West Seattle businesses 3258 results

Happening now: Ladies Night at West Seattle Thriftway

Hottest ticket in town tonight – Ladies Night at West Seattle Thriftway – check out the line waiting to get in at 6 pm, perhaps enticed by the promise of 125 “swag bags” for the first to arrive – and they went fast!

Joining in providing the swag, local merchants, many of whom had reps on hand, including Menashe and Sons Jewelers

Cheryl is wearing a necklace from Menashe and Sons, that is being offered as a prize tonight:

Also on hand: Illusions Hair Design – that’s Heather in our photo:

You have until 8 pm to go check out “Ladies Night,” with food and wine among the enticements; Thriftway is at California/Fauntleroy/Morgan. (Disclosure P.S. – Thriftway, Menashe and Sons, and Illusions are all WSB sponsors.)

Followup: Safeway’s buyer uncloaks – Albertsons parent Cerberus

Thanks to Marlowe and Eric for pointing out the announcement – Safeway‘s buyer is no longer a secret; two weeks after first word the chain was talking with a potential buyer, it’s been announced that buyer is Cerberus Capital Management, parent of Albertsons. The two supermarket chains are describing it as a merger. Together, they’ll have about 2,400 stores, just under the 2,600 owned by Kroger, parent of QFC and Fred Meyer. And so far, they’re saying there are no plans to close any of the stores. West Seattle has three Safeways and no Albertsons. The latter closed a store in White Center (now Saar’s Super Saver Foods) two years ago. Here’s the official announcement.

Business news: Staples says it’s closing stores, too

Another national chain with a West Seattle presence is planning to close stores. Today, Staples – which has an outlet at Westwood Village – said it will shut down 225 stores, which is 12 percent of what it has in North America. As with Radio Shack earlier this week, the news came as part of a report of an earnings drop. And, also like Radio Shack, Staples is not yet announcing which stores it will close. (Thanks to Jon for the tip.)

Melding business and creativity: Free event at Click! next week

March 5, 2014 6:50 pm
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(Photo courtesy Click! Design That Fits/MeganAuman.com)
Designer, maker, educator, and entrepreneur Megan Auman has traveled a path from metalsmith to painter (and now fabric/fashion designer) that has led her to also create “Designing an MBA,” which she’ll talk about at Click! Design That Fits in The Junction next week – focusing “on helping craftspeople and designers actually make a living doing what they love.” The rest of the announcement:

Friday, March 14th, 7 pm to 8:30 pm • “The intersection of creativity and business: a conversation with Megan Auman.” In her talk, Megan will discuss the intersection of creativity and business, what it takes to develop successful business models for the artistically minded, and why profit is essential to creative businesses. Time will be provided for a question and answer period.

The event is free, but you need to go here to RSVP.

P.S. Megan will be at Click! the previous evening (Thursday, March 13th) too, for West Seattle Art Walk, 6-9 pm.

Radio Shack says it’ll close up to 1,100 ‘underperforming’ stores

Troubled times for one of the few national non-food/drink retailers with multiple stores in West Seattle. Radio Shack announced this morning that it’s closing up to 1,100 “underperforming” stores across the country – about a fifth of its locations. The company did not announce which stores it’ll close, so we don’t know whether either local outlet (Junction, Westwood Village) will be affected. The announcement came as Radio Shack announced a sales drop and operating loss last quarter. (Thanks to Bob for the tip.)

Followup: New details about Áegis Living’s West Seattle plans

(WSB file photo of future site)
New details just in from Áegis Living about its plan for the former Life Care Center site at 47th/Admiral. We first reported the purchase last November; we also talked that month with Áegis Living CEO Dwayne Clark; and in December, we reported the land deal had closed for $3,650,000. Today, a formal announcement from Áegis, including a projected completion date and specific number of units:

Áegis Living, a national leader in assisted living and memory care communities, is pleased to announce the recent purchase of a property in West Seattle.

