WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Hit-run driver on video (Sunday update)

The video and report were sent by Corey:

We want to share this hit and run last night that completely wrecked my wife’s car, And hoping our West Seattle community can help identify the car in the video. This happened at 2:48 AM on the 8800 block of 18th Ave. SW and SW Trenton. As you can see, the car smashes into the front driver side, backs into the truck behind it, and then takes off.

If someone can help identify the car make or model, that would be very helpful or if you have seen this car in your neighborhood with a smashed front driver side, please let us know. thecoreyis@gmail.com.

Corey says the report #, filed with the State Patrol, is M4014103.

SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Corey emailed to say, “Because of the post, someone identified the car and they live less than a block away. The Tesla was found, parked on the street with the very apparent damage. Contacted the owner and he gave us all of his information. We also saw that he backed into a neighbor’s truck and did damage there as well. Now we can all get our cars fixed and not have to pay our deductible. Thanks to the Blog and thanks to the people who emailed us with the information about the car, And the individual who emailed me about the location.”

20 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Hit-run driver on video (Sunday update)"

  • Guy February 1, 2025 (1:54 pm)

    Appears to be a Tesla (swasticar) or a Honda Civic 

  • Todd February 1, 2025 (2:13 pm)

    When it’s backing up – other than the crunching of the damage – it sounds like an EV (the whirring sound). I’m surprised it doesn’t appear that the airbag went off.  Sorry I can’t be more help…

  • Lauren February 1, 2025 (2:35 pm)

    Not sure of the make/model, but it’s definitely electric. 

  • Kb February 1, 2025 (2:37 pm)

    My guess would be an about 2020 Toyota Prius

  • Me mama February 1, 2025 (2:40 pm)

    Sounds and looks like a blue Tesla, right? 

  • TAnderson February 1, 2025 (2:52 pm)

    I’m surprised their airbag didn’t inflate

    • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy February 1, 2025 (3:05 pm)

      It already went off last time they did this 😂. Glad I park on the street at a dead end… This seems to happen too often.

  • J February 1, 2025 (3:10 pm)

    100% a Tesla!

  • Jason Taisey February 1, 2025 (3:18 pm)

    Looks to be a blue Tesla either a model three or model Y. The fender marker lights are a giveaway to the side profile. For what it’s worth if there are chips of paint from the accident you can probably find a paint show or repair shop and they might be able to match the compound of the paint and what car brand has that color.

    Sounds like a Tesla as well based on the sound it’s emitting at low speed.  

  • Mike February 1, 2025 (3:54 pm)

    Tesla, looks like a Model Y.  If insurance is smart they’ll reach out with lawyers to Tesla and find out which one and even get the Tesla camera footage of it all .

  • Molly February 1, 2025 (4:31 pm)

    It sounds like the Tesla has extensive damage in the front after the accident – you can hear metal dragging on the ground after they hit your car. Hopefully that makes it easier to ID. Make sure to report it to any accident places around seattle so they can keep an eye out. 

  • Ask Me How I Know February 1, 2025 (4:53 pm)

    If it’s a Tesla, you’re in luck. VERY few body shops in the area are certified to repair them. You’d probably only need to call a handful of places to find it.

  • Cornelius Sourdough February 1, 2025 (7:05 pm)

    The only “lucky” person here is the [intoxicated] driver didn’t kill another person or themselves. This is not tolerable. It’s a long shot but I hope justice gets served and habits change! 

  • A D February 2, 2025 (12:38 pm)

    I’m 100% sure it is a blue Tesla model 3 , 2023 and older. I know this because I own one. This person could live close by and this might be their daily route. Review your cameras prior to this incident and if you’re lucky you might find a clear image of the car in daylight. Also, Seattle Police can reach out to Tesla and ask which car went through this neighborhood at that specific time. Good luck. 

  • Darren February 2, 2025 (4:53 pm)

    I commonly see people driving on the wrong side of the road these days. Just like in this collision. They can’t all be dui but then again.. It’s called lane discipline. Pay attention and practice it. Thank you.

  • Mark February 2, 2025 (10:51 pm)

    Definitely a bright blue Tesla Model 3. Appears to be a standard range car due to the gray wheel covers. At 20seconds in you can see the drivers face. Appears to be a middle aged man 30-50 years old, Caucasian with a full beard, no glasses. 

    • WSB February 2, 2025 (11:50 pm)

      I’m in the process of updating the story – we’re told the driver was found through a tip generated by the story appearing on WSB.

  • CarDriver February 3, 2025 (6:18 am)

    Cory needs to buy a lotto ticket! Having the neighbor own up, and have insurance is LUCKY. Guy had to have been impaired but since weren’t caught in the act can’t and won’t be cited/charged with anything. Will hold out dim hope this will be their wake-up call.

  • Cornelius Sourdough February 3, 2025 (6:42 pm)

    Was they intoxicated or offer any excuse/explanation? Intoxicated driving is a habitual offense. Leaving the scene of wreck is illegal. Damaging your neighbors’ property is very uncivil. I am happy nobody was seriously injured and that damages will be covered but I’m still seeking some closure. My parked car was recently smashed in this neighborhood…I had to go confront the driver a few houses away. I’m not sure if they were going take responsibility had I not confronted. WTF?

  • Krs February 3, 2025 (8:08 pm)

    So does the hit and run driver just get away with this for leaving the scene?

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