Re: Hot for Hillary



OK, we want to talk about anger? I am a white woman of exactly the Clinton demographic and I am mad as hell–that Clinton and a *small minority* of her supporters are making women look like idiots and making it likely that the Democratic party will lose an election they should have won.

Notice I acknowledge that it is a small minority of her supporters — but, because the story is “interesting” and because they have a lot of clout, they appear to be a majority.

I have no idea what that does to the notion of media bias. But I also know that if anyone who claims to be a progressive isn’t railing against the absolute PASS that the media is giving McCain, they should sit down, shut up, look around and think about what they’re doing. That’s where the damned media bias is.

Every time I see Geraldine Ferraro, I want to throw something. Yeah, a lot of horrible s**t happened to women. And still does. And to me. And that doesn’t have a damned thing to do with entitlement or with who is the best candidate. (Interesting that the major whiner about sexism from the Clinton campaign is that little old bubba, Bill.)

I am angry because this is desperate BS that is destroying the Democratic party’s possibility of winning an election that should be a run-away.

I do not doubt that the small minority of very angry women are, in fact, very angry. And that they are entitled to that feeling. But the rest of us are to call BS on this whole thing — as I do.