The West Seattle location is the latest addition for the company, which has implemented a growth plan to serve the increasing need for senior housing throughout the West Coast. Set to open in 2017, the new community will offer assisted living and memory care for seniors.

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West Seattle businesses: Longtime local attorney Sharon Best retiring, inviting you to the party

After a quarter-century, West Seattle attorney Sharon Best is retiring – sort of – but part of her practice will carry on. Here’s her message:

I would like to give a sincere and resounding Thank YOU to all of my clients, and clients who have become dear friends, for their growing and continuing support of my law practice over the years. Many people know that I retired to West Seattle in 1988 after serving 20 years in the Army. I set up my little law practice here in 1989, focusing on real estate and estate planning, despite being assured by other lawyers that I couldn’t make it without including family law or personal injury law.

25 years later, I’m here and they are not. Well, I need to stop practicing at this point so I can provide a needed presence to my partner of 30 years who is suffering from a disease diagnosed as Primary Progressive Aphasia. I want to be here with her as long as she can be here with me, and this means stopping my practice of law. While I may still do an occasional legal thing for friend or family, and I will be here to answer any background questions that the inheritors of my practice may have, I need to focus on my personal responsibilities at this time.

In the meantime, I wish everyone well, all my great clients, all of the real estate agents who have given us their trust to handle escrow transactions of all sorts, Heather de Vrieze, Elizabeth Carney, Kailei Feeney (the lawyers in deVrieze|Carney who still practice great law) and Cindy Benedict and Joline Fullwiler, my wonderful escrow staff, who have just been approved to handle escrow transactions as Best Escrow, LLC:

Best Escrow LLC is throwing me a retirement party and combining it with an Open House to celebrate their new status on Friday, March 7, 2014, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm at THE WHITE HOUSE, 3909 California Ave SW. I hope my clients and friends will stop by to see me off and welcome the new kids on the block.

West Seattle businesses: U-Frame-It seeking new location after losing lease because of development plan

After 20 years, the U-Frame-It shop at 3239 California SW is looking for a new location in West Seattle. Back in December, we reported a residential-development proposal for the site that has been home to the framing shop all these years; now, U-Frame-It proprietor Tom Sweeney confirms to WSB that they were just given notice last week that they’ll have to clear out: “February 18, we were given a Notice to Terminate Tenancy, effective March 31, 2014.” The site has both a demolition permit and a lot/parcel-split application under review. It was rezoned to NC2-40 along with the rest of the block during the 2007-2010 upzone that also paved the way for the 3210 California SW mixed-use project across the street, but this particular part of the block is proposed for single-family homes/live-work units. The site also includes Amante Pizza, but we haven’t reached them yet to find out their plans.

First a takeover, then taken over: New owner for Emeritus Senior Living, with 2 West Seattle locations

Thanks to the tipster who just pointed this out: Less than a year after Emeritus Senior Living took over 38 Merrill Gardens retirement centers, including the two in West Seattle, Emeritus itself has just been sold. The buyer is Tennessee-based Brookdale Senior Living Solutions, whose closest current facility is in Federal Way. Details from our partners at The Seattle Times; here’s the official announcement from Emeritus.

Video: $15-minimum-wage rally at South Admiral McDonald’s

As mentioned in our West Seattle Thursday calendar highlights, $15-minimum-wage supporters promised demonstrations outside local McDonald’s today while calling for a one-day boycott of that chain as well as Wendy’s and Burger King (neither of which has West Seattle stores). We went by all local McDonald’s at lunchtime and found no protesters; one finally turned up at the South Admiral store; and then a media alert went out about a rally after 5 pm. So we checked it out; about two dozen demonstrators and plenty of citywide media. They were planning to be there until about 5:45. On the political side, the city’s Select Committee on Minimum Wage and Income Inequity has its first meeting March 5th – details on its schedule and mission here.

