Great Cat Name!

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    I’m watching KCPQ 13 News, and the Weather Forecaster M.J. McDermott just did her “Pet Watch Forecast” where she features a photo of a pet that a viewer has sent in.

    The pet in this segment was a tabby cat named “Pickle Toot Toot Beep Beep”. LOL!



    heh that’s what happens when you let yer toddler name the cat.



    not nearly as great as naming your child Tula Does The Hula From Hawaii



    Mike, that’s too funny! My husband and I are always making fun of those pedigree names that cats have – the ones with 3 or 4 names that sound very pretentious. So we have a joke that we should get a cat and name it Madame Fifi Kibblebuckets. Fortunately, for our current cat (the one in my avatar), we chose a less insane name. :)

    Jen, that’s a ridiculous name – people need to think of how a name affects the person with it. I’m glad she could get it changed. I have a close friend whose wife was pregnant with their first daughter, and they spent the whole pregnancy joking that they’d name their daughter Luscious Dupree (which they thought would be the perfect hooker name). They never intented to really name her that (and I’m sure that baby Kate will be grateful when she grows up), but it was definitely funny. I suppose I could use it as another ridiculous cat name. :)



    I know a dog named Hashbrown!

    Thinking of kids though, in high school there was a guy named Brock Coli. Cruel, huh?



    Before I adopted my cat from the shelter I had decided on the name “Mou-sey Tongue” but thought the name she already had (Gizmo) fit her better.



    I have friends that have a male dog named Woman. It is a little embarrasing when you are out and yelling “Woman, get over here”.



    Zenguy, that actually made me laugh out loud…or LOL, as the kids call it these days. :P



    Zenguy, my best friend had a dog named Mister – they’d yell his name out and every man on the block would turn around!



    In the 70’s we had a neighbor with a dog named Cocaine. He would walk down the alley yelling Cocaine, Cocaaaaiiinnneee…



    O.K. I’m game for this one. I had a girl and boy cat (not related) who’s names respectively were Sparkle and Tinkle. Sparkle was raised with a raccoon; but thats a different story involving water faucets.

    Sparkle and Tinkle made a baby together, a litter of one. With only one kitten, of course I had to keep her; and name her. Her name?




    “The naming of cats is a difficult matter.

    It isn’t just one of your holiday games…”



    We have had a lot of adopted kitties in my life so they all have been named kitty. Mom’s reasoning is that the cat had another name when they lived with that family and we don’t want to confuse the poor cat any more. But we did name one cat we named it Sarah and Sarah went under the couch one day and came out a Sam. So after that it was kitty. Little big Kitty; Big Little Kitty; Male Kitty; dumb kitty. LOL


    Kids are so creative with names sometimes. I love the innocence. A little boy (about 4 or 5 years old) I used to raise (in a previous relationship) wanted to name our new kitten.

    It was a very serious moment. I remembering him ask if the kitty was going to live with us. His mother said Yes. He then asked if it was a boy kitty or a girl kitty. She said a boy kitty. Then her son asked what a boy kitty cat was called and she said a tomcat. Then he asked if the cat was going to be his brother. She said, I guess he will be. Then the little boy said. I want to call him Brother Tom.

    We loved the name and it stuck.

    Since the little boy’s mom worked at O’Dea High School at the time the Priests really liked the name too. After almost 15 years my old warrior is still fairly spry. Veterinarians fear him but for everyone else he is a lover with the strange meow.



    Oh, that is so sweet!

    I like it when animals have human names: David. It’s fun to discuss them in front of strangers!



    we were naming our tadpole in my preschool class, and they came up with a list of about 25 possible names, so they decided their favorites and we voted. when “chad” lost to “mr. noodles” tears were shed.

    when mr. noodles died, they decided to get a new tadpole, this one they named “mr. noodles two.” i’m just glad no one cried this time.



    ejones – too sweet. lol!

    Ok – how’s this: my mouser’s most official name is Sister Mary ZouZou.

    Can anybody name the movie her namesake (in part) character was in? WITHOUT googling!

    She has a couple of more casual names as well.

    ’nuff said. ;)


    When I was 16, I had two feral-type cats that hung around my duplex. In a moment of altered being, I named them Toaster Oven and Toyboat.

    It didn’t matter, they never responded to the names, they just responded to the sound of a bag of Friskies.

    Wise cats.

    Still like the sound of “Toyboat.”



    Back when I was married our first cat was named Bob…as in ….bob cat? He was unfortunately hit by a car and killed, and the very next day we adopted 2 more…Barnaby and Maurice…Maurice was a black cat, and we subsequently found out that Maurice means Prince of Darkness..



    Sister Act?



    OK… so I told my boyfriend about Pickle Toot Toot Beep Beep last night. He had to pull over he was laughing to hard. He was musing for about a good 15 minutes about it. “Is his name in the phone book Toot Toot Beep Beep, Pickles! Do they only use his full name when he’s in trouble?!”

    …I pulled something laughing, I swear.



    Ok, that made us laugh here at work…thanks.



    Nope, but purdy good guess ZG!

    Guess again. :p



    westseattledood, everytime a bells rings, does an angel get it’s wings? ;-)




    I even tried to Google it and nothing came up. I know there was a Zou Zou character in It’s a Wonderful Life???

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