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November 19, 2012 at 4:22 pm #777568
“Wait, some people did die. The day before the House impeachment vote, Clinton bombed Iraq, delaying the impeachment vote. He continued the bombing throughout all the days of the impeachment vote. A few hours once the bombings ceased he said “We have achieved our objectives.” Of course, because the objective was to delay and distract from the impeachment vote!”
I am with redblack.. you are full of crap.
you may or may not be correct about when the attack occured…
but you sure do have your priorities upside down if you think the impeachment proceedings were the biggest priority.
and you seem to forget that the impeachment proceedings tied up our intelligence community at a time when their time would have been better spent analyzing the information beginning to trickle in about AlQueda operatives inside the US…
somebody did die because of the decision that using the resources of this nation in political grandstanding was more important than focusing national attention on a growing threat to our security…
a lot of somebodies died because some thought politics were the highest priority.
and for this you think impeding a sitting President from doing their job is a good thing?
step away from the tube rich…
November 19, 2012 at 4:33 pm #777569
“I just want to find out what happened and employ fixes that will hopefully keep people safe.”
and what fixes exactly do you think will keep Americans who are employed at embassies abroad that are covering covert CIA operations safe?
And do you really think outing those activities on national television and cutting off the flow of intelligence is the best way to keep our American abroad safe?
It’s time to pull up our big people panties and acknowledge that what we were doing there is what made our embassy an unsafe place to be…
i personally think we should fix that instead of shouting liar at every opportunity.
November 19, 2012 at 5:10 pm #777570
HMC RichParticipantHA!! JoB. Clinton Foreign policy was a disaster during his tenure. Domestic and International. Remember WACO!!! Remember not helping in Rhwanda!!! Somalia!!!! The seperation of information from the CIA and FBI. There is so much more UNFORTUNATELY. Remember, he could have taken out Bin Laden and didn’t. Would the other 9/11 have happened if he had acted? We do not know. Do not lecture me.
Normally there should not have been a response the but the responses from the White House and Rice were not sufficient, contradictory, and appalling.
President Obama stated that he sent her out there with the wrong information.
The Weekly Standard reported:
((President Barack Obama revealed at his press conference this afternoon that he is responsible for sending U.N. ambassador Susan Rice to speak to the American people a few days after the September 11 Benghazi terror attack.
“As I said before, she made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her,” Obama said at the press conference, defending the statements the ambassador to the U.N. made regarding the Benghazi attack.))
You see, he let her tell the story that the Admin had doctored and wanted the public to think. That is not her fault unless she knew the actual facts. But for the President to knowingly try to skew the information was wrong. It happened because he was running for office. Nobody has been named as changing the intelligence assessment but the President is the man in charge, therefore he takes the blame.
General Patreaus said the Admin changed the talking points. Read this article. It has a timeline of sorts.
Seriously, The story that came out immediately is vastly different from what has come out since. The admin tried to downplay it, gave Rice watered down and insufficient talking points.
So yes, Romney was right. You don’t like it. You disagree but the fact is he had every right to speak about it.
STFU? Not on your life.
November 19, 2012 at 5:23 pm #777571
dobroParticipant“Clinton Foreign policy was a disaster during his tenure.”
You mean that part about not starting any wars and not having Americans come home in body bags for conflicts of choice, not national security, to fatten the purses of oil companies and MIC contractors like Halliburton? Yeah, what a disaster.
November 19, 2012 at 5:24 pm #777572
HMC RichParticipantJoB, fixes, how about protecting our embassy officials. You know that the protection force was a local Libyan force and not our Marines. Yes the CIA has a tough, dirty, nasty job.
I do not expect everything to go right, but the ball was dropped. The pleas by the ambassador and staff were rejected.
Other countries consulate and staff had been moved out. Had been attacked and made the right decisions. Our State Department DID NOT.
JoB, Abu Graib. Remember, should that have been kept quiet? The Administration and State Department reacted improperly or didn’t act properly. There are times for not giving classified information. Obviously.
He promised transparency but doesn’t deliver.
November 19, 2012 at 6:26 pm #777573
Obam re-electd for second term.
US troops literally all over the world in myriad conflicts.
CIA still trying to find the top dogs in AlQueda.
Republican response?
no concern about outing a CIA mission and endangering American ambassadors in other embassies that might be cover for CIA operations
as long as they can score political points
against a president that was just re-elected with a margin they haven’t seen in decades.
and this works for you?
November 19, 2012 at 6:29 pm #777574
“JoB, fixes, how about protecting our embassy officials”
I assume you have written and called each and every Republican who sat on the committee that turned down the funds requested by the Obama White House to increase security at our embassies..
i have written to my duly elected representatives and every newly elected one that i supported during the election.
Using the embassies as a cover for CIA operations may be a long standing tradition in the intelligence community…
but it comes with increased risk for the entire American legation
which needs to be given the same priority as not compromising the integrity of CIA intelligence sources…
It really is too bad that you are too fixated on the political p…g game of liar liar pants on fire to step back and consider the larger issues that actually do endanger American lives.
