From Morgan Community Assoc. meeting: Big paving news!


(April 2008 WSB photo of “Fauntle-rut Way” pothole repairs)
We’re at the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting at The Kenney, and Liz Ellis from SDOT revealed HUGE news that’s buried in the mayor’s 2009 budget proposal: Money is proposed for repaving Fauntleroy Way next year between Alaska and California — the stretch we once dubbed (and we probably weren’t the first) “Fauntle-rut Way.” It’s the only West Seattle project proposed for the Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program. You can find it on page 11 of this PDF.

6 Replies to "From Morgan Community Assoc. meeting: Big paving news!"

  • Sue October 15, 2008 (8:59 pm)

    Keeping my fingers crossed that this actually happens. I live on that stretch and it’s awful in parts.

  • WSB October 15, 2008 (9:51 pm)

    I should have added it in the blurb but it’s not too late here: If you support this project (or any other particular part of the mayor’s budget proposal), be sure to send a comment on it to the City Council, which eventually will vote. You can get their addresses etc. through:

  • Mr. JT October 16, 2008 (7:31 am)

    Good news for the speeders !

  • JumboJim October 16, 2008 (11:29 am)

    Hey JT,

    Its good news for safety too. That inside lane when you head south is so uneven and has such a strong groove where the pavement types mis-match that people often drive partially out of their lane or risk having their tires pulled by the groove.

    For safety’s sake I usually drive in the center lane where you have more time to react to children, pets, and cars coming into the street from the sidewalks and cross streets. I do take more of a risk of a head-on, but that’s the choice I make.

  • Bob Loblaw October 16, 2008 (11:38 am)

    Good news for our shocks, struts, tires, and rims. Been hoping for this for a looong time.

  • JumboJim October 16, 2008 (1:06 pm)

    Also, I found out the difference between truck suspension and luxury car suspension when driving that road. I drove it a couple of months ago in my brother-in-law’s nice rental car rather than our Ford Exploder -still a bad road, but better with good suspension.
    Driving Fauntleroy in a truck is a quick, cheap alternative to dentistry if you need some teeth removed…

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