Safeway for sale? Chain with 3 West Seattle stores ‘in talks’

Since Safeway has three stores in West Seattle, more than any other grocery chain, this might be of interest: The 1,300+-store chain announced today that it’s in talks with a potential buyer. Here’s one of the more thorough stories we’ve seen so far, published close to Safeway’s Bay Area headquarters. Safeway didn’t identify the prospective buyer, and no official deal has been announced yet, but industry observers are reported to believe it’s a private-equity firm. The 28th/Roxbury Safeway is the only local one for which the company owns the land, six acres worth; its Jefferson Square store is on a leased site, and it leases the land its Admiral store is on, after selling the site to American Realty Advisors one year after building the big new store.

New West Seattle business: Meeples Games at Charlestown Center

(Laura Schneider with the banner that’ll hold a place outside until signage is installed)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The space vacated when Anytime Fitness moved from Charlestown Center to the ex-Admiral Blockbuster already has a new tenant.

In fact, Laura Schneider signed the lease last fall and has been eagerly waiting to get in and get going.

This spring, Schneider plans to open Meeples Games in the northern second-floor space of the California/Charlestown building, next to West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

No, “games” does not mean an electronic arcade. Schneider declares that Meeples will be “all analog, all the time.” Not that she is opposed to electronics – she is a former software executive – but she researched the region while deciding where to open the business she has long dreamed of running, and this is a niche unserved in West Seattle, a place to buy and play board, card, and role-playing games, both informally and during organized events. She envisions seminars, too. And more:

Read More

Video: Minimum-wage discussion @ West Seattle Chamber of Commerce

Next month, a new Seattle City Council committee starts hearings on income inequality, an issue that has been focused lately on potentially raising the minimum wage. The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce brought in a panel to discuss the issue at its lunch meeting today, and you can see that discussion in its entirety in our video, above. The panel, moderated by George Allen of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, included Janet Ali from Nucor Steel, Craig Dawson from Retail Lockbox, Matt Landers from the Greater Seattle Business Association, Andres Mantilla from CBE Strategic, and Josh McDonald of the Seattle Restaurant Alliance.

Questions included what participants see as the pros/cons of an increase. They also discussed the survey that went public on Wednesday, showing that two-thirds of likely voters polled in Seattle supported the $15 concept. (Here is the survey firm’s memo, shared by Working Wasington.) The Chamber also is circulating this online-survey link, in connection with other neighborhood business organizations around the city – it’s open until Friday afternoon, and you’re invited to take it, whether you’re an entrepreneur or employee.

Update: West Seattle Athletic Club ‘eviction hearing’ called off, lease ‘reinstated’

(UPDATED with landlord’s lawyer confirming complaint has been dropped)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 1:25 PM: We’re getting inquiries, so here’s what we can tell you so far:

9 am this morning, West Seattle Athletic Club owner Sam Adams and his landlord H-P Properties were on the schedule at the Regional Justice Center in Kent for what court documents described as an “eviction hearing,” as first reported here last month. We arrived early to cover it. The updated electronic schedule scrolling in the courthouse lobby – something like those status boards at airports – listed Adams’ name and case.

For an hour, we watched King County Superior Court Commissioner Carlos Velategui run through a variety of other cases. After 10 am, the clerk announced morning recess; we asked what had happened to the case, and the clerk told us no one from either side ever checked in. Asked what that means to the case, the clerk said they usually give people a half-hour grace period, but if they don’t show, the case “just falls off the calendar.”

The newest documents in the online court file as of this writing were filed by Adams’ lawyers just yesterday, arguing that the case should be dismissed because the original December 20th eviction notice hadn’t been sent to/posted at the sites required by law. Those documents also reiterated his contention that the delinquent rent payments were ultimately the fault of the two companies he is suing, as also reported in our January story, Allstate Financial Group (which describes itself as providing billing and management services for health clubs) and Barratt Leasing. So what now? We’re trying to reach lawyers for comment, and will also continue to watch the court file.

1:45 PM: Just heard back from the landlord’s lawyer, David Tall. He says West Seattle Athletic Club “came up with a payment sufficient to reinstate the lease,” so this complaint has been dropped.

