Thanks to Sarah Chadd in Fauntleroy for the first two photos just in time for the bird-pic gallery we were already planning for today – two “snowbirds” photographed this morning, a Dark-eyed Junco above, Townsend’s Warbler below:
The bird photos below were received over the past few weeks. First, you might be noticing many American Robins out lately – Rainer Klett photographed this one in the Alki area:
At Alki Point, Gary Jones photographed this juvenile Bald Eagle:
A juvenile gull caught Megan Wood‘s eye along Elliott Bay:
Two waterbird views from Steve Bender – a family of Barrow’s Goldeneyes:
And a Great Blue Heron, dining:
Thanks again to everyone who sends photos – whether birds, breaking news, sightings, or … ? – is the best way if it’s not urgent; text 206-293-6302 if it is.