West Seattle parks 1955 results

City to meld recycling and recreation

Per 1 of 2 dueling press releases, WS will be in a pilot plan for recycling bins at beaches & parks next spring. (2 councilmembers suggest it’s their idea; Hizzoner says it’s his.)

Might have been a good place for a Night Out party

On the easternmost edge of West Seattle, a couple of parks dot the shore of the Duwamish, including T-107 Park, where a WSB reader spotted two signs like this:


Ercolini Park: A sign & a party

ercolinisign.jpgIt’s on the same type of frame as a “for sale” sign, but this sign (right) at the Ercolini Park site on Alaska west of The Junction can be best described as “for info.” Right now, it’s stocked with flyers for a block party alongside the park site during Night Out tomorrow (6-9 pm, along 48th SW between Alaska and Oregon); park organizer Bill Barna says they’ll be accepting donations during the party as they finish up their last round of fundraising following a city matching-funds grant. (Speaking of Night Out, if your neighborhood is having a party and you don’t mind telling us about it in case any neighbors haven’t heard, leave a comment here or e-mail us; city organizers say they can’t give us an area-wide list. Also we’re hoping to post Night Out pix afterward, so even if you don’t tell us about your party in advance, take a pic and send it to us!)

Two big proposals for Harbor Ave

Harbor Avenue around the northeastern edge of the WS peninsula will be in for big changes if either or both of two ambitious ideas presented at last night’s Alki Community Council meeting become reality. It was emphasized that the two plans are not officially linked — but they have undeniable “synergy.” They involve land adjacent to, and east of, what many describe as West Seattle’s “secret gem,” Jack Block Park.


First: The Pier 1/2 concept for a new Water Taxi dock. It’s an unofficial proposal but may be gaining steam, since most would agree the Water Taxi can’t stay at Seacrest forever (among other things, the parking crunch is just too ridiculous). Pier 1/2 is Port of Seattle property adjacent to Jack Block Park. Much more on this and the other proposal, after the click …Read More

Alki Statue of Liberty: Next steps, new logo

July 20, 2007 10:30 am
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Three meetings in less than two weeks, including the Alki Community Council last night, and now we know there won’t be a decision any sooner than fall about whether the Alki Statue of Liberty — removed for recasting exactly one year ago today — will return to its old base, or to a new plaza like this (all architects’ art here):


Both the couple leading a drive to restart the plaza project, Libby & Paul Carr, and the city Parks Department project manager for the statue, Pamela Kliment, are in difficult positions, to say the least. They all spoke at last night’s ACC meeting, but since it was just one item on a busy agenda, there wasn’t a ton of Q/A time. What’s difficult: For the Carrs, the fact they and their volunteer assistants are working hard on something completely unofficial, since the final say lies with the Parks Department; for Parks, the fact they have to be the “reality check” on a volunteer effort that inarguably is full of enthusiasm, vision, inspiration, and hope — Kliment noted that for one, it’s “distressing” that the statue spot is empty, after one full year, and for two, the situation is larger than the statue itself. Which the Carrs likely would not dispute, as they have a larger vision as well — they hope a grand new home for this “Little Sister of Liberty” could spark a nationwide revitalization project for the many other similar statues that have fallen into disrepair in the half-century since the Boy Scouts donated them. So for now, the Carrs and their group — which is not yet officially certified as a nonprofit — will continue their work, including a new logo they debuted last night (shown below; copyrighted by local artist Phil Jones) that they plan to put on fundraising items such as T-shirts and posters; and the Parks Department will look ahead to a public meeting announced last night, 7 pm Thursday, Sept. 13, location TBD (Kliment said she’s hoping for the Bathhouse but it’s got a “temporary hold” for that night).


City cash for two WS projects

July 19, 2007 10:49 am
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The folks working on Ercolini Park on SW Alaska just west of The Junction are in line for a $90,000 Neighborhood Matching Fund Award from the city — this isn’t a giveaway, but a hard-fought win that’s only possible when community members commit time and money to projects, enough to impress city leaders to chip in. Ercolini Park organizer Bill Barna says they have a little more fundraising to do — $6K worth — you can go to the Ercolini Park website to find out how to contact them to chip in $ (or anything else the project needs). Congratulations also are in order to Gatewood Elementary School; the next phase of its playground project also is in line for a $90K matching-fund grant. (Full list of matching-fund projects citywide, including a South Park skatepark, is readable here.)

Liberty sooner or Liberty later: Meeting #3 tonight

One year ago tomorrow, the old Alki Statue of Liberty was taken down and trucked away. nwartsstatuephoto2.jpgTonight at the monthly Alki Community Council meeting, it’s a third round of discussion about what could, should, and might happen next. (This follows two meetings in the past 8 days organized by community members Libby and Paul Carr, who are trying to re-start the project to build a plaza around the recast statue; here’s our report on the first meeting; a WSB reader’s observations from the second one is in the comments here.) Parks Department rep Pamela Kliment, who’s collecting public comment on all this, tells us she’ll be at this meeting after having to skip the last one; so will the Carrs. It’s an important debate about a West Seattle icon; get in on it by going tonight (7 pm, Alki Community Center) or by e-mailing Kliment (click here).

