delridge | Delridge District Council | West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

From tonight’s Delridge District Council meeting: Several notes of interest, including the first official presentation on the West Seattle Stadium private-operation proposal search, with some answers to questions that have come up since our first reports (here and here) – read on for tonight’s full report:Read More

From Morgan Community Assoc. meeting: Big paving news!


(April 2008 WSB photo of “Fauntle-rut Way” pothole repairs)
We’re at the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting at The Kenney, and Liz Ellis from SDOT revealed HUGE news that’s buried in the mayor’s 2009 budget proposal: Money is proposed for repaving Fauntleroy Way next year between Alaska and California — the stretch we once dubbed (and we probably weren’t the first) “Fauntle-rut Way.” It’s the only West Seattle project proposed for the Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program. You can find it on page 11 of this PDF.

Fauntleroy Schoolhouse update: FCA discussion, and more


A week ago tonight, we brought you word of a milestone in the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency‘s negotiations to purchase the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, agreement on a “term sheet.” Last night, two FCSA reps joined the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly meeting, at the schoolhouse, for an informal presentation about the latest developments, and Q/A. Read on for the newest information, including school board action expected tonight, plus a statement on the latest developments from the Fauntleroy Children’s Center director Kim Sheridan, which we received just before last night’s FCA meeting:Read More

Traffic alert: Partial West Seattle Bridge blockage

October 15, 2008 5:56 pm
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 |   West Seattle traffic alerts

Texted by Shannon (thank you!): There’s a stall in the righthand lane on The Bridge “just after the Fauntleroy split.” So if you run into a backup, that’s what’s up.

When West Seattle Gas Price Watch collides with Typo Watch


Thanks to the tipster who called us about this sign that’s just gone up at the recently reopened former 76 station on ROXbury, a couple blocks east of 35th. Also worth noting, this is our first sighting of $3.20-something regular gas since the price plummet began.

Election ’08: 34th District Republicans check in

October 15, 2008 3:40 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

We’ve mentioned various Democratic events – we hear often from the 34th District Democrats (who also are sponsoring WSB this month to get the word out about their “sample ballot” endorsements list) – checkbox.jpgand always tack on the note that we’d be happy to report local Republican events too if and when somebody sends word. “Somebody” finally did – Matthew Lundh, a West Seattleite who is also communications director for the statewide Republican Party organization. He reports these two 34th District Republican events coming up: “On Saturday, we will be doorbelling in West Seattle. We will be meeting at the Westwood Village Starbucks at 9:30 am and doorbelling until 1:00 pm. Every Tuesday, until the election, we will be phonebanking from the Prudential Realty office at 127 SW 156th St in Burien from 6:30-8:30 pm.” (Saturday, as reported here yesterday, Democrats plan to doorbell in the area too, with high-level help.) For more election-related info, including pro/con/neutral info on the local and state ballot measures, check the WSB Election page any time.

That explains it

In our first-in-a-while West Seattle-wide gas-price check published Monday morning, we noted that the Delridge Exxon was, at least temporarily, out of the gas business – its pumps removed, a construction fence around the service islands. A just-issued city permit explains what’s going on: like the Exxon at Andover/California did a few months back, this one is switching to 76.

Another West Seattle traffic alert: North side of Westwood Village

In case you missed it in the comment thread on the Thistle crash – Aim reports that Trenton is closed on the north side of Westwood Village (map) because of construction work, and traffic was a “mess” when she went through a bit earlier. Don’t know how long this will last but we’ll check back on it later. Many projects affecting traffic are NOT pre-announced, so we appreciate hearing from you whenever you spot a problem, so we can in turn pass the information along. 3:19 PM UPDATE: Passed through the area moments ago, Trenton’s open again. Steel plates in place on the road, so drive slow!

Update: Thistle reopened after crash between 39th & 40th

Thistle’s closed in both directions between 39th and 40th due to a two-car accident. Traffic is being routed down the side streets while police are still investigating. One of the cars is still in the street along with some debris.


UPDATE 1 PM: Thistle is open again. One car was able to leave the scene under its own power. The other car has been towed.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Egg vandals strike again

Out of the WSB inbox, from Deb:

Our house (near the intersection of 38th Ave SW & SW Dakota St; map) has no off-street parking, so we park on the street. Sometime last night my car was egged, and I’m curious about whether anyone else’s cars were egged last night. I took a quick look at my neighbors’ cars and didn’t see any obvious evidence of egging, but I didn’t look too closely because I was running late after trying (unsuccessfully!) to clean the dried, cold egg off of my car. I hope no one else’s cars or houses were egged, but I’d be curious to hear about it if they were. I’m not sure if I should report this to the police. On one hand, I don’t want to waste their time and resources on something that’s relatively minor (albeit annoying and frustrating). On the other hand, I haven’t been able to get all of the egg off of my car, so I don’t know yet whether there’s any actual property damage. Now I’m off to search the interwebs for information about how to get dried egg off of my car without causing (more?) damage to the paint.

Yes, report it to the police. Coincidentally, the P-I’s 911 blog just took up this topic.

A trivial matter (but fun): Skylark’s 1st Trivia Night tonight

We mentioned it when Skylark Cafe and Club joined the WSB sponsor team a few weeks back – but tonight’s the night so we’re mentioning it again: The first Trivia Night at Skylark. Proprietor Jessie Summa-Kusiak is your host; she’s presenting a four-round trivia contest every Wednesday night , 7 pm to 9 pm, sign up your team starting at 6:30. Jessie adds: “There is no minimum team size. $3 per person entry fee, cash prizes and more for the winning!” Skylark’s on the west side of Delridge, just south of The Bridge (map). (Skylark’s also doing “Come As You Aren’t” Halloween again this year – read about it on the Skylark calendar page.)

West Seattle scenes: “Bon voyage” to ’08 cruise season


Taken this morning at Don Armeni: That’s Celebrity Cruises‘ Mercury in the background, making the last scheduled cruise-ship call of the year, so when you see Mercury sail past West Seattle’s north-facing waterfront this afternoon, that’s it till next spring. The Port of Seattle has already posted the 2009 cruise schedule; ship visits are scheduled April 24-October 15, so far.

35th SW safety: Speeder scorecard


A follow-up to last week’s pedestrian-safety rally at 35th/Juneau in High Point (WSB coverage here and here): One of the organizers, Denise Sharify from Neighborhood House, got word from SDOT about results of extra police patrols on 35th that day (photo above) and the following two days: 30 tickets were issued during the 10/7 rally, and 61 more – 45 of them for speeding – on 10/8 and 10/9, by four officers working 35th between Willow and Juneau, with the top ticketed speed listed as 55 in a 35 zone. As the precinct has reminded us before, this is a regular spot for patrols, too.