West Seattle businesses 3258 results

West Seattle biznote: GoWireless opening in Admiral

April 29, 2014 1:21 pm
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Thanks to Patricia for the tip (she saw the sign going up Monday): More than two years after its completion, the retail building on California SW built north of, and along with, Admiral Safeway is finally on the brink of being fully occupied. The final of its five spaces is going to the Las Vegas-headquartered chain GoWireless, which has more than 300 stores. It appears from GoWireless’s website that this is its first venture into Seattle city limits, though it has outlets elsewhere around the King/Snohomish/Pierce/Kitsap Counties metro area; as you can probably tell from the signage, its business is focused on Verizon, though it’s a separate company, we learned while researching. We’re still waiting to hear back from GW corporate HQ on when they plan to open.

West Seattle businesses: Happy anniversary, Wyatt’s Jewelers

Big smile from Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsors) co-proprietor Kirk Keppler – the shop is celebrating its anniversary today, and you get the gift – an open house with the only storewide sale of the year at Wyatt’s (up to 60 percent off). Stop by any time before 6 pm, in the heart of Westwood Village.

Happening now: Junction Tax-Free Day; Record Store Day

April 19, 2014 4:41 pm
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The rain stopped! (For now.) So if it kept you home – get out and go shop The Junction in the final hours of “Tax-Free” Sale Day ’14. Above, that’s Courtney Sievertsen of Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor) on 42nd SW north of SW Edmunds – a reminder that Junction shopping stretches beyond California SW. Red balloons mark the participating stores/restaurants; today’s participant list is here. Another reason to visit The Junction, the Record Store Day celebration/sale (lineup here) that’s continuing into the evening at Easy Street Records, with special guests:

West Seattle’s own Caspar Babypants isn’t performing but he’s been deejaying and signing. And the grand finale at ESR is still a few hours away – Rose Windows, live in-store at 7 pm.

West Seattle businesses: My Three Little Birds opens Monday

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Morgan Junction’s business district continues its mini-boom.

In a little brick commercial building in south Morgan, at 6959 California SW, Monday is opening day for My Three Little Birds, offering new and “upscale used” clothing, toys, and accessories for children.

We talked this morning with proprietor Jennifer Young (above), who lives in nearby Gatewood.

This is her first venture into retail, though she has worked in business management for years, and cites “great support and mentors” helping get My Three Little Birds launched.

“I have three kids, I really love the community, and wanted to do something to get more involved in the community. (This business) is a great fit for me as a mom.”

The merchandise will target kids from newborn through 12 years old.

Young is clearly excited: “It’s going to be awesome!”

Work on the store is almost done; signage went up earlier this week, and more exterior work is under way today. Monday is mostly intended as the start of a “soft open” week, and then a “grand opening” is planned the following Saturday. Hours will be 10 am-6 pm Mondays-Fridays, 11 am-5 pm Saturdays, 11 am-4 pm Sundays.

SIDE NOTES: Avalon Center, which used to be in the street-front space, hasn’t closed, nor has it really moved – it’s now in the back of the building. And thanks to the eagle-eyed WSB readers who noticed the shop taking shape even before the signage went up and tipped us!

West Seattle food: New location for Taqueria El Antojo truck

1:47 PM: Two weeks ago, the Mexican-food truck that had been headquartered north of Morgan Junction Park for about six months, Taqueria El Antojo, abruptly was told to move. The owners told us that they would share the news when they found a new location, and that information has just come in. Their truck is now at the 76 station north of Lincoln Park, 7427 Fauntleroy Way SW.

ADDED FRIDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Jeff for tweeting a photo:

West Seattle winery Viscon Cellars to open tasting room

Thanks to tipster “Gatewood Guy” for reporting a liquor-license-application sighting on the door at the former Stitch and Sew Studio (now consolidated with parent West Seattle Fabric Company in Admiral). West Seattle winery Viscon Cellars confirms to WSB that the 5910-B California SW storefront is its future tasting room. Proprietor Ben Viscon says they’re going through “the permitting process … and some minor construction inside the location,” so no projected opening date just yet. Once open, he says, they’ll pour wines from the VC label, offering wine by the glass/bottle: “All of our wines are made in West Seattle, utilizing grapes from premier growers in Eastern Washington. Our vision is to bring the Urban Winery and Tasting Room concept to our neighbors. We have lived in West Seattle for over 18 years and are committed to bring the goodness of Washington wine grapes to our community.” They hope the tasting room will be a “neighborhood gathering place” for wine lovers and the wine-curious, including those who might want to “bring in food to enjoy with our wines while visiting with friends,” and that it will support “private events for small groups.” (WSB file photo from January)