Your tree, your plaque

We didn’t get pix during the Concert in the Park last night … so here now for your viewing pleasure now, belatedly, are the tree and plaque on the south side of Hiawatha Community Center, officially dedicated last night by Hizzoner in honor of West Seattle’s annexation centennial (so now can we secede? j/k): 





Liberty sooner or Liberty later: A bit like Viaduct Vs. Tunnel

nwartsstatuephoto1.jpgMore than two dozen heat-braving souls just wrapped up the first of two meetings led by an earnest Alki couple, Libby and Paul Carr, who are trying to salvage the stalled Alki Statue of Liberty plaza project. Ultimately, the final say on the future of this West Seattle icon rests elsewhere …Read More

Liberty sooner, or Liberty later?

nwartsstatuephoto.jpgTomorrow (Wednesday) night, at the height of the heat, you can multitask by cooling off at Alki and joining in a meeting outside the Bathhouse, to help determine the future of the statue that might otherwise soon earn a nickname like “Liberty in Limbo.” Seems the replacement for the old one (Northwest Programs for the Arts photo at left) is done but fundraising for the “plaza” to surround the new one is not, so a community meeting is being called to discuss, among other things, whether to just install the new one and be done with it sooner, or carry on with the “plaza” project and see the installment happen later. Read the meeting organizers’ explanation, in their own words, after the click:Read More

Defeat the heat

Surely you’ve heard by now that the next couple of days will be ridiculously hot. That means discomfort will skyrocket with the temperatures, since most of us don’t have air conditioning and just aren’t acclimated to 90-plus degrees. schmitzsmall.jpgBut we don’t all have to pack ourselves onto the sands of Alki to stay cool. We thought it would be worth discussing alternatives in advance; for starters, we managed to cope with the last megahot spell by taking a late-afternoon walk through Schmitz Park (photo @ right). The trees of Lincoln Park, Camp Long, and other green zones in WS can do the same trick. (You can follow up a walk through LP with a dip in Colman Pool, which is open through the peak of the heat, till 7 pm.) Got a heat-beating tip to share with the rest of WSB-land?

WS weekend happenings, pre-holiday edition

The Fourth of July is days away, but the fun starts now, with everything from motorcycles to a free natural-health seminar to picketing (yes, picketing) … click ahead to see what’s up around WS this weekend:Read More

First WS weekend of summer!

June 22, 2007 2:41 am
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From the start of wading-pool season, to the wildly important Emergency Preparedness event, to the Admiral invasion of “Can’t Stop the Serenity” — there’s tons to do, now through Sunday, without leaving the peninsula. Click ahead!Read More

Swimmers, rejoice

June 18, 2007 7:15 am
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Today’s the first weekday of the season for Colman Pool, which is now open noon-7 pm every day till early September (full schedule here).

West Seattle’s June weekend wildness, second installment

June 8, 2007 8:28 am
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The forecast may not be so hot as of this point, but our West Seattle weekend roundup includes plenty of indoor options if needed … including the world’s most famous all-female AC/DC tribute band, late-night comedy, an all-city “jam” for independent business people, the Rat City Rollergirls’ rummage sale on Alki, plus your chance to help beautify North Delridge … Those events and more, a click away:Read More

Raw deal?

This week’s Stranger gives another mention to a West Seattle mini-controversy that got surprisingly little attention earlier this spring (we only linked to it in passing): the city’s decision to deny a nudist group’s request to rent Colman Pool for a swimsuitless swim. At least The Stranger mentioned the group by name (Body Freedom Collaborative, site NSFW); the original account didn’t. So do you think the city should have said yes? (We can’t help thinking they would have been able to handle it by charging extra to put the plywood back up for a few hours.)

A big thanks to WSB readers

June 1, 2007 4:50 pm
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That “thank you” comes from Ercolini Park project organizers, who are working to transform a big beautiful empty lot west of The Junction into a real park. They say WSB readers have stepped up to commit dozens more volunteer hours to the project since our last update earlier this week. And they just got great news from the city — pending mayor and council approval, they’ll get a $90,000 grant, to complement $10,000 in “volunteer time and cash” that they will have to nail down by Halloween. They’ll also be teaming up with the folks working on Junction Plaza Park (on Alaska between Cali and 42nd) for fundraising efforts, with a joint meeting set for June 13.

First West Seattle weekend in June

Happy June! Lots to choose from in a full slate of WS weekend events, one click away.Read More

“Monster” sighting at Alki

Call it a monstrous way to try to save the Sound. The “Mud Monster,” mascot of a new Puget Sound cleanup campaign (photo below), starred at a media kickoff event at Alki this morning. The campaign’s site says the “Mud Monster” is “designed and produced by the folks who brought us the Mariner Moose.” Couldn’t we just have somebody in, oh, say, a plush six-gill-shark suit?


It takes a village to build a park

May 30, 2007 10:03 am
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It’s another do-or-die moment for the folks working to make Ercolini Park (west of The Junction) a reality: They need more commitments of volunteer time (and $) to help show the city they deserve a grant to transform the parkland from grassy field (photo below) to fully equipped neighborhood park — for an area that’s long on families but short on park space. The grant-decision time is near so if you can chip in to help the project, you can click here to e-mail project organizer Bill Barna or check out the Ercolini Park Updates site.


Dizzyingly busy WS weekend

May 11, 2007 7:20 am
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From 130-plus yard sales in 1 day, to a wild hour to try the Water Taxi, to women’s tackle football, to bellydancing, there is so much to do this weekend, you’ll wish you could just skip sleep. Full list is one click away:Read More

First weekend of May

Even without the Cinco de Mayo wildness at your favorite drinking spot, it’s a BIG West Seattle weekend. Click for the full (and “full” is an understatement) list!Read More