day : 07/06/2007 7 results

Raw deal?

This week’s Stranger gives another mention to a West Seattle mini-controversy that got surprisingly little attention earlier this spring (we only linked to it in passing): the city’s decision to deny a nudist group’s request to rent Colman Pool for a swimsuitless swim. At least The Stranger mentioned the group by name (Body Freedom Collaborative, site NSFW); the original account didn’t. So do you think the city should have said yes? (We can’t help thinking they would have been able to handle it by charging extra to put the plywood back up for a few hours.)

On the run

One more day left to file to run for something this fall. For WS residents, options include any of five Seattle City Council jobs, King County Prosecutor, King County Assessor, King County Councilmember for District 8, two Port of Seattle Commission jobs, and Seattle School Board member for District 6. Regarding the two district-specific jobs:

–So far Dow Constantine hasn’t officially filed for his County Council job (but apparently intends to); the always-interesting “Goodspaceguy” Nelson has filed to oppose DC in the Democratic primary; nobody’s filed to be a (brave) Republican in this race.

–Three candidates are now in the running for the WS-centered School Board seat that incumbent Irene Stewart is leaving — Steve Sundquist and Dan Dempsey, as previously mentioned, plus Maria Ramirez, who filed today.

One more WS-specific note; Seattle City Council seats are all citywide, but incumbent Tom Rasmussen does live here in WS; he has filed to run for re-election and so far is unopposed.

Thursday night theater

June 7, 2007 2:02 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts

Unless the weather magically warms up, this might be a good night to stay indoors. One of your options is The Community Theatre’s production of “Carver’s Pieces,” based on three short stories by legendary Northwest writer Raymond Carver, 8 pm tonight at Youngstown Arts Center (tickets available online as well as at the door). “Carver’s Pieces” also plays tomorrow and Saturday, but there’s a bonus tonight — a chance to talk with the director and actors after the performance.

Please don’t feed the … birds

Oh dear, how will the West Seattle Birdcam folks handle this one? State wildlife experts want everybody to take their bird feeders out of service for a while or at least take extra steps to keep them mega-clean, because of a deadly outbreak. (At least this is an OK time of year for birds to be fine without feeders; there’s ample natural food such as bugs and flower nectar.)

Hot fun in the summertime

June 7, 2007 8:05 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle beaches

All along Alki Ave, banners are now up (photo below) for the Seafair Pirates Landing coming up July 7. As we wrote last year (when all of about half a dozen people knew this site existed, so here’s the link again), this event is so much bigger and better than it used to be.


Lots more summer fun to come too; a reader just forwarded us e-mail about the neighborhood kids’ 4th of July parade in north WS (full text after the click):Read More

WS Gas Price Watch: Still sliding

317arcojunesixth.jpgIn our spot checks within the past 12 hours, Delridge Arco (left) is now matching Admiral/Cali Chevron at $3.17, the lowest posted WS price for regular that we’ve seen. Several others are close – Charlestown/Cali 7-11 is down to $3.18, and the Fauntleroy/Alaska stations were below $3.20 when last we looked.

We’re on the move

June 7, 2007 5:46 am
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 |   Environment

In southeast WS, a sensor is tracking earth movement, and this story says that it’s moving northeast at a rate of up to four inches a decade. Scientists are keeping an eye on it and dozens of others around the NW in hopes they may get some clues about predicting earthquakes. If you want to know every geeky little thing about this site, including its latitude/longitude, go here and click on its log (symbol “SMAI”); you can also look at its charts here (choosing SMAI from the left-side menu). By the way, if you ever want to see a map of the most recent NW earthquakes (hours/days/weeks ago), keep this site handy.