West Seattle biznote: Merger for Lafarge facility’s parent company

April 7, 2014 1:14 am
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The Paris-based parent company of the Lafarge facility along the West Seattle shore of the Duwamish River is merging with another global cement giant, Holcim. The “merger of equals” was announced in Europe early today, three days after the companies disclosed they were talking about joining forces. No Washington state holdings for Holcim, according to its website. Too soon to say what it might mean for local facilities like this one, aside from the company changing its name to LafargeHolcim. Given the size of the merger, regulatory approvals aren’t expected until next year at the earliest.

Video: Westside Awards presented at West Seattle Chamber of Commerce; Mayor Murray keynotes

Photos/video by Patrick Sand
Story by Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog co-publishers

“All businesses need a voice,” said West Seattle Chamber of Commerce board chair Nancy Woodland, toward the start of this morning’s Westside Awards breakfast at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). “We get so much more done, coming together, and that is the value of your Chamber of Commerce … where your voice can join other voices and be heard throughout the city.”

One proof of the citywide audience – the keynote speaker was Mayor Ed Murray, who lived in West Seattle in childhood:

Later in this story, you’ll see our video of what he had to say, and how he answered questions from those in attendance – but this story is about the Westside Award winners, first announced one week ago.

Being part of the Chamber means visibility, Woodland added, and that’s certainly one benefit of the annual Westside Awards. The video atop this story features the entirety of today’s presentations, so you can hear for yourself what they said. We took photos, too:

Westside Business of the Year, for General Biodiesel, was accepted by founder Yale Wong:

He and team members posed out on the Salty’s deck afterward:

Wong said GB now recycles oil from 3,000 restaurants around the Northwest.

Westside Emerging Business of the Year, for Second Gear Sports, a consignment shop for sports, exercise, and fitness gear, was accepted by proprietor Mark Bremen:

Bremen said that in just 7 months of operation, they’ve already had 400 consigners and thousands of items.

Westside Non-Profit of the Year, the West Seattle Food Bank – here’s their team picture:

The Food Bank helped more than 37,000 families last year alone.

And the Westsider of the Year, Josh Sutton of the West Seattle and Fauntleroy Y (WSB sponsor) and Rotary Club of West Seattle, with wife Susan and son Guthrie, who introduced him:

This was the first awards breakfast since Lynn Dennis became CEO.

Now, to the keynoter: Mayor Murray touched on several of the topics we discussed with him in our recent interview – especially transportation. This morning, he declared that West Seattle’s mobility issue was the city’s top transportation problem. Hear for yourself in our video of his remarks; he was introduced by the Chamber’s past chair, Dave Montoure:

He touted this Saturday’s Neighborhood Summit, 9 am-1 pm at Seattle Center, as an opportunity “to decide how we want to reinvent our city’s relationships with our neighborhoods.” He mentioned 500 people had RSVP’d as of this morning, and given the Northwest proclivity for procrastination, “we expect that number to grow.”

Regarding transportation, and the infrastructure needed to support growth, Murray got in a plug for Proposition 1, the buses-and-roads ballot measure, saying, “First of all, we have to preserve the transit we have … it’s incredibly important.” If Prop 1 doesn’t pass on April 22nd, he declared, “not only will people suffer in this city, people will suffer in the county.” He also promoted his outreach for opinions on the search for a new city transportation director and what people “are looking for from SDOT.” That’s when he said the “tough decisions going forward” included “how are we going to fund a rapid transit system from West Seattle into the rest of the city? While Sound Transit has plans, they are decades away. I don’t believe we can wait decades. It might be a grade-separated bus route that eventually (becomes) a light rail route. We need to look at how we manage the West Seattle (Bridge).”

