BENI HOSHI SAGA, THE NEXT CHAPTER: Almost two weeks ago, after a WSB reader tip, we noted that Beni Hoshi Teriyaki had abruptly disappeared from 35th/Fauntleroy; property owner Seattle City Light told us that BH had been subleasing, so SCL had no info on what happened. Now a “FOR LEASE” sign has appeared. We aren’t seeing a listing yet so have an inquiry out to the broker to ask if they’re looking for another restaurant or casting a wider net.
3 MORE INSURERS FOR M3 BODYWORKS: Longtime WSB sponsor M3 Bodyworks says it’s expanded the list of insurers with which it’s working:
M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic is now accepting three new insurance plans. We now have contracts with Group Health, United Healthcare and First Choice Health Network. This is in addition to Premera/Lifewise, Regence/Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, and Cigna. We are pleased to be able to serve our community with these new offerings. To book an appointment, go to M3bodyworks.com and click on “Book your appointment now!” Then select the plan that matches your insurance card. Our online scheduling system will book you with a therapist that is currently contracted with your insurance plan.
You should always call the customer service number on the back of your card to ensure massage therapy is a covered benefit. We will do our best to assist you in finding the answers for you as well. Feel free to contact our front desk staff with any questions you may have about your new insurance. M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic is a longtime supporter of the West Seattle Blog. We are located at 5236 California Ave SW, Suite D. We look forward to welcoming these new insurance clients to our practice!
NEW WINE-TASTING ROOM: Wine fans have a new option on the peninsula:
Two Brothers Winery is proud to announce that its new tasting room is now officially open to the public.
We are located in the lower unit of Belli Capelli Salon, 3902 California SW; the entrance is off Bradford Street. We will be open most Friday and Saturdays from 3:00-6:00 PM. We look forward to expanding the hours as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact us to set up both private and group tastings.
STRAIGHT BLAST GYM FOOD DRIVE: Sonia at Straight Blast Gym (5050 Delridge Way SW) says they’ve having a food drive until Valentine’s Day, hoping to collect more than a ton of food. There’s an incentive – they’re having a drawing among donors to give away an iPad mini, and you get one drawing ticket for every 10 food items you bring in. Stop by Straight Blast 6 am-8 am or 2-9:30 pm Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 am-1 pm Saturdays, 5 pm-8 pm Sundays.