West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Our dog Princess is missing. She slipped her lead so does not have a collar on. She is chipped. Last seen by Trader Joe’s.206-409-0837
Update: Last seen on 35th headed South towards White Center
Update: 1/30 8:35am seen at Lincoln Park south end near baseball diamond/woods
Spotted her this morning north of Wildwood market. I followed her into Lincoln Park. And that was the last she was seen around 8:35 AM.
Update: 1/30 10:30am last seen around 110th SW and SW 34th Ave
Update: 1/30 11:30am in greenbelt behind arbor heights pool
May I ask why is this dog “on the run” was it a newly rescued dog or does it just need to get away? This is quite the jaunt to be from TJ’s to recently seen by AH Pool
Poor pup he’s probably cold, hungry and so scared but you are in good hands with 3 Retrievers you’ll get him caught. 🩷
Update: 1/31 4:51pm: We just got back from Seola beach with Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue. James and his dog were able to follow Princess’ scent from the corner of SW 110th St and 34th Ave SW down the embankment all the way to Seola beach. Her scent was lost there because of the tides on the beach. IF YOU LIVE NEAR HERE IN SEOLA BEACH AREA OR ARBOR HEIGHTS AND HAVE A RING OR SECURITY CAMERA PLEASE CHECK FOR PRINCESS! We are hoping for a new lead so we can restart the search or set a humane trap to bring her home. DM me or call/text 206-4090-0837. Thank you!
I saw her 2 hours ago. Iver here on 1st Ave S by the Top Hat corner store. She was headed S, I called her, she crossed the street towards me but then headed back North down 1st Ave s
I just saw this response – thank you so much. If you see her again can you text me at 206-409-0837? Thanks!
BIG UPDATE!: 1/31 5:00pm – multiple sightings of Princess around 46th and Marine View Drive and in Fauntleroy Park north end. DO NOT APPROACH. Message me or call me with updated locations. 206-409-0837. My husband and Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue are on their way. And to answer question an above question she is newly rescued so very skittish.
2/1/25 9:30am Princess was last seen in the parking lot of the Navos clinic pharmacy on ambaum and SW 136th st.
Update: Last seen 2/2 at 7am at Arrowhead apartments. Please text or call if you see her at 206-409-0837
Update: 2/2 10:30pm – Princess is on the move near Top Hat Mini Mart and limping badly. If you are out in this area or near Fort Myers Road please keep your eyes out for her!
Update 2/2 11:56pm We have eyes on her again. She is running up Myers Way toward Top Hat Market
UPDATE 2/3: My husband and several amazing new friends/neighbors were able to track Princess through Burien between 1st and Ambaum and 112th and 128th starting a little after 12:30am. They had her in sights for 90 minutes and Kevan almost got her in the car several times. She is VERY skittish. Please call or text as soon as you see her – I am at 206-409-0837 and Kevan is 206-999-4119. They lost her in the Safeway parking lot on 128th through a back fence a little before 2am. Another person saw her at 2:30am on that same road at Jack in the Box. Thank you all for your continued help!
Thank you for the updates. You’re doing so much to track her and bring her home. I’m praying all this hard work pays off soon and she is back with you safely soon.
UPDATE 2/4: 3:50am just spotted her on Olsen SW/1st Ave S. She seemed to be running towards the freeway. This seems to be her favorite hill to go up and down.
I just let a person in the Arrowhead complex know about your sightings around that area so they can keep an eye out for Princess. Have you told the SFD Training Center that is right there so they may be able to keep an eye out and maybe even coax her in with food, she’s got to be starving. 😞
There was a sighting of a scared dog running in Seahurst Park area and a friend of mine sent you a private message, her name is Cindy. Please check your messages. Today 2/6/25 around 1:00pm – 2:45
UPDATE 2/7: Although we were not able to locate Princess in Seahurst last night, Three Retrievers was able to confirm she had been there recently but lost her scent on the beach. We then received a sighting confirmation from 12:15am of Princess walking down the middle of Shorewood Drive. If you live in this area, please keep an eye out. She might be travelling back and forth between Seola and Searhurst along either the beach or Shorewood Drive.