November 19, 2012 at 7:20 pm #777575
kootchmanMember“and for this you think impeding a sitting President from doing their job is a good thing?”
Yes. When they do a bad job… no one is stopping him .. but he DOES have to answer for his administration. If he won’t, and if he obfuscates, congress pulls teeth. That’s their job. What endangers American lives is putting political appearance before facts. Who knew the fact? The Ambassador did.. in over 20 request for additional security.. he knew the facts and was ignored. The SEALS of the roof who were in a 7 hour firefight knew the facts when they called for support. Sorry the rest of us don’t believe in fairy dust and magic wands…. we like our truth like a good bourbon, straight up.
November 20, 2012 at 1:33 am #777576
dobroParticipantMaybe after they wind up the Obama admin investigations Congress could investigate the Repubs craven malfeasance in refusing to fund security requests. And if they’re so worried about terrorist attacks on our consulates and admin roles in such, they could open some investigations into the 11 attacks and 53 deaths that occurred under GWBs reign that didn’t seem to register on their outrage meter back then.
November 20, 2012 at 5:30 am #777577
dobroParticipantThis from CNN
“The intelligence community – not the White House, State Department or Justice Department – was responsible for the substantive changes made to the talking points distributed for government officials who spoke publicly about the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, the spokesman for the director of national intelligence said Monday.
The unclassified talking points on Libya, developed several days after the the deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, were not substantively changed by any agency outside of the intelligence community, according to the spokesman, Shawn Turner.”
OK, so Gen. Petraeus has said it,the director of national intelligence has said it. No changes from the White House or any agency outside the intelligence community. I’m sure it’s still not good enough for the FOX news zombies but I think most rational observers will get it.
November 20, 2012 at 7:20 am #777578
HMC RichParticipantAndrea Mitchell reported this and it concurs with the CNN (no link but I will believe you) story about the talking points.
Here is the last part of the article. I believe it sheds some light on the situation.
((So why were those unclassified talking points created in the first place?
Officials say they were produced in response to requests from the House Select Committee on Intelligence for language that could be used in media interviews.
The main purpose was to provide talking points sensitive to the fact that there could be legal proceedings in the future, the senior official said. Initial intelligence was tenuous, and affiliations were unclear.
Investigators also worried the investigation could be compromised if they provided too much information.))
Well Gee, They could have said so from the beginning and we wouldn’t be wasting our time with this now would we!
Still, Susan Rice’s statements were misleading and she should not have said so much. President Obama sent her out there and has taken the blame.
Clumsy. Very clumsy.
November 20, 2012 at 1:31 pm #777579
redblackParticipanti know why republicans are hung up on who said what to meet the press and when, and why they’re so desperate to crucify susan rice for this. (and no, it’s not because she’s a young african american woman.)
it’s so you won’t notice this:
and who voted to cut the state department’s budget and hire locals to guard the consulate in benghazi? why, that would be house republicans, bob. specifically daryl issa.
that’s all i hear. “well, meep meep meep why wasn’t there enough security meep meep meep who cut the security meep meep meep why did those people have to die meep meep meep.”
read the links. it will tell you all you need to know about the benghazi consulate’s security and make you forget about all of this political b.s. that’s going on on the hill. and that is the core issue, right? guys?
house republicans are playing the “liberal” media. don’t let them play you. again.
November 20, 2012 at 6:12 pm #777580
dobroParticipant“They could have said so from the beginning and we wouldn’t be wasting our time with this now would we!”
The White House has been saying it from the beginning.The Repubs have been obfuscating, misleading,outright lying, doing anything to try to turn this into a scandal. They just can’t stand that they haven’t been able to pin anything on Obama after 4 years and 2 billion dollars worth of mudslinging.
Their next ploy- Obama pardons Thanksgiving turkey. Fox News-Who pressured Obama into this pardon and what are their ties to Libya? (Thanx to Mike Luckovich at the Atlanta paper. Wish I could embed the cartoon)
November 20, 2012 at 6:35 pm #777581
JoBParticipantNovember 20, 2012 at 10:44 pm #777582
JKBParticipantI heard there was going to be a prisoner swap – some PETA members will be axed, and the turkeys released into the wild.
November 20, 2012 at 10:58 pm #777583
HMC RichParticipantDobro. What story did they start with and what story did they end with so far? But I guess you don’t want transparancy unless it trashes the Republicans. Pardon me but you know they tried to mitigate the damage. The problem is that people died and the information response wasn’t correct.
On November 1st ABC had a timeline which showed the bravery of the people involved. Patreaus said he knew immediately that it was terrorists.
In the mean-time the timing of his affair was advantageous to the administration. I am not promoting a cover up, just pointing out another layer of this.
So instead of Bush Lied People Died, I guess I will say . . . Obama tried, People Died.
