The video and report were sent by Corey:
We want to share this hit and run last night that completely wrecked my wife’s car, And hoping our West Seattle community can help identify the car in the video. This happened at 2:48 AM on the 8800 block of 18th Ave. SW and SW Trenton. As you can see, the car smashes into the front driver side, backs into the truck behind it, and then takes off.
If someone can help identify the car make or model, that would be very helpful or if you have seen this car in your neighborhood with a smashed front driver side, please let us know.
Corey says the report #, filed with the State Patrol, is M4014103.
SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Corey emailed to say, “Because of the post, someone identified the car and they live less than a block away. The Tesla was found, parked on the street with the very apparent damage. Contacted the owner and he gave us all of his information. We also saw that he backed into a neighbor’s truck and did damage there as well. Now we can all get our cars fixed and not have to pay our deductible. Thanks to the Blog and thanks to the people who emailed us with the information about the car, And the individual who emailed me about the location.”