Higher minimum wage? West Seattle Chamber discussion Thursday, online survey now

Even if you’re not a member of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, you’re invited to its February lunch meeting this Thursday, focused on one of the city’s most hotly debated current topics – raising the minimum wage. A panel discussion will be part of the meeting 11:30 am-1 pm Thursday (February 13th) at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW; WSB sponsor). The Chamber announcement says the panel will include “people studying potential impacts … and business owners that will be impacted.” You can register online here (discounted early registration through tomorrow). Whether or not you attend, you’re invited to take an online survey created by a group of business associations in the city; it’ll be open through February 14th, and the link is here.

West Seattle businesses: Jamba Juice closing at Westwood

A sudden shutdown at Westwood Village – this is the last night of operation for Jamba Juice, which is on the east end of the shopping center’s east-west breezeway. After a tip from Edgar (thanks!), we went over to talk with the staff and confirmed the imminent closure (about half an hour from now).

The staff said they had only found out a day or so ago. We heard too late in the day to check with center management about whether another tenant is lined up for the space.

SIDE NOTE: Other changes are under way at Westwood – the liquor store has moved from the center of the mall to a space on the north side by DaVita; a Carter’s children’s-clothing store is still on the way, as we first reported in November, and is now affirmed on the Carter’s website (and the WWV leasing map). City permits say it’s going into the space the liquor store vacated.

West Seattle Super Bowl spirit: 12th Man flag flies over new memorial for Jim Sweeney

February 2, 2014 2:44 pm
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(WSB photo by Tracy Record)
In this afternoon’s sunshine, with Super Bowl kickoff soon, the 12th Man flag flies beneath the Stars and Stripes at Alki Lumber. We featured the flag last month – but just in time for the big game, there’s something new beneath it:

(Photo courtesy Alki Lumber)
Alki Lumber owner Jim Sweeney died on Super Bowl Sunday two years ago; as of this week, there’s new landscaping and a memorial plaque beneath the flagpole. Matthew Pedersen, who shared the plaque photo, wrote:

It is only fitting that the memorial was completed just days before the Seahawks play in Super Bowl XLVIII. Jim Sweeney will always be remembered for his kindness, generosity, business savvy and advice.

We miss you, Jim!

West Seattle businesses: The Westy hits one goal, aims beyond

January 31, 2014 9:15 am
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It’s not ready for game-watching this time, but when the Seahawks return to the Super Bowl NEXT YEAR … viewing venues are likely to include The Westy Sports and Spirits, under construction at 7908 35th SW. Its crowdfunding campaign – loans, not donations, as reported here four weeks ago – just passed its first goal and is still in play, as co-proprietor Paul Ritums explains:

It has been an exciting month for Seattle Sports fans and it all culminates with the Seahawks playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday. While we are all anxiously awaiting kickoff on Feb 2nd, scoping out the prime spots at the bar or preparing our cheering section, The Westy Sports & Spirits is finishing its scoring drive. As of this printing we have scored a touchdown and reached our minimum goal of $20,000 through our Community Sourced Capital campaign. We want to thank all of our friends, family, and the community for participating and helping us to get closer to opening our doors.

It has been a privilege to be CSC’s first brand-new business and see the whole process unfold before us. With reaching our minimum we have guaranteed that the loan will be fulfilled, but we aren’t done yet. We are entering overtime, as our campaign ends just before the Seahawks storm the field. Our maximum target for our campaign is $40,000 and it would be great to see how close we can get in the remaining few days. The Seahawks and their fans wouldn’t settle for a tie, but go for the big win, and we aim to do the same.

This crowdfunding campaign is different from the rest, as with this campaign, whatever you contribute, you get back 100%. And all of our supporters will be rewarded for their efforts. So please take the time to check out the campaign page.

With everyone’s continued support, this time next year, West Seattle will have another prime location for the 12th Man to scope out a spot at the bar and cheer on the soon to be defending Super Bowl Champions.

Go Hawks!