UPDATE 2/8: No sightings today (Saturday) or yesterday (Friday) but we are starting to flesh out a timeline for her from Thursday 2/6. So if you live along the water between Three Tree Point and Fauntleroy, please keep your eyes peeled for Princess! I realize this seems a like a lot of distance to cover, but from tracking Princess, it is possible. If you have ANY more info on these sightings, especially the one near the Fauntleroy Ferry dock, please let us know! Trying to confirm if that one was Thursday or Friday.TIMELINE FROM 2/612:15pm Shorewood Drive (not confirmed but most likely heading South)1:15pm Seahurst park on the trails near the bridge, went up the hill to the South3:30pm Fauntleroy ferry dock8:00pm Three Tree Point, running east on 172nd just before the bend where 172nd turns into Sylvester Road SW
I think I might have seen this dog this AM about 9:00 running around Three Tree Point. Appeared scared, no collar. I don’t know where he started from but he came around the point from south beach and the last I saw him was heading up Maplewild.
Thank you! She was just seen this morning as well in Three Tree point at 7am. Please call us at 206-409-0837 if you see her again! Also if there are any community pages just for Gregory Heights/Three Tree Point, would you be willing to share this info with them? Thank you!
UPDATE 2/8: No sightings today (Saturday) or yesterday (Friday) but we are starting to flesh out a timeline for her from Thursday 2/6. So if you live along the water between Three Tree Point and Fauntleroy, please keep your eyes peeled for Princess! I realize this seems a like a lot of distance to cover, but from tracking Princess, it is possible. If you have ANY more info on these sightings, especially the one near the Fauntleroy Ferry dock, please let us know! Trying to confirm if that one was Thursday or Friday.TIMELINE FROM 2/612:15pm Shorewood Drive (not confirmed but most likely heading South)1:15pm Seahurst park on the trails near the bridge, went up the hill to the South3:30pm Fauntleroy ferry dock8:00pm Three Tree Point, running east on 172nd just before the bend where 172nd turns into Sylvester Road SW
Update: Last seen at 7:00am on 2/9 in Gregory Heights at 164th and 21st headed East! Folks are out there trying to get a visual on her and she may have dipped into a nearby greenbelt.
OMG is this poor pup ever going to be caught? She’s been what, 12 days without food 😔 I’m sorry to sound mean in saying this but is so, so sad for her and your family.
Thankfully there is evidence she is finding food but we are definitely worried about her. You would be surprised to find how long dogs can be on the run! I definitely have been learning a lot as others share their stories with me!
I know you all are trying everything possible to get Princess home and I apologize if I was brunt. It is just so heartbreaking knowing she is out lost, hungry and afraid. 💔
Update 2/10: Our last sighting of Princess was in Three Tree Point/Gregory Heights neighborhood on Sunday morning (2/9). We are hoping she is still there so we can put out a humane trap since we know that will be the only way to help her at this point. She is very scared so if you see her please do not call out to her or chase her. If you have any additional sighting or have seen her on a ring camera please reach out to us. It also appears she may have knocked over a lot of garbage cans on Three Tree Pointe Rd on Saturday night looking for food so that might be evidence she was in your area as well. Thank you so much for your help with any additional information!
Update 2/10 10:30am: Princess was scene in Normandy Park and after officers were called she was followed along Normandy Park Rd headed East until she crossed 1st Ave onto SW Normandy Rd to S Normandy Rd. This would put her near Public Storage and Avon Apartments. If you see her do not chase, call her name, or make eye contact. Please call 206-409-0837.
Update 2/11 4:45am: Princess appears to have spent the night in the south end of Normandy Park by Marine View Park/Valley Loop Trail and was scene on a ring camera. She actually stayed on property until 5am enjoying some leftover pizza which is terrific news since I know we have all been worried about how she is doing. If you are in Normandy Park, please be on the lookout and please call us if you see her!
If she got food and sleep she might return today/night to that property??? Maybe see if it would be ok to leave the humane trap there???
We did leave a trap there overnight but she did not come back. However she made it back to three tree point this afternoon so have moved the trap back up there!
Update 2/12: It has been a very eventful 24 hours! Last night Princess was spotted all the way down in Seatac near the Des Moines Creek Trail. Being so far South the caller had lost sight of her by the time we got down there (30 minutes is just too long of a time to follow this dog by yourself without help as any of us can attest!) and being so close to the airport we could not use a drone to spot her. Thankfully she was then spotted around 12:30pm today in Three Tree Point. We received multiple calls from folks who had spotted her and several folks were able to follow her path until we got down there. And so many of our new friends/Princess community was able to show up to help on extremely short notice as well as Three Retrievers and Seek and Rescue Drone. However, the flight response is VERY strong with Princess and she managed to lose us once again using her favorite disappearing trick – a flight of stairs between streets. We are hopeful she is still in Three Tree Point/Gregory Heights and ask all of your in that neighborhood to continue to keep an eye out for her. We are also appreciative of a resident there allowing us to set a live trap once again – fingers crossed!
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