day : 14/02/2014 12 results

Random act of Valentine-ness: What a child gave to strangers

Thanks to Tracey for sharing the heartwarming photo and report:

While my husband and I (and four others) were waiting for Circa to open its doors tonight, a young boy walked by with his mom and started handing out these valentines. It was such a sweet gesture and nice surprise! We don’t know his name, but wanted everyone in West Seattle to know how thoughtful he is and that his random act of kindness was appreciated. Oh, and our dinner was DELICIOUS! Happy Valentine’s Day!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run; break-in; car found

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight: First, a hit-run that Shannon hopes you can help solve:

(Photo added Saturday – click it to see a larger view, rotated so coding is readable)

We were the victims of a hit and run today. Sometime this afternoon between approximately 3:30 pm and 4:20 pm someone sideswiped our silver 2005 Dodge Neon, which was parked facing north on 48th Avenue SW between Juneau and Findlay. There are scratches and body damage starting from the rear driver’s side door continuing up to the front driver’s side tire area, including scratches on the windows and smudges, scratches, and denting on the driver’s door and the driver’s side mirror and casing were smashed. Whoever hit it was going pretty fast and sustained damage to their vehicle as well. I found parts of their smashed passenger side window and casing, along with other car parts as far as 30 feet in front of my car. Enough pieces were found to determine that the person who hit our car was driving a silver Volkswagen – either a 1999-2005 Golf Mk4, 1999-2005 Jetta Mk4, 1998-2001 Passat B5, or a 2001-2005 Passat B5.5. If you know of anyone with a vehicle matching this description that has passenger side damage or is missing a passenger side mirror, or if you saw this happen, please contact me at

Karen‘s home was burglarized on Thursday:

Our house, located across from Lincoln Park, was broken in through the window of our basement. Camera and about $20 change were taken. House is in a bit of disarray, but doesn’t seem to be missing anything else. They had shoved our dog in a room while rifling through our house.

And one of this week’s stolen cars has been found – Stephanie first reported in this comment Wednesday that her green ’97 two-door Honda Civic had been stolen Monday afternoon from outside her home on Pigeon Point. She didn’t expect to ever see it again. But police found it less than two miles away, she says, at 23rd and Findlay.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL TUESDAY: Come hear from West Seattle’s new precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske, find out about the city’s Mental Health Court, and share neighborhood concerns, 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster).

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Donald Plute pleads guilty

He was about to go on trial – but instead, 23-year-old Donald Plute pleaded guilty today to charges stemming from a morning-long rampage six months ago, in which he stole a truck on Alki, then rammed it into two vehicles before ditching it in Gatewood and running from police. The first vehicle he rammed had two men inside, one of whom was the owner of the truck Plute had stolen; after that crash in Upper Alki, Plute was spotted by police in Morgan Junction, where one officer thought he had him pulled over – until Plute put the truck into reverse and crashed it into this SPD car before taking off again:

Today, he pleaded guilty to the four charges filed against him in that August case – robbery, two counts of assault, and a charge of attempting to elude. The plea-agreement documents we just downloaded say prosecutors will recommend concurrent sentences equal to a little over 10 and a half years, minus the five-plus months he’s already served. Plute’s record included seven previous felony convictions between 2005 and 2010, including burglary, theft, possession of stolen cars, and another attempt to elude; the earliest crime on the list was committed when he was 14 years old. Plute is scheduled for sentencing on March 14th.

West Seattle scene: Valentine’s Day sunset at Alki

Thanks to Todd Vandemark for sharing that photo from tonight’s Valentine’s Day sunset – we’re sharing it while working on a couple other distinctly non-Valentiney stories. Enjoy the evening – more rain and wind is said to be on the way, but not right away.

CSO-control project updates: Truck routes revealed for Murray; drilling time for Barton

February 14, 2014 3:29 pm
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 |   Environment | Utilities | West Seattle news

Updates on both of our area’s King County Wastewater Treatment “combined-sewer overflow control” projects today:

(Click image to see full-size PDF)
MURRAY PROJECT ‘HAUL ROUTES’: Community members have long been asking which route trucks will use to get to and from the Murray (basin) CSO project site across from Lowman Beach, once excavation begins for its million-gallon storage tank. Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker got the word on Thursday that the routes had been finalized and published on the project website – see the map above. We asked KCWT when people along those routes will see the resulting truck traffic. From spokesperson Annie Kolb-Nelson:

Peak truck traffic is expected between April and December 2014 for the following activities: between April and July during the placement of secant piles that will act as support walls; between August and October for the excavation of the storage tank; and between October and December for tank construction (bringing in concrete and materials to the site.) During these time periods, the truck traffic will occur all day long. Work hours are 7-6 on weekdays. Any weekend work would be a special request by the contractor and if it was granted, King County would notify the community. Congestion at the site will be minimized by staging trucks away from the site and having them arrive at the site in a coordinated manner.