Well Medical Arts: New WSB sponsor for Inner Health, Outer Beauty

This afternoon we welcome a new WSB sponsor, Well Medical Arts. As is our tradition, we offer new local sponsors the chance to tell you about what they do:

Make 2014 the year for you! Come visit us at Well Medical Arts and learn how to treat yourself every day of the year. Learn about our vitamin-deficiency testing or our fabulous new Laser resurfacing for your face. No matter your concern, Dominique Well, ARNP, addresses your issue with total quality treatment and a great value for your money. For new patients, we have a special offer of 5 free units of Botox if you purchase 20! Do schedule your free consultation soon and see exactly what happens within the healing walls of Well Medical Arts, a unique boutique of Inner Health, Outer Beauty.

Well Medical Arts has four special events coming up: Tomorrow (Thursday, January 30th), introducing our special CLEANSE Series, 6 pm-8 pm; Thursday, February 6th, HCG Diet Clinic, 6 pm-8 pm; February 14th and 28th, come learn about the new semi-permanent filler Aretfill (by appointment only). Call now to reserve your spot! 206-935-6789.

Well Medical Arts is at 9025 35th SW, and online at wellmedicalarts.com.

We thank Well Medical Arts for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle biznotes: Teriyaki mystery update; M3 Bodyworks adds insurers; wine-tasting room opens; gym food drive

BENI HOSHI SAGA, THE NEXT CHAPTER: Almost two weeks ago, after a WSB reader tip, we noted that Beni Hoshi Teriyaki had abruptly disappeared from 35th/Fauntleroy; property owner Seattle City Light told us that BH had been subleasing, so SCL had no info on what happened. Now a “FOR LEASE” sign has appeared. We aren’t seeing a listing yet so have an inquiry out to the broker to ask if they’re looking for another restaurant or casting a wider net.

3 MORE INSURERS FOR M3 BODYWORKS: Longtime WSB sponsor M3 Bodyworks says it’s expanded the list of insurers with which it’s working:

M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic is now accepting three new insurance plans. We now have contracts with Group Health, United Healthcare and First Choice Health Network. This is in addition to Premera/Lifewise, Regence/Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, and Cigna. We are pleased to be able to serve our community with these new offerings. To book an appointment, go to M3bodyworks.com and click on “Book your appointment now!” Then select the plan that matches your insurance card. Our online scheduling system will book you with a therapist that is currently contracted with your insurance plan.

You should always call the customer service number on the back of your card to ensure massage therapy is a covered benefit. We will do our best to assist you in finding the answers for you as well. Feel free to contact our front desk staff with any questions you may have about your new insurance. M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic is a longtime supporter of the West Seattle Blog. We are located at 5236 California Ave SW, Suite D. We look forward to welcoming these new insurance clients to our practice!

NEW WINE-TASTING ROOM: Wine fans have a new option on the peninsula:

Two Brothers Winery is proud to announce that its new tasting room is now officially open to the public.

We are located in the lower unit of Belli Capelli Salon, 3902 California SW; the entrance is off Bradford Street. We will be open most Friday and Saturdays from 3:00-6:00 PM. We look forward to expanding the hours as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact us to set up both private and group tastings.

STRAIGHT BLAST GYM FOOD DRIVE: Sonia at Straight Blast Gym (5050 Delridge Way SW) says they’ve having a food drive until Valentine’s Day, hoping to collect more than a ton of food. There’s an incentive – they’re having a drawing among donors to give away an iPad mini, and you get one drawing ticket for every 10 food items you bring in. Stop by Straight Blast 6 am-8 am or 2-9:30 pm Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 am-1 pm Saturdays, 5 pm-8 pm Sundays.

West Seattle businesses: FASTSIGNS’ grand opening

Celebrating the grand opening of FASTSIGNS of West Seattle (WSB sponsor) Thursday night, owners James Pike and Jessica Lee posed with new WS Chamber of Commerce CEO Lynn Dennis. Chamber members came to join the party, holding their monthly After Hours event in conjunction with the grand-opening festivities. As noted here last month, FASTSIGNS’ goal is to “make it as easy as possible for the customer to achieve all of their visual communication goals, needs, and desires” and it offers many ways to do that. Many of its offerings were shown off last night, and some were given away as door prizes, including the local item FASTSIGNS’ Christine Greene is showing off in our photo:

Missed the event? Find them at 6323 35th SW, and online here.

