5612 California SW
West Seattle
WordsWest Literary Series Presents
Let’s Launch Forty Bouts in the Wilderness
A new poetry collection by Katy E. Ellis
6:00 pm, Wed., March 19, 2025
C & P Coffee Co, 5612 California Ave. SW
Website: wordswestliterary.weebly.com/next-event.htmlPlease join WordsWest Literary Series for a special event to celebrate the book launch of co-curator Katy E. Ellis’ second collection of poetry Forty Bouts in the Wilderness (MoonPath Press), a book about returning to difficult places by choice or by what seem like fateful accidents. This event will include readings by co-curators Susan Rich and Harold Taw. Books will be for sale and treats will be served!
Katy E. Ellis is the author of Forty Bouts in the Wilderness, which was first runner-up for the 2024 MoonPath Press Sally Albiso award. Her other books include the prose-poetry-novel Home Water, Home Land, Tolsun Books, 2022, and an award-winning chapbook Night Watch, Floating Bridge Press, 2018. Her work has appeared in numerous publications in the U.S., including Pithead Chapel, American Journal of Poetry, and in and Canadian journals PRISM International, Grain, and Fiddlehead. http://www.katyeellis.com/
Susan Rich is the author of six poetry collections including the recently released, Blue Atlas, Red Hen Press. Her poems appear in Alaska Quarterly Review, Ploughshares, and the new anthology Invisible Strings:113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift, Random House. She is the winner of the PEN USA Award and Peace Corps Writers Award. Susan is co-founder and director of Poets on the Coast: A Weekend Retreat for Women and editor of the forthcoming Birdbrains: A Lyrical Guide to Washington State Birds, Raven Chronicles Press. Visit her at http://poetsusanrich.com
Harold Taw is a multi-form writer. His debut novel was Adventures of the Karaoke King. His writing has been featured on NPR, in a New York Times bestselling anthology, and in The Seattle Times. He co-wrote a musical adaptation of Jane Austen’s final novel Persuasion, which premiered at Seattle’s Taproot Theatre, and is currently developing several plays and a young adult novel. https://www.haroldtaw.com/
WordsWest was curated by West Seattle writers Katy E. Ellis, Susan Rich, and Harold Taw from 2014 to 2019. They continue to host occasional pop-up events.
For more information, please contact wordswestliterary@gmail.com or visit: wordswestliterary.weebly.com/next-event.html