That explains it

In our first-in-a-while West Seattle-wide gas-price check published Monday morning, we noted that the Delridge Exxon was, at least temporarily, out of the gas business – its pumps removed, a construction fence around the service islands. A just-issued city permit explains what’s going on: like the Exxon at Andover/California did a few months back, this one is switching to 76.

1 Reply to "That explains it"

  • Scott October 15, 2008 (2:53 pm)

    Haven’t bought gas at a Exxon since the Valdez incident… still can’t understand why folks buy gas there. I know that many are independent stations, and that even though they change the name its still probably Exxon gas, but it is *EXXON*.
    Guess I’m not the only one, the Exxon at 35th and Barton, and others, rarely have anyone at them… but, on occasion, there is someone in there buying gas. Why?

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