From north to south on West Marginal Way: 2 project notes

West Seattle’s easternmost arterial has two items of note today – not related aside from the street they share:

3601 WEST MARGINAL WAY ‘URBAN FARM’: Last month, while the state was taking applications from prospective recreational-marijuana businesses, we mentioned that two applicants were seeking to produce marijuana in a building at 3601 West Marginal Way, alongside the West Seattle Bridge.

(King County Assessor photo)
There are now two permit applications in with the Department of Planning and Developmentone filed in December to “change use of a portion of existing floor and mezzanine from heavy manufacturing to urban farm in existing commercial building,” one filed this week for an interior wall. The state has not yet announced its final licensing decisions.

7116 WEST MARGINAL WAY DECISION NEAR: Four months after the homeless encampment cleared out, this partly-city-owned site’s future might become clearer next week. We just checked with Food Lifeline to see if its proposal to build a regional center there for its hunger-relief work was still in play; the organization tells WSB this is one of two sites it has been reviewing and that its board is expected to make a decision this month about which to pursue.

West Seattle Chamber of Commerce announces new CEO Lynn Dennis and new board, chaired by Nancy Woodland

(WSB photo added 5:24 pm: New Chamber CEO Lynn Dennis with past chair =Dave Montoure)
The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce has just announced its new board lineup and its newly hired CEO, successor to longtime leader Patti Mullen, who left two years ago. Here’s the announcement from the Chamber’s new chair Nancy Woodland:

Today the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Lynn Dennis as its full-time Chief Executive Officer.

The Chamber of Commerce is the leading advocate for the business community in West Seattle, connecting business owners, providing networking and educational resource opportunities and supporting the vibrancy of the diverse local business community.

“The CEO is the first person many new employers, business owners, developers, citizens and legislators contact when investigating the many economic strengths of our region. Lynn has exactly the right skill set to represent the Chamber as we continue to move forward to provide even more value to our members and the West Seattle community,” says Nancy Woodland, 2014 Chamber Board Chair.

Ms. Dennis served for the past year in an interim capacity, with the Chamber, focused on strengthening the Chamber’s infrastructure, establishing systems and setting the stage for future growth. She comes with more than 30 years’ experience in management positions with expertise in strategic planning, operations management, marketing, community outreach and systems implementation. As Ms. Dennis moves into the role of CEO, Mary Cropley will continue as the Chamber’s part-time Financial Manager.

“The Chamber is a sought-after voice with local government, community leadership.and our local business community,” shares Dave Montoure, immediate Past Board Chair. “Lynn’s experience as both a small business owner and in corporate management strengthens the voice of our local Chamber. We know we are in good hands as we work towards bolstering our engagement with local businesses, government and the greater West Seattle community. ”

In addition, the Chamber announces its 2014 Board of Directors and Executive Officers


Chair: Nancy Woodland – WestSide Baby [WSB file photo at left]
1st Vice Chair: Hamilton Gardiner – Holmquist & Gardiner
Treasurer: Ryan Letson – Jackson, Morgan & Hunt
Secretary: Paul Prentice – Prentice Design
Past Chair: Dave Montoure – West 5


Wendy Damoth – Flower Lab
Sally del Fierro – Port of Seattle
Patrick Jablonski – Nucor Steel
Dana Perreault – Red 27 Engraving
Michael Pivar – Cornerstone Financial Group
Elizabeth Pluhta – South Seattle Community College
Trish Throop – Eldercare Consulting

To learn more about your West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, please contact Lynn Dennis, CEO at lynn@wschamber.com or call 206-932-5685. The Chamber’s next After-Hours event is at the Fast Signs Grand Opening on Thursday, January 16, and the 2014 Member Annual Meeting luncheon will be Thursday, January 30 (location TBD).