West Seattle
Alki UCC Food/Clothing/Outdoor Gear Drive
The Third Sunday of the Month:
April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Front Courtyard/6115 SW Hinds
Our unsheltered neighbors face tough times living outdoors!
The Westside Interfaith Network (WIN), our donations drive partner, requests clean, wearable clothes in all sizes, seasonally appropriate for unsheltered men and women. Please only donate casual clothing appropriate for people living outdoors (i.e., no dresses, men’s suits, party clothes, high heels, etc. … please be thoughtful).
Waterproof outwear is a priority but the following items are also welcome: sleeping bags, blankets, pads, tarps and backpacks. Please go through your camping gear and consider donating what you don’t need or use anymore.
Non-perishable food and hygiene items are distributed through WIN’s “Welcome Table,” a weekly Saturday meal for low income and unsheltered folks hosted in White Center. This distribution serves as a stop-gap for many people relying on weekly visits to the food bank.
Hygiene items include toilet paper, deodorant, toothbrush and paste, shampoo and conditioner, razors and shaving cream, baby wipes, adult pull ups and baby diapers.
Basic food staples are a priority, as well as peanut butter, canned proteins, canned fruits and vegetables (pop-tops preferred).
Many thanks to our generous community for supporting our neighbors in need!