And after declaring this the city’s #1 transportation problem, he mentioned the Highway 99 tunnel trouble, saying he thinks it’ll take at least nine months to get going: “While I wish this hadn’t happened, I’m glad it happened earlier on.”

He went through other issues – Seattle Police, which, he mentioned has “the most diverse police command staff in the history of the city” right now.

Taking a few questions from those in attendance, he was asked about density without much parking – also an issue we discussed in our recent interview – and, as he said to us, he said the comprehensive-plan review (Seattle 2035) is one way to look for a balance, though, he said, “I absolutely believe we should have fewer parking spaces.”

In a non-WS question, he was asked about people openly smoking marijuana in Pioneer Square. He said openly smoking pot or drinking alcohol are both illegal and they are working on being able to arrest those who do it.

NEXT CHAMBER EVENT: Even if you are not a Chamber member, you are welcome at their events – next up, a briefing by King County Metro during the monthly lunch, 11:30 am next Thursday, April 10th, at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) – register here.

West Seattle biznote: ‘Tax-Free Day’ of Junction shopping April 19

Two weeks until the tax deadline .. but there’s something to look forward to once it’s past: The West Seattle Junction Association is presenting a “Tax-Free Day” of shopping and dining for the sixth year in a row. On Saturday, April 19th, watch for the red balloons marking participating retailers and restaurants in The Junction – they’ve got your back by paying your (sales) tax! See the in-progress list of participants and more details on The Junction’s website. (Balloon courtesy DesignerClipart.com)

West Seattle businesses: Carter’s opens this week at Westwood

A new store opens tomorrow at Westwood Village: Carter’s, a national chain of stores selling clothing for babies and children. (We first reported back in November that Carter’s was on the way.) A store manager tells us they’re having a “soft-open” event 4-9 pm tomorrow, and then Thursday is the official grand opening. Their hours will be 10 am-9 pm Mondays-Saturdays, 10 am-7 pm Sundays. (If you haven’t been to Westwood lately, it’s on the west-facing side of the mid-section, in the row of businesses that stretches from Eats Market Café to Pier 1 Imports.)

WS4OSO update: See who’s in for Sunday’s West Seattle-wide benefit to help slide victims/survivors

(Published on Flickr by Snohomish County government, taken during 10:37 am moment of silence today)
Some businesses and organizations have started already – we hear the West Seattle Eagles‘ dinner tonight was a sellout! – but tomorrow’s the big day for the WS4OSO (West Seattle for Oso) peninsula-wide benefit. The idea came from fabled fundraiser Tracy Dart just a few days ago and the list of participants has continued to grow – now more than 40! A caveat – there is no single pledge such as “x percent of proceeds,” so you will find each individual business/group doing something different; that’s how a grass-roots movement rolls. Where available, we’re noting what they’ve said they’re doing – most of the information is from the official WS4OSO Facebook page; some has been e-mailed, tweeted, or shared via WSB comments:

West 5
Beveridge Place Pub (see info on Twitter)
Cherry Consignment
Prost West Seattle
Meander’s Kitchen
West Seattle Runner
Shockwave Tees
Lika Love Fashion (truck @ Hotwire 10 am-3 pm)
Mind Unwind
Tully’s Coffee
Christo’s on Alki
The Bridge
Hotwire Coffee
(special caramel-raspberry latté with 100 percent of sales donated on Sunday)
Fashion Bar (details in this WSB comment)
Hands to Paws Massage
Pet Elements
Click! Design That Fits
(donating part of proceeds, plus hosting artist Stephanie Hargrave, whose family lost a cabin and who is donating all sales)
Corner Pocket
Menashe & Sons Jewelers
Forsythe Studio
West Seattle Bowl
(part of the proceeds from Friday night event)
Talarico’s Pizzeria
West Seattle Eagles
(benefit dinner earlier tonight; bands and karaoke as the evening goes on)
The Cask
(25% of retail sales on Sunday)
AmyWorks, Inc.
Chelan Cafe
(matching donations, plus a Sunday barbecue, see “events” below)
Marination ma kai (donating proceeds from food sales 3-6 pm Sunday)
Second Gear Sports
Next to Nature