As for when the “primary” route would be used and when the “secondary” route would be used instead, that information isn’t available yet but we’ll add it when it is.

BARTON PROJECT PRE-CONSTRUCTION WORK: The Barton (basin) CSO project involves roadside raingardens on certain blocks in Sunrise Heights – and part of the support structure involves wells:

The construction was previewed during the recent pre-construction meetings (WSB coverage here). What’s being drilled at the south end of each raingarden block – 15 blocks getting 91 raingardens in the next year and a half – is a “deep infiltration well.” That’s considered pre-construction work; this year’s official construction schedule, block by block, is here.

Metro service change Saturday: How West Seattle routes are affected

Tomorrow is the next official “service change” for Metro, and some West Seattle routes will see changes. RapidRide C Line will add a northbound evening trip and southbound afternoon trip; downtown stops are changing for Route 37; and when Routes 50 and 60 get to Beacon Hill, they won’t be stopping inside the VA Medical Center grounds because of construction. All of the above, and other service changes taking effect tomorrow, are explained here.

Highway 99 tunnel trouble: Front-end repair access likely

If you’re following the saga of the Highway 99 tunnel-machine trouble – another update this afternoon, including word it’s likely that a dig from the surface will be needed so the machine can be fixed from its front end:

Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) informed WSDOT today that they expect to receive a plan on potential repairs to the SR 99 tunneling machine from the machine’s manufacturer Hitachi Zosen by the end of this month. This will include a schedule for how long the repair work would take. Earlier this week, STP told us the plan may be completed by the end of the week, but said today more time is needed for the Hitachi to prepare it.

It appears likely that repairs will be made by digging a shaft from the surface so the machine can be entered from the front. Entering the back of the machine would require removal of more equipment and likely take longer. STP will begin work next week on the design of the shaft so if that option is selected, some of the necessary work will already be underway.

This past Monday, as reported here and elsewhere, we got first word it will be “months” before tunneling can resume. The tunnel originally was expected to open by the end of 2015, with Viaduct demolition following its opening; no schedule revision’s been announced yet.

New West Seattle business: Meeples Games at Charlestown Center

(Laura Schneider with the banner that’ll hold a place outside until signage is installed)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The space vacated when Anytime Fitness moved from Charlestown Center to the ex-Admiral Blockbuster already has a new tenant.

In fact, Laura Schneider signed the lease last fall and has been eagerly waiting to get in and get going.

This spring, Schneider plans to open Meeples Games in the northern second-floor space of the California/Charlestown building, next to West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

No, “games” does not mean an electronic arcade. Schneider declares that Meeples will be “all analog, all the time.” Not that she is opposed to electronics – she is a former software executive – but she researched the region while deciding where to open the business she has long dreamed of running, and this is a niche unserved in West Seattle, a place to buy and play board, card, and role-playing games, both informally and during organized events. She envisions seminars, too. And more:

Read More

West Seattle development, lot-split edition: 5028 Puget Blvd.; 3239 California; 4050 30th; 5303 21st; 3273 37th; 2450 55th; plus, Design Review reminders

Lot splits and boundary changes often portend development projects, so we’ve been tracking them in the city system, and some of the newest proposals top this update on West Seattle development:

7 LOTS @ 5028 PUGET BOULEVARD SW: One block east of Delridge, the overgrown 35,000-square-foot site shown above is under review for a seven-lot split. The proposal appeared in the city’s newest Land Use Information Bulletin – here’s the official notice, which triggers a two-week comment period (here’s how to send in a comment). There is no formal filing for construction permits so far, but online city files include a site plan originally filed more than a year ago, showing three homes fronting Puget Boulevard and four to the east, upslope, behind them. There is also an arborist’s report showing 63 “significant” trees on site, three of them considered “exceptional.” Concerns about this project, which will require environmental review, are outlined in a discussion in the North Delridge Neighborhood Council Google Group.