November 20, 2012 at 11:08 pm #777584
“In the mean-time the timing of his affair was advantageous to the administration. I am not promoting a cover up, just pointing out another layer of this.”
please don’t go there.
the insinuation that security needs at a US embassy were ignored because an incident would be politically advantageous for the administration is not only really sleazy but fails the sniff test.
November 20, 2012 at 11:16 pm #777585
JanSParticipantso..should all classified material be given to the public so as to allay theier feelings that Prez Obama has yet again done something wrong, illegal, not above board? Do we need to know everything? And why do people constantly not believe the statements that Obama had nothing to do with it, that it was CIA decision? And…why do people call Ms. Rice a bimbo, an idiot, when she is a Rhodes scholar, she has been in service to her country for years, is super intelligent. And she said”This is what we know SO FAR.” No, you all are just itching to get something on Obama…you could give a damn about the truth ! That’s the way I see things….
let’s see:
1. Obama
2. Susan Rice
3. Eric Holder
What do these people have in common?
November 21, 2012 at 12:32 am #777586
JoBParticipantthey are all incredibly bright?
November 21, 2012 at 2:21 am #777587
JanSParticipantNovember 21, 2012 at 2:42 am #777588
dobroParticipant“The problem is that people died and the information response wasn’t correct.”
You obviously are not going to get this. The response was the information in hand at the time, approved and given out by the intelligence agencies, not spun by the White House or anyone else. This has been testified to before Congress by the highest officials in those agencies.
The problem is the repubs fanatical desire to gin up a scandal no matter what, their willingness to use the deaths of Americans to whip up their politicized nonsense, and the obtuse refusal of Fox news zombies and their followers to accept the word of people charged with the responsibility to handle these issues.
November 21, 2012 at 3:50 am #777589
redblackParticipantdobro: true enough; but don’t let the teabaggers off the hook, man.
they cut the security budget for libya, causing the state department to outsource.
it’s ayn rand’s wet dream.
November 21, 2012 at 7:38 am #777590
HMC RichParticipantJanS, Really? Really!!! Ummm, well … how should I say this. I will whisper. They didn’t vote for Romney. Yup that’s all I’ve got.
I went to the doctor the other day. Found out I was color blind. Unlike MSNBC which has been very colorful in promoting an appalling line of thought which only shows how little the left understands conservative thought. But I am just guessing that you wanted me to draw a parallel somehow. Sorry, won’t go there.
November 21, 2012 at 7:42 am #777591
HMC RichParticipantNo Dobro. I purposefully won’t get it and here is why. WMD’s.
Remember, the reason even Hillary Clinton voted to let us take Military Action against a murderous despot.
Using the best intelligence available at the time, it was a concurrent narrative that a madman in the middle east who had used biological weapons on his enemies needed to be taken out.
And did the anti-war people just accept the narrative? No they did not.
So I am sorry to say that we people of the right learned from the mistakes of the past which you rightfully pointed out. I am so glad that you were able to let us see the light.
Thank You. Please, can I open the door for you? Need a lift downtown? Glad to be of service. High Five!
I am so pleased that we could come to a meeting of minds.
November 21, 2012 at 8:53 am #777592
HMC RichParticipantRedblack, welcome to my nightmare. Did you go and see Alice Cooper the other night? Heard it was a great show.
While on CSPAN, Rand Paul (one of those Pesky Tea Party Politicians in the Senate) had some thoughts on how money has been spent by the diplomatic corps and State Department.
Believe it or not, Some people in the Government decided that fighting Global Warming at Embassies was more important than protecting our Diplomats. You see, the Embassy in Vienna received $100,000 to GREEN Up. They even held a party to show off the recharging stations of electrical cars that cost taxpayers $250,000. When in Europe pretend to be European. Hmmmm is that why we are in a fiscal crisis?
How much does a .50 Caliber machine gun cost these days vs a Chevy Volt? Lets see, the .50 caliber costs about $14,000. The Volt costs about $38,000. What I don’t know is if the Vienna Embassy is using Chevy Volts which incidentally since GM was bailed out has also not paid any taxes back to that very same government that bailed them out.
This is an interesting editorial that supports my feelings about Benghazi and the “Energy Efficiency Sweep Of Europe,”
Yes Republican trying to work with the budget may have made cuts, but knowing where to make cuts must be a great art because the people in charge right now aren’t doing it.
Yeah, I heard four years ago Obama was going to cut the debt and deficit in half. Au contrair mo faire. Gee, 50 Green companies that have declared bankruptcy costing us hundreds of millions and maybe billions could have been used (1) elsewhere or(2) used to help the Debt.
Last I heard most solar panels and chevy volts could not withstand an RPG fired at them.
Yeah, Climate Change may be real (although natural or man made) but Terrorists cause more damage now. On a related issue… The CIA is closing its Global Warming, I mean Climate Change Office… http://phys.org/news/2012-11-cia-dedicated-climate.html
Sorry, I would rather fight Terrorists than Global Warming.
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