We’ve mentioned various Democratic events – we hear often from the 34th District Democrats (who also are sponsoring WSB this month to get the word out about their “sample ballot” endorsements list) – and always tack on the note that we’d be happy to report local Republican events too if and when somebody sends word. “Somebody” finally did – Matthew Lundh, a West Seattleite who is also communications director for the statewide Republican Party organization. He reports these two 34th District Republican events coming up: “On Saturday, we will be doorbelling in West Seattle. We will be meeting at the Westwood Village Starbucks at 9:30 am and doorbelling until 1:00 pm. Every Tuesday, until the election, we will be phonebanking from the Prudential Realty office at 127 SW 156th St in Burien from 6:30-8:30 pm.” (Saturday, as reported here yesterday, Democrats plan to doorbell in the area too, with high-level help.) For more election-related info, including pro/con/neutral info on the local and state ballot measures, check the WSB Election page any time.
West Seattle, Washington
04 Tuesday
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