West Seattle politics 2182 results

Delridge District Council: Problem properties – finally some help?

That house is at the far north end of Delridge, across the busy, bridge-approaching street from Skylark Club and Cafe (WSB sponsor). When someone broke into Skylark last month, all eyes turned there. Technically, the house is vacant. In reality, it hasn’t been — it’s been used by squatters and partyers, and Skylark proprietor Jessie Summa-Kusiak says it’s been a sore spot for that area for quite some time. It’s part of a problem that North Delridge Neighborhood Council co-chair Mike Dady brought to last night’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, out of abject frustration. After trying for a long time to get something done, he says, the city needs to take stronger action about properties like this one – and tonight, there may be some progress – read on:Read More

City “statement” following Seattle Times snowstorm investigation

(WSB photo from December 18, looking north on California from Thistle)
We and the rest of the world have pointed to today’s Seattle Times story, and this afternoon the city Transportation Department has sent its entire media list a “statement on snow response.” It doesn’t particularly rebut anything in reporter Susan Kelleher‘s story, though. Read on for the text, and some handwritten log sheets the city sent along:Read More

Alaskan Way Viaduct: South bids today; hearing tomorrow

March 17, 2009 3:04 pm
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2 Alaskan Way Viaduct notes: Short one first, the tunnel plan (SB 5768) gets a public hearing tomorrow afternoon in the House Transportation Committee, 3:30 pm (it’s already passed the State Senate, but the House is considered to be a tougher crowd for this one). Second, WSDOT just sent word that it’s calling for bids on a key part of the first major viaduct-replacement project, the south section — read on:Read More

From the WSB Forums: An election Thursday, and you can vote

Julie brought this up in the WSB Forums tonight — the King Conservation District has a districtwide election this Thursday for a Board of Supervisors spot, and all registered voters in Seattle (plus other parts of the district) are eligible to vote. checkbox.jpgA quick read about the King CD might leave you thinking it’s mostly about rural King County — not so. For example, the King CD is involved with Longfellow Creek restoration here in West Seattle. Chances are, you’ve contributed part of its $6 million annual revenue. And if you watch this explanatory video, you’ll hear about a project at Seahurst, just a bit south of us. There’s only one polling place in Seattle – the downtown library, 10 am-8 pm Thursday (Julie’s forum post lists them all) – but if you read about this district’s work and want to have a say on which of these two three (including a write-in) candidates joins the board, now you know – you can. (By the way, King CD says there’s a historic aspect to the way they’re conducting this election!)

The race for King County Executive: Larry Phillips talks to WSB

When we interviewed King County Council Chair Dow Constantine the day he declared his candidacy for King County Executive, the main angle was, West Seattleite goes for the top job. When you’re an “ultralocal” news organization, that tends to be the main spin – what’s the West Seattle angle? So we were a little surprised to get a fast followup call on behalf of the man who had thrown his hat in the proverbial ring a few weeks earlier – County Councilmember Larry Phillips, who lives in Magnolia, our peninsula’s semi-twin on the other side of the bay. Phillips is resolutely not conceding Constantine’s backyard to the hometown candidate, and wants you to start getting to know him, even with the primary still five months away. So he came to West Seattle recently to chat with WSB, and here’s the result:

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Larry Phillips and Dow Constantine have more in common than the fact they’re both currently members of the King County Council and both currently running high-profile races for King County Executive.

Both also are lawyers and former state legislators. And – although the King County Executive and Council positions are now officially nonpartisan, so you won’t find this on the ballot – both are Democrats.

Both also made the point in conversations with WSB that they consider themselves fighters. (Phillips has a catch phrase: “Common sense, uncommon courage.”)

So, where’s the difference?

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34th District Democrats endorse Constantine, bridge name

From Wednesday night’s 34th District Democrats meeting, Bill Schrier sent that photo with word that West Seattle’s largest political organization “overwhelmingly endorsed” King County Council Chair Dow Constantine in his run for King County Executive (which is now officially a nonpartisan position), and contributed $3,434.34 to his campaign. Earlier in his political career, Constantine served as 34th District State Senator and Representative. We interviewed him the day he announced his Executive candidacy (see the story here); we have since interviewed his major opponent (so far), County Councilmember Larry Phillips, and plan to publish that story later today. P.S. from tonight’s 34th DDs’ meeting: They also heard from two other West Seattleites who you’ll see on the ballot this fall, City Council candidates David Ginsberg and Dorsol Plants. And the group endorsed a resolution to rename the West Seattle Bridge in honor of former City Councilmember Jeanette Williams (we first told you about the naming campaign back in January).