3 PARCELS, 2 LOTS @ 3239 CALIFORNIA SW (map): As reported here in December, this site, which currently holds a commercial building, is proposed for demolition and residential development.

It’s on the west side of the block upzoned in 2010, with at least two other projects pending. The land-use permit application is now in for reconfiguring it into what the online file calls three parcels and two unit lots.

4 LOTS AT 4050 30TH SW (map): This is the long-idle townhouse site in a triangular spot at SW Avalon, SW Yancy, and 30th SW, which has lain idle since the project stalled in the recession.

Now it’s up for approval of a four-unit lot split to proceed. Here’s the official notice; here’s how to comment.

3 PARCELS AT 5303 21ST SW (map): This site is proposed for splitting one lot into three. A formal development proposal is not attached, but the applicant of record is a construction company.

BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS AT 3273 37TH SW (map) A project is in the works for this three-lot site with one 95-year-old house that’s targeted for demolition, according to documents available online. The official proposal is to adjust the boundaries.

2 PARCELS @ 2450 55TH SW (map): In the Alki area, this lot split is proposed with a site plan showing a duplex to be built between two existing houses, one fronting 55th and one fronting Wickstrom to the east. Here’s the official notice; here’s how to comment.

The Land Use Information Bulletins this week also included the three formal notices for the March 6th Southwest Design Review Board meeting, regarding two north West Seattle projects already reported here (one with additional information):

1606 CALIFORNIA SW (map): 6:30 pm March 6th, Senior Center of West Seattle. We first reported back in October about this proposed 3-story, 16-unit apartment building, with 21 planned parking spaces; this SWDRB date was set a month ago. Here’s the official notice.

3257 HARBOR AVENUE SW AND 3303 HARBOR AVENUE SW (map): The review is at 8 pm March 6th, also SC of WS. First mentioned here last month, the notices for 3257 and 3303 confirm this is a two-building, 6-story project proposed for a total of more than 90 units.

SIDE NOTE – LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW LAND USE WORKS: Have trouble slogging through notices, deadlines, comment requirements, when do you get to have a public hearing and when don’t you, etc.? Come to the next Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting on Wednesday (February 19th), 7 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, to hear from local neighborhood leaders who will break it down from a truly public point of view.

Roxbury safety project: ‘Tons of feedback’ at meeting #1

February 14, 2014 9:14 am
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 |   Safety | Transportation | West Seattle news

We didn’t get to the first SW Roxbury Safety Project meeting last night because of breaking news, but Joe Szilagyi from the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council did, and you can see his report on the WWRHAH website. He says the SDOT team got “tons of feedback” and provided new details on what happens next.

In the immediate future, the previously announced February 26th meeting at Roxhill Elementary is the next step, but after that, as you’ll see in Joe’s report, there’s a further timetable for conversations and implementation.

West Seattle development followup: Formal notice of March 11th hearing on 4755 Fauntleroy ‘alley vacation’

February 14, 2014 8:50 am
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 |   4755 Fauntleroy | Environment | West Seattle news

Back on Wednesday, we reported the date had finally been set for the City Council Transportation Committee’s public hearing on the “alley vacation” that needs council approval before The Whittaker, aka “the Whole Foods project,” can proceed at 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW: 9:30 am March 11th in council chambers at City Hall. This morning, the official city notice is out – see it here. It includes details on how to comment at, and before, the March 11th hearing. It also includes this map of the site and the surrounding area (partially shown at right). The hearing before the Transportation Committee, chaired by West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, is the first step in formal council consideration; the full council would consider it afterward.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday updates; weekend I-5 alert

February 14, 2014 6:59 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(More cameras, and other info, on the WSB Traffic page)
No notable problems reported in the area so far this morning. So we’ll start with the reminder about southbound I-5 lane closures during the long weekend ahead:

I-5 WORK: Between 9 pm tonight and early Tuesday morning, WSDOT plans lane closures on southbound I-5 to replace four expansion joints. The work zone will be somewhere between just north of the Convention Center downtown and I-90. Details here.

NO WATER TAXI MONDAY: Presidents Day is Monday and the West Seattle and Vashon Water Taxis will not be running. Seattle Public Schools will be out all week for midwinter break.

6:42 PM: Crash at 35th/Holden but no serious injuries reported and when we drove through a few minutes ago (thanks for the tips!) tow trucks were clearing both vehicles, with traffic getting through both ways.