Need Vet Recommendation (dog neuter)

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    I have never been to a vet in West Seattle and just took in a 5 month old dog who I would like to have neutered soon. Does anyone have a place they like? Cost is a factor, but more importantly a place with great care.




    Poor doggie :(



    bcollins – lucky doggie you mean. All responsible pet owners should have their pets spayed and neutered unless they are a registered breeder. It’s healthier for your pets and keeps more animals out of shelters:)

    MissJulie – please see the previous thread that JT posted – lot of vet recomm’s there.



    South Seattle Vet, 242-8338. very reasonable. make sure you have is vaccination info. they do have coupons. what weight is your dog? if you go thru me if could be cheaper.



    mellaw6565 “…healthier for your pets…” huh???



    Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to fight or bite.

    Research shows that 80% of dogs killed by a vehicle are unaltered males.

    Neutered males cannot develop testicular tumors which is the second most common malignancy in male dogs.

    Spayed female dogs have a longer life expectancy.

    And, altered dogs are less likely to “mark” furniture and floors with urine; which translates into a “happy home” where a dog will more likely be welcomed.



    thank you flowerpetal. could’t have said it nicer myself.(actually i coulnd’t)



    spaying or nuetering animals is cruel!



    Know you’re kidding, right Trisket? Just looking for a little provocation…



    either you are trying to piss us off. great you did that. if you have animals and they are not fixed great i hope you deal with those consequences. why don’t you go to some of the shelters and see the needle being put in the animal that is being killed because of idiots that bring in kittens and puppies in because they didn’t get their animal fixed.

    what i really want to say i can’t. i work tirelessly in my rescue work. just got a site in buckely with 50 cats. yes 50 why because they weren’t s/n. so what the hell is more cruel? why don’t you go trap them and take them to the shelter to be put down. oh you can’t do that right? to busy? so am i but i still do it.

    oh explain to me what the hell is so cruel about it. PLEASE?



    Trisket – If I had seen your remarks or Bcollins earlier, I would have said the same things as flowerpetal. You really need to get yourself informed on this subject. I’m tired of the attitude out there that it is cruel to fix a dog because it is somehow “unmanly” or “unnatural” for the dog. Pure B.S.!!

    I’m with Hammerhead – go down to Animal Control and watch some of the MILLIONS of animals being slaughtered in this country at shelters because of irresponsible pet ownership. Then tell me about cruelty!



    mellaw…I think you should limit your comments to what is posted. What quote of mine warrants your rant?



    “poor doggie” – I obviously wasn’t the only one that took issue with your post and those of Trisket.



    My comment was limited to your post – it showed ignorance of the subject matter.



    I have used many of the West Seattle Animal clinics over the past 30 years and after much searching, I personally like GreenTree Animal Hospital in West Seattle Junction; Dr McKim is who I prefer as an experienced and caring vet… 932-5593



    yo, folks…as my mom used to say..choose your battles :) Someone wanted to be a good pet owner, and hopefully she’s got some answers…it’s Monday…and a new beginning, a clean slate…so relax, and have a great week :)



    JanS – not necessary for you to mediate this. Thanks. His posts have been flagged to TR and already at least one has been removed.



    Despite the crazy posts of some…making you think otherwise…we have used Lien Animal Clinic for our cats (neutering…OMG poor kitties). They also took very good care of a cat we had with a heart condition. It’s good to have a vet that you can build a history with.




    I got your humour:) I wouldn’t want anyone messing with my bits either,even for a good reason!!

    Hi JanS:)



    If cost is an issue, for spay and neuter, Seattle Animal Control can not be beat. The vet there, Mary Ellen Zoulas has been doing spay/neuter her whole veterinary career. She has been there 20+ years so probably over 100,000 surgeries. She is one of the best surgeons I have ever seen operate. They use very good pain medication and the technicians are also wonderful. As a vet who has filled in for Mary Ellen when she is gone, I would highly recommend them. You do have to live within the Seattle city limits to qualify and they book about a month ahead. For all other care, Lien is wonderful. (Also good for spay/neuter but more expensive).



    Lena – great info. I think South Seattle Vet Hospital also does low cost spay/neuters and it seems I always see signs up at Petco, etc… for low cost services too.



    Ill comment on the original question. ;o)

    I have always liked Lien Animal clinic. Very nice, and treated humans and animals with care and respect.

    3710 SW Alaska St

    Seattle, WA 98126

    (206) 932-1133



    seattle animal control can be quite difficult to get into 2-3 months at times. not to mention she won’t eartip feral cats. they have increased their rates!!!!.

    lein animal clinic while a good vet office, just for a cat spay could be up to $200.00. yikes at ssv it is 65.00. unless pregnant. for dogs they usually go on weight. your average dog 35-50 lbs. should be in the range of 75.00 for a neutor.. make sure both balls have dropped.



    Hi, back, Cruiser…

    bcollins, and Mellaw..really wasn’t trying to mediate …just a not so subtle hint.- lol..I almost said for you two to take it outside, and I’d bring the chalk to draw the line ;-)

    keep those senses of humor :)

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