Mayor … Duke?

He’s said it before (we found a 2005 reference) and now he’s apparently saying it again; Duke’s Chowder House restaurant chain owner Duke Moscrip (whose locations include one on Alki) says he’s thinking about a mayoral run. Here’s part of a group e-mail he sent:

I have recently been encouraged to run for Mayor of Seattle and I am seriously considering the idea. Many of you have said that I have “always acted like the Mayor so might as well give you the job.” All kidding aside, my interest and motive in doing so will be clear to you when you begin to see my writings on the issues in our City and State. Please take this opportunity to go take a look on the page created at Facebook. I encourage you to comment on my ideas and/or my potential campaign.

Here’s the Facebook link; there’s a Twitter account set up too (so far, just pointing to two links on the FB page). So, is he truly serious? We put in a call; Moscrip called back late Wednesday night and left voice mail saying he’s “inclined” to run but hasn’t made up his mind yet. We hope to chat with him more in-depth soon. Those who HAVE filed their intention to campaign, besides incumbent Mayor Nickels: James Donaldson (the former Sonic also is on the council-candidate list) and Norman Sigler.

Happening tonight: 34th DDs and WSB in Fauntleroy, and more

March 11, 2009 11:52 am
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From the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar – first, two events tonight across the street from each other in Fauntleroy: The 34th District Democrats are at The Hall at Fauntleroy (old schoolhouse) for their monthly meeting at 7 pm, with the agenda including City Council candidates David Ginsberg and David Bloom (who’s already spoken twice in West Seattle in the past week, here and here); across the street at Fauntleroy Church, the ongoing “Re-creating Community in Our Day” speaker series features your WSB co-publishers tonight at 7 pm (after an optional “simple supper,” for which the church will accept donations, at 6). In Delridge tonight, anyone applying for Seattle Public Schools during this month’s open enrollment period is welcome to go to the Delridge Library 5:30-7 pm for in-person application help (more here). And tonight, Junction Idol continues at Rocksport, 9 pm.

Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting: “Political night”

March 11, 2009 3:23 am
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By Charla Mustard-Foote
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Tuesday night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association (ANA) meeting at Admiral Congregational Church was billed as a “Political Night”, and the main topics were transit, spending priorities, neighborhoods (and their residents) and money (the subjects of most local political discussions these days.)

16 people braved the cold to hear David Bloom and Highland Park’s Dorsol Plants tout their Seattle City Council candidacies. King County Executive candidate Dow Constantine was a surprise addition to the agenda.

Read More

2 Sen. McDermott-sponsored civil-rights bills win Senate votes

Late night for legislators in Olympia. Senate Democrats have sent word that two bills with sponsors including West Seattle State Sen. Joe McDermott have passed: SB 5688, extending “full marital benefits” to domestic partnerships, and SB 5952, which, as described in a news release, “add(s) ‘transgendered’ to the definition of sexual orientation that is in the state’s hate crime statute.” Both have companion bills that have to be voted on by the full State House — you can check their status through the pages for each Senate bill (linked to their numbers above).

Lobbying for jobs’ sake: Local tourism advocates visit Olympia

Greg Whittaker of Alki Kayak Tours took, and sent, that photo after a day of lobbying in Olympia on behalf of tourism. He says everybody in the photo is from the 34th Legislative District — which includes West Seattle, White Center, and Vashon — and explained: “We talked with (Sen.) Joe McDermott and (Rep.) Sharon Nelson promoting support of our industry which provides jobs and tax revenue for much-needed programs (that) are going to be receiving huge cutbacks.” Two of the tourism-related bills in the Legislature this year are House Bill 1290 and Senate Bill 5265, which would enable King County to create “tourism promotion areas” – right now, it’s the only county in the state that’s not allowed to create such areas, which can raise tourism-promotion dollars through hotel/motel taxes. ADDED WEDNESDAY: One more photo:

2009 city election update: Who’s running, who’s not, who might

checkbox.jpgWe’re tracking city and county politics here, since it’s a major election year, with 4 City Council seats plus mayor and county executive also on the fall ballot. New developments tonight, including: Nick Licata says he’ll run for council re-election, NOT for mayor; so that means two council seats with incumbents running (Licata and Richard Conlin) and two open (Jan Drago and Richard McIver aren’t running again), with a long list of declared candidates already, and two of them are going to appear at tomorrow night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting (7 pm, Admiral Congregational Church basement meeting room): Dorsol Plants (former Highland Park Action Committee chair) and David Bloom (who spoke at the Southwest District Council meeting last Wednesday). One question continuing to generate speculation: With so many having said they will NOT run against Mayor Nickels this fall, who will? Two have filed so far (Norman Sigler and David Wolbeck), and e-mail is circulating pointing out that former councilmember Peter Steinbrueck hasn’t ruled out a run yet, and in fact, has messaged the founder of a Facebook group titled “Peter Steinbrueck, for the love of Seattle, RUN FOR MAYOR!” to say “What three things … would people like to see changed?” (His note was excerpted over the weekend at Seattlest.) So we’re throwing out the question here too: Whether Hizzoner is re-elected or whether someone else takes over – what, if anything, would you like to see changed in Seattle?

More time to register to vote: Sen. Joe McDermott’s bill advances

March 3, 2009 5:44 pm
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As we reported in coverage of last month’s 34th District Democrats meeting, West Seattle State Sen. Joe McDermott thinks you should be able to register to vote all the way up till Election Day. But that’s not a popular idea, yet, so he is heading that way incrementally: The Senate has approved a bill he’s co-sponsoring, to move the in-person voter-registration deadline a week later, to 8 days pre-election. According to a Legislature news release, the 8 states allowing Election Day registration have voter participation averaging 10 percent higher than other states. His bill, SB 5270 (status and other links here), now moves to the House.

Seattle City Council re-election races: Jan Drago says she’s out too

The Times reports tonight that City Councilmember Jan Drago has decided not to run for re-election this fall, after 15 years on the council. She was one of four whose slots are up this year: Councilmember Richard McIver already has said he’s out; Council President Richard Conlin has said he WILL run again; Councilmember Nick Licata hasn’t finalized his intentions yet. The list of others who’ve filed so far can be found here.

Speaking of the Legislature: PTA’s education rally is Thursday

February 24, 2009 12:45 pm
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Thanks to Mary for e-mailing WSB to share the agenda for Thursday’s Washington State PTA “Focus Day” in Olympia tomorrow – as her note reminds us all, school money isn’t a neighborhood-specific issue, it affects the entire state, and we’ve heard districts such as Seattle Public Schools point out often that, whatever other problems you see in the system, there’s no question that the way school funding works – or doesn’t – is broken. So in case you are interested in participating, here’s the agenda for Thursday, including a noon rally, and a “brown bag” afterward to get briefed on the status of the major education-related bills that are now pending.

Council passes tree-removal rules: 3 per lot per year (for many)

New tree-removal rules made it through the City Council today – read on for the official news release with details about the restrictions and the potential penalties:Read More

West Seattle mom’s quest to help kids with autism, including hers

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“Autism is treatable, and health insurance should cover that treatment.”

That’s how Allison Dennis summarizes her quest, which — on the night we spoke in her Upper Fauntleroy living room earlier this week — had just taken her to Olympia, to try to change a local legislator’s mind.

Allison’s preschooler son Jack is autistic, diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS, in semi-short).

He is getting therapy – which can make a huge difference for those with autism – but it comes at a significant cost. Allison and other parents and advocates are trying to get the state to change the rules about which treatments insurance companies must cover and when, but they are facing an uphill fight.

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Seattle snow aftermath: The $3.5 million storm, and what’s next

(added 12:25 pm – here’s a link to the full “after-action report” discussed today)

(12/18/08 photo from Chris, taken on Delridge ramp to West Seattle Bridge)
Members of three Seattle City Council committees just got an hourlong update from three city department heads, and one of their own analysts, on more hindsight regarding the December ’08 snowstorm woes, and what’ll be done to improve city response next time. The highlights: Emergency Management director Barb Graff says the storm was overall a “$3.5 million hit” to the city budget (Councilmember Jan Drago said she wished there’d been a report on the private-sector “hit” too), though there’s hope that federal disaster-relief dollars could help cover some of that, if a presidential proclamation is made (word is expected within a week). SDOT director Grace Crunican says the city now has two more snowplows: 29 total, up from 27. The two additions cost $40,000 each.

