I hope it breaks for the jobs they won’t create, the capital they won’t repatriate, the homes they won’b build. Never yet had a paycheck signed by a poor person. Liberals are funny people.. they will take down the ship of state, they don’t care, if they don’t survive it’s ok, as longas no one else does either. The hardest evidence, the most exhaustive data, all the math in the world will be ignored, dismissed as long as their agenda seems to move forward. You can ask them point blank about a 16 trillion dollar deficit and they think if they just ignore it and push forward it all goes away. Or say simpleton things like, cut the military and tax the rich… then… dare them to look at the actual numbers to see how little that will do, or how little wealth there is compared to the problem.. their vision extends as far as their reach and not and inch farther. I tell ya brew, the most vehement potential conservatives are the millineals,,, it takes a little de-programming if they attended public school where leftist catechism is taught…but when the figure out the screwing they are getting courtesy of the current liberal crop..we will be known as the most irresponsible generation, the most self absorbed in history.