West Seattle Rolfing (details in this WSB comment)
Wilridge Winery (at WS Farmers’ Market)
Jan’s Beauty Supply (not open Sunday but collecting donations before/after)



West Seattle Farmers Market (corner of California & Alaska)
10 am – 2 pm
Collecting donations; FREE coffee provided by Tully’s

Chelan Cafe EbbTide Room
BBQ from 2 – 4 pm
(100% proceeds from the BBQ goes to the cause)

Monday (received via e-mail):

At The Center for Movement & Healing, we will be having a Dance and Donate Nia class on Monday, March 31st at 6:30 pm; located above Swedish Automotive at 7901 35th Ave SW.

We’ll hotlink the participants’ names by the time we publish tomorrow’s “OK, the big day is here” list, in case you don’t know where to find anyone who’s mentioned above. Again, the official page is facebook.com/ws4oso. We’ll see you around on Sunday!

West Seattle food: Taco truck leaving Morgan Junction

Just in via text (206-293-6302), that photo of a sign mentioned today by several readers, who said the operators of the Taqueria El Antojo food truck posted it, telling customers they have to leave the Morgan Junction spot where they’ve been parked for the past six months, by the Short Stop market and adjacent cleaners north of Morgan Junction Park. The property is expected to become an expansion site for the park – the city’s been working for about two years to buy it – but county records do not show a finalized sale. If we hear about a new location for the truck, we’ll mention it – please let us know if you see it first.

2014 Westside Awards: Congratulations to General Biodiesel, Second Gear Sports, West Seattle Food Bank, Josh Sutton

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce has announced this year’s Westside Awards recipients, who will be honored at a breakfast event one week from today. From WSCofC CEO Lynn Dennis and chair Nancy Woodland:

The Westside Awards Breakfast honors three local businesses and one individual who demonstrate success and innovation that contribute to this thriving economic region.

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce received more than 80 nominations, setting an all-time record of participation. We are thrilled to share the news about our 2014 Westside Award Winners. As is to be expected, this decision was difficult because we have so many truly outstanding businesses, non-profits and individuals working in and supporting the West Seattle community.

Read More

West Seattle biznote: PB&J Textiles moving to White Center

After almost two years in North Delridge, during which they added promotional merchandise to their original embroidery/sewing business, PB&J Textiles is moving to a new, much-larger location – the former South End Florist storefront at 10728 16th SW in White Center. Co-proprietor Paul Binder tells WSB, “We are excited about our new location as we will double-plus our space. This will allow for more product offerings, better retail space, and easy parking!” They’ve expanded their offerings yet again in preparation for the move and now offer paper printing, banners, promotional products, embroidery, and screen printing, as well as copiers if you need to make quick photocopies. They’re planning to move Friday, April 4th, through Sunday, April 6th, reopening in the new space on Monday, April 7th, and will be tracking the move via Tumblr.

West Seattle biznote: Six Junction businesses team up for ‘Spring Fling’ shopping event Thursday night

March 24, 2014 10:19 pm
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What used to be a springtime late-night fashion-shopping event in The Junction has morphed this year into a wider definition of style – possibilities for your home, as well as for your clothes, shoes, and accessories. So on Thursday night (March 27th), you’re invited to the Spring Fling – Visit CAPERS, Carmilia’s, Clementine, and Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) between 6 and 9:30 pm and get a punch card entitling you to a free glass of bubbly at West 5 or Shadowland. They’re all within a block of each other, on California SW from just north of Oregon to midblock between Oregon and Alaska.

Equilibrium Fitness: Welcome, new West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today we’re welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor, Equilibrium Fitness in South Admiral, offering a deal via this WSB coupon. Here’s what proprietors Dominick Viscardi and Thomas Alexander would like you to know about their business:

When you first come to Equilibrium Fitness, you’ll get a total evaluation. It can – but doesn have to – include an orthopedic check, and a general once-over. You’ll be asked questions including what your goals are and what medical history you have, and Equilibrium Fitness can create and adjust a workout program from there. They will be able to tailor your workout so it doesn’t stress out your system – they will see what kind of load your body can handle. The goal is to help you become more fit – not to “go for the burn” as is the case with some trainers and regimes, which can happen if they don’t do what Equilibrium Fitness does – get to know you and your overall fitness condition.