(12/18/08 photo from Saney, taken at California/Hanford)
With that equipment, and with up to 13 more pieces of equipment available from private contractors – who are now on a retainer that will cost $30,000 (plus actual usage fees) the first year, $15,000 the second, and no additional fee after that – she says the city will be able to commit to keeping 744 “arterial lane-miles” of key streets clear no matter what, for buses and cars to use. (Using West Seattle – where she lives – as an example, Crunican said that would include California, Delridge, and 35th. No specific cross-streets, we will be looking into whether the specifics are in writing somewhere.) More highlights from the discussion, just ahead (we’ll be adding links in the next half-hour or so but wanted to get out the gist of what was said):Read More

2 development notes: TOD bill update, Conner meeting site

February 18, 2009 3:19 pm
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UPDATE ON “TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT” BILL: We have been keeping an eye on this one as it’s come up in some of the neighborhood-council meetings we cover, though so far its potential effect on West Seattle is unclear: If you’re tracking the “transit-oriented development” bill sponsored by 34th District State Rep. Sharon Nelson, the Daily Weekly reports it failed a committee vote today, though that’s not the final say. It’s also up for discussion tonight at a workshop sponsored by City Councilmember Sally Clark at Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center.

LOCATION SET FOR CONNER PROJECT DESIGN-REVIEW MEETING: We mentioned yesterday that March 12 was tentatively set for the next – and possibly final – Southwest Design Review Board meeting on the Conner Homes Junction project (two mixed-use buildings at California/Alaska/42nd). The word “tentative” is now off the listing, and a location’s been set – that meeting will be 6:30 pm 3/12 at High Point Library. This project’s been of high interest, so we wanted to let you know the update rather than just sneaking it into the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.

Happening today/tonight: Education, transportation, more

February 18, 2009 6:07 am
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 |   Delridge | Delridge District Council | Fauntleroy | West Seattle politics | West Seattle schools

From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

TALK TO YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: For the first time since the Seattle School Board approved major changes and closures, West Seattle’s board rep Steve Sundquist will hold one of his regular coffee hours, to talk with, and listen to, anyone interested in education issues (and there are lots more on the horizon, like the start-time changes we mentioned last weekend). 9 am, Coffee to a Tea in The Junction.

HEAR FROM YOUR CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Richard Conlin is one of the guests scheduled for tonight’s meeting of the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council, 7 pm, Youngstown Arts Center. The latest on the Alaskan Way Viaduct/Tunnel project also is on the agenda.

FAUNTLEROY NEIGHBORS UNITE: 6:30 pm at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall, it’s the all-neighborhood meeting organized by the Fauntleroy Community Association to share updates on issues including Washington State Ferries‘ future and the in-progress purchase of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse.

Mayor’s call to action: Where to find volunteer opportunities

February 17, 2009 5:35 pm
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In his State of the City address today (full text here), Mayor Nickels put out the call for 10,000 more people to volunteer. We know you’re probably volunteering already. But in case you’re not – the city’s partnering with United Way of King County to round up that help, and here’s the start link on the United Way site. (Side note: WSB often reports on ways you can help, and all those stories can be found, newest to oldest, in our “How to Help” archive; we’re always ready to get the word out about more volunteer opportunities, so contact us anytime!)

“1st face-to-face interview” with Dow Constantine, candidate

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Instead of a once-planned family vacation on a sunny beach, King County Council Chair Dow Constantine is spending this partly sunny Seattle day — the first official day of his campaign for King County Executive — doing interviews, answering phone calls, e-mails, and text messages. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“This is fun,” he insists, as we part ways after a conversation at West 5 (WSB iPhone photo at left), in a space the native West Seattleite also remembers from spending many a day there in boyhood, when it was West Seattle Speedway, slot cars and all.

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Update: West Seattle’s Dow Constantine WILL run for Executive

(added 11:05 pm, Dow Constantine’s video announcement of his candidacy)
We reported here last Thursday that County Council Chair Dow Constantine had told the 34th District Democrats the night before, he would make a “quick decision” on whether to run for County Executive, now that Ron Sims is leaving for D.C. After the meeting, he told WSB that “quick” meant “within a week to 10 days.” Apparently even quicker – seattlepi.com has just posted an item saying Constantine will announce tomorrow that he’s running. We have a message out to him seeking confirmation. ADDED 10:41 PM: Here’s the seattletimes.com story. ADDED 10:50 PM: And we’ve just received direct confirmation from the candidate himself, “It’s true.” (15 minutes later, his campaign sent the video link we’ve added above. Quote near the 2-minute clip’s start: “We need to hit the reset button on county government.”)