day : 29/06/2007 5 results

Hurricane help

June 29, 2007 6:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle people | WS culture/arts

2 years after Hurricane Katrina, its survivors are still struggling. In about a week, right here in WS, you’ve got two ways to help: The Total Experience Gospel Choir is leading a benefit at Kenyon Hall on 7/8, and advertising right now for more musicians to join in. If you can’t help with that, at least mark your calendar to drop by and chip in — there’ll be good food as well as good music — 1-9 pm a week from Sunday.

Just say no to fireworks

Lightmatter_sparkler.jpgTime for a reminder about fireworks: Inside the Seattle city limits, they’re off-limits — yes, even though you can buy them a stone’s throw away in White Center (they’re legal in unincorporated King County and fireworks stands were allowed to start selling them as of yesterday). If you plan to buy some and fire them off where it’s legal, note that you’re only allowed to do that on the 4th of July.

WS mom needs your advice

A WSB reader who’s just days away from welcoming a baby, and already has a toddler, isn’t going to be cooking much this summer and wonders what we all suggest for great WS takeout food. Including, but not limited to, a “great burrito.” So, what are your favorites for takeout on our side of the bay?

When it rains, it pours: Megaproject mania

Maybe they were just trying to get it all over with before the pre-Fourth of July mass exodus? Whatever the reason, city planners have just issued a sheaf of decisions affecting WS developments, most notably what we’ve been calling the megaprojects just east of The Junction. Our eyes are a little too swimmy at the moment to pore over all the fine print but these decisions appear to be steps forward for both projects; one decision for Fauntleroy Place (Whole Foods etc. @ 3922 Alaska), two for the “Capelouto project” (QFC etc. on adjacent parcels @ 4100 and 4122 Alaska). P.S. for those as geeky as us — the Design Review Program has just fancied up its site a little bit.

WS weekend happenings, pre-holiday edition

The Fourth of July is days away, but the fun starts now, with everything from motorcycles to a free natural-health seminar to picketing (yes, picketing) … click ahead to see what’s up around WS this weekend:Read More