They will help you attain realistic goals based on their interaction with you. Have a past injury, an area of your body you want to make sure doesn’t get re-injured or overly stressed? Equilibrium Fitness will work to make sure it’s protected, as you work on getting more fit. They also offer massage therapy. And Dominick is C.H.E.K.-certified.

Use this coupon for 30 days of unlimited classes when you sign up for monthly membership at Equilibrium Fitness, a member of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, is at 3270 California SW, online at eqfitness.net, and on Facebook here.

We thank Equilibrium Fitness for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; see our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle scene: New ferry Tokitae christened at Vigor

(Vigor photo)
That’s state Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson breaking a bottle against the new Washington State Ferries vessel M/V Tokitae, during its christening ceremony today at Vigor Industrial on Harbor Island. The $137 million ferry is 362 feet long, the first vessel in the 144-car Olympic Class; the second one, Samish, is also being built at Vigor, and a third one is being planned. Tokitae is expected to start service on the Mukilteo-Clinton route in June. The announcement of today’s christening notes that building Tokitae meant 500 jobs at Vigor and subcontractors in the state, adding that it’s “on budget and on schedule,” as is Samish.

New details on West Seattle Nursery expansion, house giveaway

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)
New details today from West Seattle Nursery, which announced via Facebook last week that it’s giving away the house next door (top photo) – owner Mark Smith‘s house – to make room for expansion.

First, the expansion: WS Nursery says: “We are planning to build a retail greenhouse, beverage stand and gift shop on the lot next door to the existing nursery space. … The greenhouse plans include a two story multi-function building that will house a classroom space for gardening classes, large storage area for back stock merchandise and spacious customer bathrooms on the first floor. The second floor will have a business operations office facing California Avenue SW and an efficient but roomy new apartment to serve as Mr. Smith’s new residence.”

They’re hoping construction will start in July, but first, the 92-year-old house (5269 California SW) has to go, and it’s yours for the hauling:

This spacious, well-lit and comfortable house has very sturdy 1920’s era construction with original molding, windows and doors. Mr. Smith is only the 2nd owner in the house’s history. West Seattle Nursery wishes to offer the entire house up free of charge to anyone who can haul it away in its entirety. The house is available for haul-away June 1, 2014.

WSN has posted more photos on CL.

West Seattle biznotes from Junction, Admiral, Triangle, Delridge

Six quick biznotes:

ALKI BEACH TATTOO MOVING TO THE JUNCTION: Poking around to find out who’s taking over the former Edie’s Shoes space at 4310 SW Alaska, we heard it might be Alki Beach Tattoo … and now, they have confirmed it via their Facebook page. The name will change to Alaska Street Tattoo Parlour. Opening date TBA.

ATOMIC BOYS TURN 6: The toys/candy/more store at 4311 SW Admiral Way is celebrating its sixth anniversary tomorrow, and co-proprietor Kent Sadow says you’re invited to stop by to join the party – 10 am-6 pm, ice cream, balloons, “and drawings for fun prizes.”

MATADOR REOPENING: Matador in The Junction, approaching its 9th anniversary, is scheduled to reopen at 4 this afternoon after a weeklong remodel, including an interior described as having “reclaimed barn wood accents and new metalwork … There will be more seating added, including several new booths and an expansion of the fire-pit area, and a completely new floor.”

VENTIDUE EXPANSION UPDATE: Update from proprietor Cary Kemp about the Pizzeria 22 expansion project mentioned here last August:

The new room will accommodate up to 50 people for private events as well as space for overflow from our original dining room,which means no more waiting as well as reservations! We plan on completing the project in April.

DOGCITY WEST SEATTLE: We received some questions about the blue/green building in The Triangle, just south of the YMCA (WSB sponsor). It’s DogCity West Seattle, a day-care/boarding/grooming facility whose owner Jan Brown says they decided to start it after looking around for pet sitters for their own furry family members.

UPTOWN DELRIDGE ADDS GAMES: The game business is suddenly hot in West Seattle. In addition to Meeples Games getting ready to open, Uptown Espresso in Delridge has added retail sales of games. (Added: A “grand opening” is scheduled March 22nd.)

