4408 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
Youth Speaks Seattle Poetry Slam Prelim #2
When: December 16, 2016
Where: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Address: 4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106
Time: Doors open, signup and food at 6:00pm; Slam will start at 6:30pm; event will end around 9:30pm
FREE admission
Event FB page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1782488541999958/?active_tab=about (includes full description of event)
Short description:
Arts Corps & DNDA presents
Youth Speaks Seattle Poetry Slam Prelim #2
Since 2003, Youth Speaks Seattle has held an annual poetry slam series to build community, showcase the next generation of Seattle’s poetic changemakers and to decide the top 5 poets to rep Seattle at Brave New Voices (BNV), the International Youth Poetry Slam Festival. This year, the winners will travel to San Francisco, CA for BNV 2017: bravenewvoices.org.This is the last event of the Delridge Neighborhoods Cultural Events Series and is a collaborative event with Youth Speaks Seattle