From WSB’s West Seattle Jobs page: Work in tech without crossing the bridge!

If you are a West Seattle employer with one or more job openings – or a West Seattle jobseeker – the WSB West Seattle Jobs page is the place to go. Unlike many other job pages/boards (even CL!), it’s free for local businesses (West Seattle/White Center/South Park) to have a listing on our page (which lives in the WSB Forums). And today, the new listings include four jobs that just might cut down on bridge traffic if they go to West Seattleites – three tech jobs and one sales job at Tango Card (all linked from the page’s index).

We told you about Tango Card last August, when they had to find new offices because their previous HQ on 40th SW in The Junction is making way for the 4745 40th SW development. They have since found new digs not far away, at Jefferson Square. TC’s David Leeds tells WSB, “The space is awesome. Think Silicon Valley and South Lake Union hip/cool/open/colorful but right here in West Seattle. We are hiring developers and salespeople. And growing like crazy!!”

Check out their openings; or if you’re hiring, post your own.

Stella Ruffington’s Doggy Daycare: Welcome, new WSB sponsor

Today, we welcome a new WSB sponsor – Stella Ruffington’s Doggy Daycare, serving your canine needs right here in West Seattle! Here’s what they’d like you to know about their business:

Located on California Avenue Southwest, just four blocks south of Morgan Junction, Stella Ruffington’s provides kennel-free dog boarding and day care, full-service grooming, and dog training. Unlike many dog day care and dog-boarding facilities in Seattle, Stella Ruffington’s does not occupy a large warehouse-type space. We are a cozy, indoor/outdoor facility where our canine guests get to mingle and enjoy the kind of freedom that they experience at home. At Stella’s, the environment is entirely kennel-free, not only for day-care guests, but for our overnight boarding guests as well.

While many facilities in Seattle or elsewhere are kennel-free during the day and then routinely confine their guests at night, Stella’s is kennel-free 24/7, and staff always is at hand for your dog’s safety and security. Your dog can curl up on a cozy bed and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing it is not confined even at bed time, but has free run of the room that it shares with its doggie friends and with staff.

Stella Ruffington’s also is excited to provide full grooming services for your canine family member. Michelle Seifert, our new full-time groomer, has trained under two master groomers and possesses more than 10 years of experience as a professional groomer in the Puget Sound area. She provides full cut, comb, and style grooming for every breed and breed type. Additionally, we also provide doggy baths, brush and blow-outs, ear cleaning, nail trimming and many other grooming services.

Find Stella Ruffington’s at 7003 California SW, online at stellaruffington.com; call 206.932.RUFF. And don’t miss the WSB coupon!

We thank Stella Ruffington’s Doggy Daycare for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

Know an award-worthy West Seattle business or citizen? Nominate now!

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominees for its annual Westside Awards, to be presented next month, and the deadline’s almost here. These are the categories:

Westside Business of the Year – This nominee has been in business at least 3 years and demonstrated business excellence and success.

Westside Emerging Business – This nominee business has been in operations for less than 3 years but is meeting the challenges of a growing business through leadership.

Westside Not-For-Profit of the Year – This nominee non-profit is making our community a better place to live while contributing to community benefit through their mission.

Westsider of the Year – This nominee is making a lasting impact on our community and the lives of others or is an up-coming community role model.

West Seattle Chamber membership is NOT required to be part of this, as a nominator or nominee. Just go here to nominate a business or person; the Chamber is asking for nominations to be in by Friday.

(Disclosure – WSB belongs to the Chamber, as a local business, and was honored to be recipient of the Business of the Year award in 2010. The past four years’ winner lists are on the Chamber website; go here to see our coverage of last year’s Westside Awards.)

West Seattle businesses: Tony’s Market opens for 2014

Another sign of impending spring – Tony’s Market is open under the red/green/white tent at 35th/Barton. We’d been checking in every so often, but WSB tipster KB caught the start of business today before we did, and shared the photo. It’s the fourth year that Joey Genzale has reopened the produce market his fondly remembered dad Tony Genzale ran for so many years. We’re checking on hours/days and will add those details a bit later.